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Hollow Earth (v2) *demo video*


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enclosure stuff again

I think I might go for the hammond 1590C instead of the 1590J. that means it'll be as wide as the one in the video, same board space, but it'll be taller off the ground. a little over two inches instead of under an inch and a half. means stomping it with your heel on the ground won't be so elegant, but whatever. if 4ms and skreddy can make pedals that high off the ground, so can I! I think the skreddy echo uses the 1590C, so there's a size reference for ya.

I even already have a couple of these at hand, so I guess I can go ahead and start building another prototype.

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finally got exp. out working as it should today! spent twenty minutes with it on random hooked up to my PS-5 while I jammed out some warbly broken-cassette sounds :love:
fixed some software bugs as well.

gonna build another prototype soonish, and this one meant to sell. the LED display will be slightly less bright but it will be bigger.

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I hate you with a passion Tape.


How did you get into programming and such?


high school (over ten years ago)
I did a lot of visual basic then. but dropped it right after.
then early this year found out that I could program chips in basic, which I already knew. I didnt have to learn a whole new language. bought a kit and there you go. digital control of analog circuits

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currently building a third prototype, which will be good enough to sell as a first unit.
uses two PCBs instead of one.
I could finish it in a week but the digit display I need is only available at mouser and for some reason my creditcard won't work anymore (not expired and have enough credit to make the order dozens of times over, wtf). stalled because of that.

no longer thinking waiting till I have 10 ready a good idea. may just build three or four and sel lthsoe right away. the summer is proving to be more expensive than I had planned so I dont think I can afford to make 10 in one shot.

still don't know if I can fit it i na 1590BB (microPOG) size box, but I'm trying. if not, it'll be the taller one, like the skreddy echo. same boardspace, but higher off the ground.

momentary record button might not be the super ultra high quality oens from smallbear. I ordered a couple but foudn that they're really hard to press. theyre stiff. so I might go for the average quality momentaries (which should still be ok).

still aiming for a couple first ones in july/august. financial stuff and digit display stuff aside, it's pretty good.

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it'll look nearly exactly the same.

only aesthetics I've changed is a bit more horizontal spacing between controls (knobs slightly nearer to the edge), and that the screen is larger/brighter.

I'll probably have to change the preset button too. I just found out this one was discontinued. finding a pushbutton that isn't too deep is harder than I thoguht it would be

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The only thing about this pedal that is kinda unattractive to me is that the switches are a little to close together for my comfort. I accidentally turn my gate off all the time when switching my Box Of Metal off an on. Sucks wearing size 12's. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to get one though when they come out though.

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The only thing about this pedal that is kinda unattractive to me is that the switches are a little to close together for my comfort. I accidentally turn my gate off all the time when switching my Box Of Metal off an on. Sucks wearing size 12's. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to get one though when they come out though.



They're pretty close for me, too. It's like that because there are jacks on either-side of them. There's no space anywhere else in the box for jacks, so I had to bring the footswitches together.


If I use the taller box rather than the 1590BB, then I can put the jacks wherever I please.

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