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Hollow Earth (v2) prototype


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looks like the Hammond 1590J is right for this. an inch wider, half an inch deeper. problem is it'll add another $10 to the cost of materials :facepalm:
but I think it's really worth it. it's pretty cramped when assembling it, and the front knobs need a bit more room between them.

so yeah, sorry I keep upping the price.

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Wait, didn't you say 200 Canadian before? I'm going to have to see where my finances are when lsit applications kick off. Still count me as very much in though :thu:


Don't worry too much about the rise, you get what you pay for man, I'd rather shell out a little more for something that will really last well.


I've gotta say though, the size looks fine to me, nice and compact makes sense to me, this isn't something we're going to be trying to dial in with our toes all the time :idk:


Keep the footprint down I say. Look at the loop junky, I love that it's little yet majorly tweakable.

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Didn't you say you were going to rework the PCB a bit?



I did, and I will, but only by a couple millimeters. and the crampness isn't just with the PCB, it's the controls mostly. I keep brushing against the speed knob when twisting the shape knob because the enclosure is too narrow for the amount of stuff on it.

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Wait, didn't you say 200 Canadian before? I'm going to have to see where my finances are when lsit applications kick off. Still count me as very much in though

Don't worry too much about the rise, you get what you pay for man, I'd rather shell out a little more for something that will really last well.

I've gotta say though, the size looks fine to me, nice and compact makes sense to me, this isn't something we're going to be trying to dial in with our toes all the time

Keep the footprint down I say. Look at the loop junky, I love that it's little yet majorly tweakable.

I forget what price I said, I must of changed it at least three times. in the last few weeks though it's always been in US currency

I'm not zvex :poke: I dont have the brains to fit everything down or stick components *under* the chips like he does.

I'd be all for keeping the current enclosure size, but it's too jammed inside, making the building process hellish. besides, it's not *that* huge a size increase. only an inch sideways, half inch tallness, and nothing in depth. it won't make much of a difference in board space, but all the difference in building ease and knob spacing.

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I'd be all for keeping the current enclosure size, but it's too jammed inside, making the building process hellish. besides, it's not *that* huge a size increase. only an inch sideways, half inch tallness, and nothing in depth. it won't make much of a difference in board space, but all the difference in building ease and knob spacing.

Makes total sense to me man, a mere inch is nothing. And if it gives you the patience to make even more then its well worth that little change :p;)

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Makes total sense to me man, a mere inch is nothing. And if it gives you the
to make even more then its well worth that little change

"patience" is also key here. ;)

I assembled the thing durign the day yesterday, and a lot of time was spent routing wires so tha tthey *wouldn't* get in the way. if I have an extra half inch here, extra inch there, the compromises I needed to do won't be necissary anymore, so building will be a lot easier.

might not make a difference when you only make one of these, but a huge difference in my patience threshold if building them in the tens.

compared to the SMM/H, it will be as wide, but a whole inch smaller in depth.

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Aesthetic Feedback :

- Have you considered silk screen graphics? That looks like it would be a graphic that lends itself to the silk screening process. Consistant look each time.

Those black knobs would look sick

Also are you at all skeptic about that push button? Looks a little flimsy to me but I may be wrong.



1. I don't think silkscreen provide a very good resolution, though I may be wrong.


2. those do look ace! I might order a few and see how they loook. I kidn of like how mine are black o nthe outside, with a bold contrasted pointer and white top. they're DIY.


3. the push button is strong. it's not the flimsy radioshack one.


thanks for the feedback!

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haha I already love the artwork but this will be amazing.




the art is mostly photoshop + wacom

plus a bit of 3ds max (3d package) for the alien buildings and UFOs

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is that an expression pedal jack? and if so, what parameters will it control?



it's expression *out*, so you can plug it into another effect with exp. in and it will serve as a "programable" expression pedal.

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it's expression *out*, so you can plug it into another effect with exp. in and it will serve as a "programable" expression pedal.



That is really really cool.

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