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Not to one up The BumRush, but.....


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I got a $1300 check today.

I'm thinking $1000 for a macbook and

a.) A new pedal or two? I do need a nice overdrive, or

b.) New electronics and pickups in my dot, or

c.) Finally put together my strat project that has sit in my back room for over a year now.


What say you?


Also, Junon fans have some bad news coming. I'm sure Nirvana will make a post soon enough about it.

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I got a $1300 check today.

I'm thinking $1000 for a macbook and

a.) A new pedal or two? I do need a nice overdrive, or

b.) New electronics and pickups in my dot, or

c.) Finally put together my strat project that has sit in my back room for over a year now.

What say you?

Also, Junon fans have some bad news coming. I'm sure Nirvana will make a post soon enough about it.



Did Travis finally decide to go all solo because you were cramping his creative style?

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