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Pix of th Sonic Assault Unleashed on my Face!


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good up close pics!

Have can any man stand right in front of 3 full stacks and still retain hearing?

I don't know How he can do that night in and out. I had plugs and still after awhile I was a little uncomfortable.

Great show. Man that Fuzz Tone Is CRAZY!!!

The opening band Awesome Color was pretty good also.

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My wife got the 2 set lists. The large one was J's but some jerk ripped half of it out of her had. Then she asked if she could have Lou's and the dude just gave it to her. Pretty nice of him. Oh I received a pick also. All in all a good night.

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Analog Man's Sun Lion, Fuzz Face & Ranegmaster combo, must have sounded awesome with those amps.

He must be wearing severe ear protection, or be 80% deaf already.



{censored} yeah! I bet that was nuts going through that setup..


God.. thats alot of wattage there.

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I just happened to be at this show! It was fantastic! J gets a lot more points for his music after finally seeing them live.
I liked Dinosaur Jr. "ok" before the show, but now I think Im a decent sized fan. One of those you gotta see and go deaf with to really appreciate.

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Just one question. Why does he need a mic on those amps? If you've got three full stacks pushing your sound, a microphone is kind of superfluous.



Maybe for recording live cuts?


Oooh... How about a DJ live ablum? Someone recorded the show at Avalon I went to. I had it on my hard drive till it crashed. = (

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He may not actually be running all of them at once, in case you haven't thought of that. When I saw them in Boston on the first run of the reunion he only had one stack going. He may switch between stacks for different songs. He could be running on on standby as a backup in case of failure. Or he could be blowing the people out of the front row with all three. It's entirely possible.

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i would say that it's entirely possible that not all of those amps/cabs were running. of course considering the arrangement of the mics it doesn't seem like they are running bottom or top cabs only.


i guitar teched for an old southern rock band who shall remain nameless for a little while and they always had cabs on stage that weren't plugged in. at one show there was a guy and his buddy up front that were just hanging around and i was checking the lead guitarists amp(high gain head running through two of the 7 cabs that were set up on that side of the stage) i played a couple of big power chords and then put the guitar down. the following exchange went like this.


Guy: dang that sounds good

Buddy: isn't that the same amp you have?

Guy: yeah but i only have two cabs


power of suggestion

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