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WTF? - Weird date content....


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Okay, so this has been burnin my ass all weekend, and since these women problem threads seem to be so damn popular, why the {censored} not me too...


So I'm on this online dating site, and meet this girl. We hit it off and she offers to meet up. I'm really excited, this is my first real date after breaking up with my ex, which was a rather serious relationship that ended really bad. I'm still a bit down about it. On top of this, I find most girls positively boring, the fact I found a girl that's interesting I'm just amped about. I've just come out of the worst year of my {censored}ing life, had about 90% of my family bail on me, me' mum and my kid sister over some stupid {censored}, and then a {censored} ton of other problems. I want to have fun, I want to get out. This is awesome. Anyway, she says there's this party, and she wants me to come, but we should meet first. You know, get acquainted and get through all the weirdness before throwing ourselves in a party. Good idea. Then, she says "this isn't a date". And I say "why", and she says because dates involve dressing up, formality, and her getting nervous, and she just wants it to be casual. I respond, well, I can do casual. We meet at Subway.


I show up a bit late (with good reason), and she is talking to the people who are trying to close the place. She's really out going, friendly, energetic, which I'm really excited about it. Nervous even, usually I'm the outgoing one. We start some small talk, along the way she makes a joke involving giving me a blow job latter, so I guess that "not date" stuff was just to make her not be nervous, as I thought. Cool. Soon she has to go, it seems short, but I was a bit late. I just drove a half hour in a V8 monstertruck to eat a {censored}ing ham sandwich, but whatever, I'm being introduced to all her friends tomorrow, and we're going to hang out, and it's going to be great.


First, we're meeting at a bar, alright, cool. So I get there, and there's this super sweet spot right in front, but some douche in a jeep with big faggy flames on it takes it. I got my stupid V8 extended cab, so I wind up three blocks down or so trying to find a spot big enough for it. I run up to the bar and her and this guy are in the window. Dude's a bit tubby and hairy, but really clean cut, white button up shirt tucked in, and his hands looked manicured. I get introduced, they're "really good friends". They talk, and giggle, and gossip like girls. Okay, he's her gay friend, even if he isn't gay, and he's buying us all drinks, sweet. So then this other {censored}er shows up, young, tall, decent looking Italian kid she doesn't seem to really know all that well. As resident short, skinny white kid with Space Legos on his desk, I'm not happy. He's an alright kid, but fortunately for me he's also reserved, boring, and young. This girls way too to out there and interesting for him. Cool, I got this {censored}.


Now, here's where things get weird. Nobody else shows up. Then it comes out Other Guy isn't some other person's friend or date, she invited him. They met online, this is their first time meeting "IRL". What the {censored}? Is this the dating game? Is she speed dating? I'm bachelor number two, aren't I? And why the {censored} do I have to get the test date, and this {censored}er doesn't? She's drunk and mostly talking to this asshole. I'm super mother{censored}in pissed, but they just met, so I guess they have a lot of catching up to do. Then gay friend makes a slight joke about finding the girl attractive; the kind you make to a friend you're attracted to, but she doesn't know how serious you are. So this dude isn't pure gay, probably likes her too, and is just stuck in the friend zone. So then she says she's gonna' run off with other guy to smoke a joint, and doesn't even ask us if I want in. I subtly jab at this, and then she asks if I smoke. She knows I do, I told her yesterday I smoke. The whole {censored}ing day I've been doing this, reminding her of {censored} I already told her.


I should add at this point I'm the jealous, insecure type. Guilty. I like a girl that's outgoing, but I want her attention, and I certainly don't like her talking to other guys who could kick my ass. I make too much out of things sometimes, I try to keep this in check, this is one of my problems. Keep cool Cobalt...


Other guy needs to take a piss first. The girl goes and gets her {censored}. So it's just me, and formally gay guy. I straight out ask him, what the {censored} is going on. Is she just friendly, is she trying to date as many dudes as possible, are we going back to her place and gang banging the {censored} out of her, or what? Does she just want to show up with a bunch of dudes and be hot {censored}? He says this how she meets people, and she always brings him along. I ask how they met. Take a {censored}ing guess, online dating, five months ago. And he buys all the drinks for us, how nice?


