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Danelectro Vs. Behringer: best pedal per type of FX


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Sooooooo since some Behringer units seem to hold out so well after all, let's decide who rules in cheap pedal land... :cool:


all I know is for Reverb, Behringer is teh win !!!!11! for the player on a budget compared to the horrible DanO Corned beef.


what are your experiences?



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hmm i'm trying to think


behringer tremolo > dano trem, i've played both


dano eq is probably better than the behringer, i haven't played it but i heard it can be a little noisy like the boss. don't trust me on this one though. even if they are equal in quality, i like how small the dano is. switch is kind of annoying but with eq i don't really turn it on much unless it's before and after a song


i have the danelectro fab metal, chorus, flanger, chorus, and echo. all my behringers beat all those, but i like to use them for experimental stuff. and the metal sounds really good with keys to get a crazy almost ring mod sound. but as regular guitar effects, i don't like them too much

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behringer tremolo > dano trem, i've played both





I've got (4) Behringers. TU300 (tuner), UT100 (tremolo), PH9 (phaser), and EM600 (delay). They are all great buys. I'd go with the Dano Chicken Salad (a must own vibe), and Fish and Chips (EQ).


The Chicken Salad is very cool. It has an internal trimpot you can adjust. You have to open it up and take it completely apart to get to it but it's well worth it. There is a thread around here about modding it. Foil Mod to increase the amount of Vibe, and drilling a hole in the top to gain access to the internal trimpot from above.


Super Velcroboy can re-house them for you and add an external trimpot to replace the internal one. Pretty cool stuff if you ask me. I've adjusted mine for a very subtle vibe. After Fuzz and EQ it really beefs up the dirt. Fills out the sound a lot more. Best $30 I've ever spent on a pedal.

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anyone compare the behringer vibrato with the chicken salad?



I don't think it will be able to compare to the Chicken Salad. Behringers are just cheaper in general. Cheap parts and components. They aren't really engineered. The Chicken Salad was thought out. The design engineers put an internal trimpot in there. It's like a little gem. It actually holds its own next to my $220 Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe.

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The Dano Pastrami Overdrive just kicked my TS9 off the board. I have owned a ton of od pedals (nothing over $100) and this one wins. Behringer od pedals are the worst, I have had 2 of em... the Blues and the Tube.


-my 2 cents.

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I've got the UT100 trem...just played it today after sever Cusack TAW gas...


Nice lil pedal, a bit 'wimpy' sounding but overall really good...some volume drop etc but for 15$ new it's a lot better deal than TR-2 whose clone it is I believe. Having said that I hated the TR-2 and find the B. to be really OK....no A/B test though, just from remote memory.

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