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The most beautifull "american" clean for under $2500


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Didn't post this in the amps forum, because I doubt I'd get the responses I want :(


Anyways, I figured I should lay down more cash for a good amp. But have trouble of finding a GREAT one.


I currently have a Fender Deluxe Reverb RI, a '64 vox ac15 and a champ 600.


All I need is 1 channel, which is the clean channel, but if the amp has a great blues OD channel I'm all for it! I guess I like the "american" tone the best. And by that I mean blackface fender-ish tones.


I play blues/bluesrock.


The criteria:

Under/around $2500

-great fender-ish cleans

-preferably onboard reverb

-must take pedals well ;-)

-combo form prefered, as I don't have a cab

-usable at home and small gigs (blues trio) so I guess around 30-50 watts?


Thanks a lot!

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You might want to look into Rivera. I think they can be had a reasonable prices and might fit your bill pretty easily. I tried out one (I think the club or soemthing) and I liked it, and after a little research I decided to take the plunge and buy a Chubster. I should be getting it this week so I'll let you know what I think when I get it. Oh and out of curiosity, what's your set up pedal/guitar wise?

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You might want to look into Rivera. I think they can be had a reasonable prices and might fit your bill pretty easily. I tried out one (I think the club or soemthing) and I liked it, and after a little research I decided to take the plunge and buy a Chubster. I should be getting it this week so I'll let you know what I think when I get it. Oh and out of curiosity, what's your set up pedal/guitar wise?



Guitar wise: Fender am. strat. and soon with bg-pups underwound V60's, PRS Custom 22 and an Ibanez RG550.


Pedal wise: Keeley bd-2, keeley ts-9, vintage ts-808, marshall shredmaster, MXR carbon copy, although I think I'm getting rid of the shredmaster and carbon copy and get a t-rex replica instead.

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a pro reverb is exactly what you want, if you want fender clean with a little bit of hair on it. best classic fender tone i've heard. (srsly...I'd say this even not having one for sale...). If you want something new and are willing to spend more cash, check out allenamps.com, especially the old flame. Really great fender sounds, good quality, and a couple of cool added features (3 knob reverb, raw, decent MV).

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a pro reverb is exactly what you want, if you want fender clean with a little bit of hair on it. best classic fender tone i've heard. (srsly...I'd say this even not having one for sale...). If you want something new and are willing to spend more cash, check out allenamps.com, especially the old flame. Really great fender sounds, good quality, and a couple of cool added features (3 knob reverb, raw, decent MV).



Wow, the old flame seems pretty cool! Thanks for the advice! I don't think I'll go for your pro reverb though. I think I want something new this time :-)

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Wow, the old flame seems pretty cool! Thanks for the advice! I don't think I'll go for your pro reverb though. I think I want something new this time :-)



It's fine...I think it's sold anyway. If I was up for spending ~$1600 on an amp, I'd be pretty tempted by those Allens.

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Fender Super Reverb

Fender Bandmaster Reverb

Fender Twin

Two Rock Opal

Two Rock Custom

Fuchs ODS


Egnater MOD50

Egnater TOL50

Bogner Shiva

Mojave Plexi45



I'd love a two-rock or a Fuchs, hell I'd love a dumble for that matter. But they're just too expensive :-(

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??? What's so funny?



I mean, if you're going to spend over 1000 on a guitar amp it better sound ridiculously good, and chances are it will. $2500? That amp better summon angels.



Don't let these clowns boutique name-drop bukkake all over your face. You can seriously get an awesome awesome Fender clean tone out of a beat up 70's Twin Reverb, no need to spend over 1000 even, it's all about EQ knowing what you're looking for.


I bought a used 65RI Twin or 700 and it kicks all kind of ass with my jag. I can't imagine how an amp could sound better clean.


Bottom line, save yourself like 2 grand, get a used Fender, be it 65RI or Silverface, and love love love the cleans. I doubt anyone would be able to tell the difference in cleans anyhow between a 70's fender and some PTP boutique status symbol. Use the 2 grand to buy a vintage jaguar.

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