Now I go and take a piss, and collect my thoughts. I come out, and this bitch is out there smoking a joint with Other Guy. Oh {censored} no. They come in, and she says were leaving. I step outside first, and some fifty something prostitute tries to pick me up, with a strong recommendation from a toothless black man. I forget where Daphne and Fred were at this point, but "Good Friend" is stepping out, I run up to him and tell him to pretend we're gay for each other so i can bail on the whore. I find this really funny.


So then we get to his car, and guess what? It's the Jeep that took my spot with the gay {censored}ing flames on it. Small world. Really small, too small for four people, so I take Other Guy, who I think from now on I'm going to call "Fred", in my car. We're following them and I making small talk with Fred, and it comes out, they not only met online, but the same dating site. Dubba-you, Tee, Eff. At this point I should have dropped the {censored}in hammer, and told him I met her the same damn way, but I'm too befuddled to think of it. My mind is occupied on not trying to kill people as I follow this stupid jeep burning through a bunch of orange lights and thinking how 'effin pissed I am about this whole night. If I didn't like this girl so much, and didn't drive so {censored}ing far, in my gigantic ass truck and it's twelve mile a {censored}ing gallon gas economy, I'd cussed her the {censored} out when we got there and bailed. But I kept my cool. Be cool, be ice cold. I'm gonna' go to this party, be super nice to everybody, and have great time. {censored} this bitch. What's cooler than being cool? Ice cold.


So I did. Fun time, cool people, all the hot chicks were taken unfortunately, and she didn't really know anyone besides the host. So much for meeting her friends. I don't really pay too much attention to her, say hi a bit, small talk, not much. I mostly get drunk, because I brought a big ass bottle of Bombay gin and some tonic, and play Rock Band with everyone, since I'm the only person with the balls to sing out of key in front of people. I don't care, it's fun. I'm friendly, getting along with people, and not the one failing us out. At one point she goes off to whisper to the host, and makes a point about it, so I grab Fred, and start, in rather silly drunken fashion, whispering to him. The party winds down, and her and the host start talking about all the {censored}ing cool {censored} they won't be doing with me tomorrow, which is real nice, then she says we should leave. I'm thinking maybe this might turn out alright, maybe she wants to say something interesting outside. But no, just "keep in touch", and then she walks off, as I miss out on my opportunity to make a move, or ask what the {censored} just happened. I walk back to my truck, in the freezing cold, and just curse the whole {censored}ing ride home. Mother {censored}er.


So, what do you guys make of this? It's buggin me out, I really want to like this girl, but I've been let down by far too many people in the past year. I'm sick of this {censored}, and I'm sick of nuerotic ass girlfriends. Was she just drunk? Different? Friendly? An ignorant bitch? What? Do I even give her another chance? I'm thinking "no", but I'm not sure. Really, what the hell was she thinking?

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Okay, so this has been burnin my ass all weekend, and since these women problem threads seem to be so damn popular, why the {censored} not me too...

So I'm on this online dating site, and meet this girl.

I haven't even read the rest of this yet but I'm going to say this was your first mistake. :p

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Sorry this was so long. I like writing.


Dude, move along. Nice girls are hard to find, but there are so many nice girls that
wont {censored} with your head like that.
You seem nice enough, just put yourself out there (in person) and you will be rewarded.

best of luck.

ps. thinking of buying your big muff... :poke:


Yeah, yeah, I know. But still what the hell was her deal? What was the angle on that? Lets make two guys really {censored}ing confused?


PS - Think harder. :poke:

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I agree with the other poster about it being a scenario that could've been worse. She sounds like someone who wants to have a lot of attention and who's picky about the looks of guys enough to go through the awkward motion of getting them together to compare. Her actions make her kind of come off as being either a skank, a manipulator, or a dipstick.

Since she's well aware of how to pick up guys so easily and even get them to go through her game, she'll have no problem replacing whatever guy she wants one moment with another the next.

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do not do online dating.


do not.



dooooo not.


problem solved.


you seem like a pretty likeable dude. i dont see why you cant go out and meet somebody without getting entangled in the freakshow world that is online dating.


sorry this turned out {censored}ty, but honestly, not too bad considering.


get out there, hang out with friends, dont rush this {censored}. you will meet a girl and you will be glad you didnt rush it.

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Wow, that's 5 minutes of my life I won't get back. Just kidding bro. Truth is, any girl who is worthwhile would not be that difficult or oblivious. She is too much trouble man. You just met the girl and look how you're stewing on this. Not worth the time or brain cells. Believe me when I tell you there are others. Good luck!

