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structural integrity of bigass keyboards


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So i've got a Motif ES8 on one of those keyboard stands for "wide" keyboards. Looks like there's about 10 inches of exess keyboard on each side of the support bars. That means there's a good 4 feet or so of unsupported bigass keyboard in the midle. I'm wondering how a board like this will fare if left on one of these stands for an extended period. I used to have a V-combo on there, but it's barely half the weight of the Motif. Should I consider another stand?



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So what kind of stands do you guys use for 88 key weighted boards? Are they "wide" or "normal"?



I've been gigging my Motif 8 with a "normal" Ultimate X stand for 5 years.


My Motif is in great shape (considering it's been gigged for 5 years).


There is no warping. No buckling. No tipping. It's a big old glorious beast.

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I'm sure somewhere.... there's a pamphlet with your name on it..




Towson University College of Fine Arts and Communications. :thu:


That and "Your Tranny Son and You...A Guide To Dealing With Trannies That Are Also Your Children"

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