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First compressor


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Hi folks, I've just started thinking about picking up my fist compressor.


It's an effect I'm unfamiliar with, have never owned one.

Suggestions for a fairly priced "introduction" compressor? ;)


At first I'll try a compressor out, and if it's something I find I can really use with my playing, I might go for something more $$$, like a Retro-Sonic.


The Guyatone ST-2 is one I might go for, I really like my Guyatone MD-3.


I'm a strat-person, btw, mostly single-coil guy. ;)



Suggestions for an compressor to try out? Is the ST-2 a good choice?

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Try a Dyna Comp, a CS-3, and/or a BBE orange something-or-other. The CS-3 is pretty darn good after the Monte Allums mod (more transparent compression) and the Dyna Comp is great for more "effecty" funk compression (think Under the Bridge intro)

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do you want squished (think 70s c&w or dire straits), do you want transparent, do you want 'with audible personality'? whaddya want? like many other stomps, theres a few 'families' that most pedals base themselves on (dyna-ross, orange squeezer, opto- like the dod280). all can sound very, very different from each other.

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do you want squished (think 70s c&w or dire straits), do you want transparent, do you want 'with audible personality'? whaddya want? like many other stomps, theres a few 'families' that most pedals base themselves on (dyna-ross, orange squeezer, opto- like the dod280). all can sound very, very different from each other.

Hmm... You ask good questions. ;)

Haven't put that much thought into it really..
Just wanted to be stompin' away. :p

I'd want something that could do both squished and transparent/subtle/musical OK when just trying out. If that mini ST-2 can do that, it fits my bill and pedalboard ;)

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This is kind of weird since I just returned one, but the EHX Soul Compressor seems like a nice little thing. It's very quiet, really simple, and pretty cheap.

I bought one on Saturday on a whim and realised, once I got home, that I would never use it. Most of my stuff is either wildly distorted and over-driven (with reverb and delay - shoegazy) or ambient simple (with tons of delay, chorus, and delay). Not a lot of chicken-pickin' here. The SC was really quiet and perfect for clean, country-ish sounds, but not for me. Right now at least.

When I brought it back to GC, 4 people incredulously asked me why - It's guess it's really highly thought of - The only other opinion I got was one associate who recommended the Keely Compressor - Haven't played with one, but, eh -

For what it is, the Soul Compressor seems like a really nice thing. Hope someone digs it.

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