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Everyone talks Skreddy, but no one talks Top Fuel or Lunar Module

Holey Lint Trap

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Get the Lunar Module. The Top Fuel is pretty aggressive and better for rhythm stuff I think.



I disagree. I've never played the LM, but I have a Top Fuel and use if for leads pretty much exclusively. I keep the tone knob down as low as it goes, completely counter-clockwise. I use the bridge pup in my strat, and turn the pup's tone knob all the way "off" as well. Hello smooth, singing goodness.

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I never said anything about anyone being dishonest. At all. I was just making a comment that perhaps a lot of the desirability of the discontinued pedals comes from the name associations used. When I had a Zero I didn't expect the MCIS tone to come pouring from my amp because that song isn't an aggressive muff tone to begin with. It's a Marshall JMP-1. Just didn't like the Zero much, big f'in deal.



I always thought the Zero fairly nailed its namesake tone.


Probably needs the sustain set fairly extreme to get this tone. Then you'll surely hear the pickup's hum...

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Yeah I had the Zero 3 or 4 years ago. Honestly after years of trying different muff type pedals I found that they're just not a pedal that works for me. I always find them too noisy, too bassy, and too midscooped to work in a band setting...even the ones with boosted mids (like the Musket). So it's just my opinion of them more than anything inherently wrong with the pedal itself.

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but you can't deny that if you paid $200, it would definitely be worth it right?



I'm not one of those dudes who would pay $200 for a pedal and then try to defend the purchase even if it caused my left nut to fall off. It is getting hard to give an opinion without feeling you'll get attack by a pack of wolves. TGD'd.

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I'm not one of those dudes who would pay $200 for a pedal and then try to defend the purchase even if it caused my left nut to fall off. It is getting hard to give an opinion without feeling you'll get attack by a pack of wolves. TGD'd.



I'm not attacking anyone... I'm just asking if you think the actual price would be worth it.... I didn't read any of the stuff you posted earlier, that's cool if you just didn't like it.

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says the guy that does what again?oh thats right,rehouses Dano Pedals.keep on knocking the Boutiquers maybe one day your Dano's rehouses will get there.



ouch dude, uncalled for. rehousing pedals, drilling blank enclosures, and finishing the enclosures is not easy work. A ton of overhead for tools and equipment too.

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Okay, maybe i stepped on a few toes there. I don't want to get into personal internet fights with new peeps. Look at my previous posts. I answered the OP. I said the top fuel is good. I actually have it still, but i don't think some of the others (e.g. mayo) are all they are hyped up to be. It's just an opinion, don't hate me by saying {censored} about my rehousing hobby. I like dano pedals and i like rehousing them because people asked for them. Stick to the topic haha. It's just my 2 cents. Everyone has got some. It's the weekend, don't get so personal ;)

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I'm not attacking anyone... I'm just asking if you think the actual price would be worth it.... I didn't read any of the stuff you posted earlier, that's cool if you just didn't like it.



okay let me backtrack. I didn't mean to get defensive there and the left nut comment was uncalled for. The basis for what i said about out of production is based on some experience but also has a lot to do with my aversion to the hype surrounding them. People are willing to pay high prices for so such a low supply item, but i don't. There are many alternatives.

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ouch dude, uncalled for. rehousing pedals, drilling blank enclosures, and finishing the enclosures is not easy work. A ton of overhead for tools and equipment too.




i think its absolutely called for.dude is knocking a high quality,well built,great sounding pedal in a small enclosure.when he has a vested interest in Dano Rehouses.biased,maybe?like you say,"not easy"'ton of overhead".

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i think its absolutely called for.dude is knocking a high quality,well built,great sounding pedal in a small enclosure.when he has a vested interest in Dano Rehouses.biased,maybe?like you say,"not easy"'ton of overhead".

i said they i.e the sound s(cheap or expensive) are not worth the price. How is that so unacceptable? Maybe i should have elaborated a little better, but come on :rolleyes:

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When things go OOP people do the same thing when as when their favorite band gets huge. They either still like them and support their success or they get mad that they're big and old friends cant get tickets to shows and such any more. Its the same case with skreddy. Some people will hate on things just because theyre a big deal and very popular and there isn't anything you can do about that. Im not surprised that people who can build their own muff will talk about how a skreddy isn't worth the price but I have played a ton of muffs and the Skreddy stuff is really the top of the heap IMO.

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Count me as one of the fanboys. I have the Pink Flesh, Top Fuel, Lunar Module and Screwdriver.


Out of those, the Pink Flesh and Top Fuel work best for me. The TF is much tighter than the fuzzier PF, both do super sustaining leads and the TF might be better for crunchy chords. IF I had to choose one, I'd go PF but the TF is worth mentioning at the same time - if I didn't have one, I'd be snapping one up before they're gone.


On another note, by comparison my Lunar sounds weak and needs to be turned up past noon to get decent volume. Its tone is still good but it doesn't sing the way the others do.

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