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Happy with my tone - NE1 else?


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the sound guy the other night was in love with my mesa boogie. Sound guys always love that amp, it seems to mic up very easily and gets a huge tone for a 1x12" combo without being overpowering.


The TB loop pedal for my digitech GNX3 got more compliments. It gets that a lot. Some guy will be peering at my pedalboard looking at the TB pedal trying to figure out what it is and then asks me "What is that little green pedal? IT SOUNDS KILLER!!" Surprise!


Sure I still like to look at all the new toys but it feels good to know my base "tone" is awesome and really the best I can do is work on my execution.

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I've been happy with my tone/s for quite a while now. We've been recording a new album and I'm definitely stoked on the sounds. I have a Tele that especially records amazingly. Only bummer I've got is my Twin is still dead until I get some cash together to take it in. :cry:

In the meantime though, I have a little Mesa that sounds great. :)

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well, what I meant is actually just "looking" at toys, not buying a new one every week, holding it up screaming "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVAR, I HAVE FOUND MY ULTIMATE TOANEZ!" then selling it in a week.



Pretentious much?

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I am really happy with the tone I had at the last rehearsal. Granted, it was my guitar and the pedalboard into a jmp like mine at home AND into a jcm800 bass amp. IT was the best.
I am not too demanding with my tone: just a good rock tone is all I need.

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I am very happy with my tone. The Silver Kiss Trinity/Big Muff combo is awesome. The Stereo Pulsar is a great trem especially for the price and my DMM/DE7/RC-2 combo covers my delay looping needs prefectly.

The last thing I am waiting for is a Wolf Computer cause I need some wacky glitchy stuff for some solos. But my base sound is exactly what I want.

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pics/clips would be fun

I really need to get myself a recording interface first :( I can use the stock iMac built-in mic :p but that probably wouldn't sound better than some ss combo lol :cop:

EDIT: Come to think of it, I haven't gigged with it yet.. So that might be the lacking part I said earlier.. Don't have an attenuator, and the neighbours just had a new baby 2 months ago so I can't turn it up that much at home :(

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I can't seem to find a tone I like right now. Had a rehearsal last night and was a bit down because of teh dirt toanz.

Tried the MXR Distortion III last night. Wasn't impressed. It had a cocked wah sound; or maybe was it the Tele? I'll have to retry it with my Strat.

Last week I tried the Distortion +. Sounded good, but not on its own, I had to boost it with my Bad Monkey.

The only dirt tone I'm happy with right now is the Bad Monkey. Maybe I should get a second one for a beefier dirt tone? :idk:

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I haven't had any gas for anything for a long time now. I can safely say that there is no pedal that I want to replace and nothing I want.


It's a bit boring really but at least I'm not searching for an elusive "tone" anymore which must be saving me a fortune

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Pretty happy. All my pedals sound good, just two things though:

1) Need to retube the Lonestar. Not too difficult, just a little expensive.

2) I'm not getting a classic strat sound out of my American strat. It doesn't quite jangle and chime enough, I think I'm going to have to change the pickups to out of phase or something, that will probably be the only way.

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