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Obama: 3 weeks later.


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For a week he was the ONLY new story. Seems like I haven't heard anything since.


Could a combination of living in Australia and not watching the news/reading the paper as much as I would like lately.


Has he done any good? :thu:


Has he done any evil? :evil:

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Actually the stimulus is only unpopular with really hardcore conservatives and the Republicans in congress. Most everyone else is pretty ok with it.


Wrong there. I know quite a bit about economics and history (two of my favorite interests, besides music, french new wave film, and chocolate. Oh and kitties!), enough to know this doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of helping, it'll mostly likely make things worse.


No one is going to loan us the money to fund all this (believe it or not, most are in worse shape than we are), we'll just wind up printing money. Mega inflation here we come! And what is the cure for out of control inflation? A forced recession.


If we don't print money taxes will have to go up on everyone, not just the rich bastards.




We're {censored}ed, I'm afraid.


Get rid of the mark to market rule, fix short selling, lower capital gains tax and lower payroll taxes for everyone under $150,000/yr. Really, that would fix things VERY quickly.

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Wrong there. I know quite a bit about economics and history (two of my favorite interests, besides music, french new wave film, and chocolate. Oh and kitties!), enough to know this doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of helping, it'll mostly likely make things worse.

No one is going to loan us the money to fund all this (believe it or not, most are in worse shape than we are), we'll just wind up printing money. Mega inflation here we come! And what is the cure for out of control inflation? A forced recession.

If we don't print money taxes will have to go up on everyone, not just the rich bastards.


We're {censored}ed, I'm afraid.

printing money would be :facepalm:

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The stimulus was successfully watered down by the Republicans and "centrist democrats" who will turn around and not support it. But leave it on the Presidents lap if he signs it. Brilliant politics at the expense of the world economy. Gotta love blind partisanship at work. :rolleyes:

Wrong there. I know quite a bit about economics and history (two of my favorite interests, besides music, french new wave film, and chocolate. Oh and kitties!), enough to know this doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of helping, it'll mostly likely make things worse.

No one is going to loan us the money to fund all this (believe it or not, most are in worse shape than we are), we'll just wind up printing money. Mega inflation here we come! And what is the cure for out of control inflation? A forced recession.

If we don't print money taxes will have to go up on everyone, not just the rich bastards.


We're {censored}ed, I'm afraid.

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His press conference and today's town hall were magnificent. The only real cure for the economic crisis is a restoration of confidence--and that is exactly what Obama is doing.


We're not {censored}ed. Well, ok, we're pretty {censored}ed, but at least we've got competent leadership. We will get through it.

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Get rid of the mark to market rule, fix short selling, lower capital gains tax and lower payroll taxes for everyone under $150,000/yr. Really, that would fix things VERY quickly.




I agree on the fix'd short selling but I disagree on lowering capital gains as it wouldl only be a short term bump and do nothing about long term problems. RAISING taxes on people who earn more than $3,000,000 a year would balance the budget. I mean who CAN'T live off of less than $3M a year?

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I agree on the fix'd short selling but I disagree on lowering capital gains as it wouldl only be a short term bump and do nothing about long term problems. RAISING taxes on people who earn more than $3,000,000 a year would balance the budget. I mean who CAN'T live off of less than $3M a year?



Lowering the capital gains tax would encourage investing in business, if businesses have more cash they can hire more people and expand.


How is that hard to figure out?


And there is nowhere near enough people making $3m a year to balance the budget.

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Lowering the capital gains tax would encourage investing in business, if businesses have more cash they can hire more people and expand.

How is that hard to figure out?

And there is nowhere near enough people making $3m a year to balance the budget.



Has it worked the last 8 years? Be honest man. When you lower taxes on the ultrarich they aren't going to invest in new jobs, it simply hasn't happened. Has it? Nope! They will invest that money in stocks, in the process inflate a bubble, in short time everybody loses. ESPECIALLY the squirrels who dance amongst the elephants. How hard is it for you to figure out that you can't do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Hasn't looking at the past 8 years been enough evidence?

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Has it worked the last 8 years? Be honest man. When you lower taxes on the ultrarich they aren't going to invest in new jobs, it simply hasn't happened. Has it? Nope! They will invest that money in stocks, in the process inflate a bubble, in short time everybody loses. ESPECIALLY the squirrels who dance amongst the elephants. How hard is it for you to figure out you can't do the same thing over and over and expect different results. Hasn't looking at the past 8 years been enough evidence?



Why are we in this mess?


1. The Fed printing money

2. Short selling

3. Banks giving home loans to people who can't afford it

4. Mark to market rule


The stock market crashed not because of capitalism, but because of government actions and inaction - depending on who was giving cash to which politician. Some laws on the books were not enforced, and people were told to do things that are crazy.


Where do you think the money invested in stocks go? It goes to companies that EMPLOY PEOPLE that create goods to consume or provide services.


If you can't understand the basics of economics, it's not my job to educate you.

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Why are we in this mess?

1. The Fed printing money

2. Short selling

Banks giving home loans to people who can't afford it

4. Mark to market rule

The stock market crashed not because of capitalism, but because of government actions and inaction - depending on who was giving cash to which politician. Some laws on the books were not enforced, and people were told to do things that are crazy.

Where do you think the money invested in stocks go? It goes to companies that EMPLOY PEOPLE that create goods to consume or provide services.

If you can't understand the basics of economics, it's not my job to educate you.

Bingo! :thu:
I completely agree with you, and I couldn't say it any better

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Riddle me this. If you were a bank giving a person a loan knowing full well they could never pay it back, you as the bank made a BAD business decision. Right?


Companies do not gain ANYTHING if I buy their shares on the market. Thats just not the way it works.


5. Tax cuts for people who already have more money than they know what to do with.

6. $1T wars.



Why are we in this mess?

1. The Fed printing money

2. Short selling

3. Banks giving home loans to people who can't afford it

4. Mark to market rule

The stock market crashed not because of capitalism, but because of government actions and inaction - depending on who was giving cash to which politician. Some laws on the books were not enforced, and people were told to do things that are crazy.

Where do you think the money invested in stocks go? It goes to companies that EMPLOY PEOPLE that create goods to consume or provide services.

If you can't understand the basics of economics, it's not my job to educate you.


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If you can't understand the basics of economics, it's not my job to educate you.




Thing is you don't understand that Friedman died a bit too soon to see his philosophy (which became a cult) fall at the feet of reality. So spare me your sidebars of attempted patronization. The supplyside, neoliberal, Chicago School, Monetarism talking points you spew is evidence of one thing, you aren't paying attention to reality!

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Tax the {censored} outta the rich!

According to the law of diminishing returns, ot won't be too much of a dis-incentive to succeed.


You know as a business owner, taxes are an incentive for me to hire people and invest in my company. WHY? Well if I need the help, or tooling, or to develop new products spending money on my company lowers my taxable income.


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