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looking for something extremely dirty

Jick Magger

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I'm in the market for an absolutely filthy fuzz pedal. Something that crackles and pops and basically sounds like sh*t to most. Think the Stooges + Built to Spill live. Lots and lots of dirt. Bring it on. I was checking out audio samples for the Fulltone 70 and various Super Fuzz reissues and they're getting warm.


Help? :facepalm:

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I actually had the good fortune to try a Fuzz Factory for the first time at a local shop. It was super cool, but it would take months to figure that thing out and it was a little expensive. It's definitely something i want to pick up in the future, though, for those free-form noise explorations I love so much.

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i'd recommend an E13 torn's peaker


sounds like an amp, turned up to max, hit with a massive boost till it's tearing the speakers.


i always feel bad playing with that pedal for more than a couple of minutes, i feel i might actually damage my amp (of course i won't...)

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The OP mentioned the fuzz factory being expensive so I doubt he's going to buy one of these $200+ boutique bad-sounding fuzzes.

I'll add a +1 to the devi recommendation. What you're asking for is pretty much exactly what she specializes in.


Well, none of my suggestions are more than $160-$170, but you're right in general. Devi is a great choice here; I just like to throw out a range of suggestions in case the OP hasn't spent as much time geeking out over fuzz as some of us have. ;)

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I dunno, stooges or built to spill live doesn't exactly scream devi pedal madness to me......maybe one of the less extreme ones I suppose. :idk:

I was thinking something dirty, gritty, nasty but without the high gain?

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I've got a Blackbox UV2 on the bay, it's a screaming, feedbacking machine of fuzz. Lots of sounds and lots of them are crazy. Also, +1 for the Wolf Computer. It "sputters" as well as anything I've played. If you go for a Devi pedal, look for one with "chaos" mode. I used to own an Aenima with a flipswitch option for that mode. The regular Aenima distortion was a bit more metal or industrial sounding, but on chaos mode it was insane glitchiness.

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