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Stoner/Doom distortion

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its a hard sound to obtain without the right rig.

i've been trying to obtain the doom/stoner sound.

i use a Effector13 Sodameiser, sometimes with a bit of OC-2 before it, running into a bass rig really loud. gets kind of close. same thing for the Sabbath sound, turn the tone knob down a bit, heavy fuzz, maybe an octave before.

maybe try an older big muff.

I believe Sleep used Green Amps, I may be wrong though.

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I use one of these
and it does the trick for me.



I was checking out that pedal just today actually. I've always been interested in that thing but they're pretty $$$ new and never come up for sale used.


The monsterpiece PNP is actually pretty damn good for these kinds of tones. A big, loud clean tone with a big cab and a PNP will get pretty close.

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whoa. They're local. I'll have to check that out.

Edit: just found a sound clip and video here.



yeah i googled it shortly after i posted that. forgot to edit.


there's no soundclip on that page though. worthless interview with some metalhead. only cool thing was the picture/painting on the inside.


seems cool enough. i dunno if i'd spend the cash on it though since i got my muff modded by ronsound for 40 bucks.

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I agree with some of the above. While it is not your only option, I would have to say a Russian black Big Muff or something in that tonally family (like a Swollen Pickle for example) would work pretty well. When I am in that mood, that what I use and pretty darn sastified with the results.

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...seems cool enough. i dunno if i'd spend the cash on it though since i got my muff modded by ronsound for 40 bucks.



Bluebeard, to my ears, sounds like "a modern take" on the Big Muff, so I don't really think you must buy one. Listen to the sample and decide for yourself.


(Personally, I like this kind of sound: )



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