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So I did. Fun time, cool people, all the hot chicks were taken unfortunately, and she didn't really know anyone besides the host. So much for meeting her friends. I don't really pay too much attention to her, say hi a bit, small talk, not much.
I mostly get drunk
, because I brought a big ass bottle of Bombay gin and some tonic, and play Rock Band with everyone, since I'm the only person with the balls to sing out of key in front of people. I don't care, it's fun. I'm friendly, getting along with people, and not the one failing us out. At one point she goes off to whisper to the host, and makes a point about it, so I grab Fred, and start, in rather silly drunken fashion, whispering to him. The party winds down, and her and the host start talking about all the {censored}ing cool {censored} they won't be doing with me tomorrow, which is real nice, then she says we should leave. I'm thinking maybe this might turn out alright, maybe she wants to say something interesting outside. But no, just "keep in touch", and then she walks off, as I miss out on my opportunity to make a move, or ask what the {censored} just happened.
I walk back to my truck, in the freezing cold, and just curse the whole {censored}ing ride home.

So, what do you guys make of this? It's buggin me out, I really want to like this girl, but I've been let down by far too many people in the past year. I'm sick of this {censored}, and I'm sick of nuerotic ass girlfriends. Was she just drunk? Different? Friendly? An ignorant bitch? What? Do I even give her another chance? I'm thinking "no", but I'm not sure. Really, what the hell was she thinking?



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This sounds like a lot of online dating stories I've heard before. Women not remembering you because they frirt with over 9000 guys, and invite them all to hand out with them at a party. My ex-roomate used to do it and got trampled a few times like this. Dating in general is {censored}, but an extra :( for Online dating. It's an excuse for people to behave extremely badly because they feel they have nothing to loose. People behave badly enough in the IRL dating world, and those who stay online are most often even less skilled. Also Women, who generally cannot keep dates IRL, or get dates IRL, seem to use it as an excuse to collect men and boost their self esteem.


Stay the hell away from online dating.


Ask your friends to take you out with them to social events or something, at least there is some accountability that way.

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Sounds like you have an online dating story to share.



luckily no. but come on. its blatantly obvious that online dating sucks. if you have to sign on to a website to find a girl, you need to cancel your internet, throw your computer out, and get out of the house, only to come back to {censored} or sleep.


you can do it.

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Okay, first of all, I don't drive drunk. I had two at the bar, and gave myself a long time to sober up at the party, hence me being one of the last people to leave.



you seem like a pretty likeable dude. i dont see why you cant go out and meet somebody without getting entangled in the freakshow world that is online dating.



I don't think you understand what kind of boring ass wasteland Connecticut is socially. I wish I could leave, but right now I just can't. On the other hand, I'm a bit cynical and insular, so it's a bit my fault. I just like hanging out with a few people I know, going on little adventures and things. I've met some pretty neat people online, and the craziest girl I've dated I met in person, so I say nay on the online hate.

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and dont drink drive next time either



4 serious u tard. some drunk driving ass clown like you drove into a friend of mines house and killed her mother while she was sleeping. im not joking.


grow a brain then maybe you can meet some non whoreie type girl. i mean how many {censored}ing signs do you need to say "WTF, this girl is a stupid slut who loves attention"?

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Man, what is with some women?

I've never done the online dating thing, in a relationship meself, but I wouldn't badmouth it. I don't know how it goes in the states but in the UK, just like speed dating, it's becoming very common and ordinary, and makes a lot of sense to me. I've got a few Jewish mates and some have had real luck with them.

Stay away from her man, she's wasting your time. The whole benefit of that site is that both parties know they're both interested in starting a relationship. Getting on like that and then her trying to demote the situation to ambiguous social networking, it's just not really on.

I'm sure she's lovely, she may not even know what she's doing, but it ain't on. She's orchestrating Cock-fights with people who've gone out of their way to avoid that {censored}.

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4 serious u tard. some drunk driving ass clown like you drove into a friend of mines house and killed her mother while she was sleeping. im not joking.

grow a brain then maybe you can meet some non whoreie type girl. i mean how many {censored}ing signs do you need to say "WTF, this girl is a stupid slut who loves attention"?



Read the whole thread before you go running your mouth. I was sober both times I got in the car.


Jesus, some people like to talk {censored}. I wonder how long this will go before it turns into flame war?

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