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M9 or M13? Help me decide which


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I'm in a cover band and we're bringing in more 80's stuff, so I need to step it up in terms of available effects. My current board is wah>comp>dirt(2x)>flange>delay>chorus>vol>amp. I get a surprising number of sounds out of this, but have to do a lot of between-song tweaking (esp the delay) and would like to consolidate.


So the dilemma is whether to go for an M9 or an M13. The M13 seems more versatile but is big and would have to cover all my effects needs (incl. dirt) for it to be practical for me. The M9 would sit nicely with some of my current effects, but I hate the fact that there are no effects loops to plug them into like on the M13 (would want to run comps and some filters/mods before dirt). I just wanted to find out if any of you guys bought either one of these and wished you had gotten the other, and why.



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if you want other effects get the m13, you will need the effects loop



I'd really like to not have to use other effects. I guess this is something I can't know until I actually use one of these for a while.


It seems silly that the M9 doesn't have the effects loops, since that's the unit you'd be more likely to need them with.

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I've had an M9 since they came out...... and while the lack of an effects loop may be a bit problematic for some, I haven't had that bad of a time with it at all. I'm runing a few FX out in front of it right now, but I can play with just the M9 if need be.


This is my main scene into a clean amp:


1A: Compressed cleans w/ expression control for volume

1B: Expression controlled low to mid-gain OD w/ a bass rolloff


2A: Choppy Opto Trem w/ 1/8th note tap speed control

2B: Analog Delay w/ lots of Modulation & 1/4 note tap speed control


3A: Plate reverb w/ expression control for mix/decay

3B: Tube comp for boost w/ expression control for volume


Typically I'm running a compressor in front of this.


I've got another scene in the same folder (there are 4 folders, with 6 different scenes) with expression controlled Whammy & Wah Probe-ish thing in 1A/B, a higher gain distortion and octave down fuzz in 2A/B and a tube delay & flanger in 3A/B.


Then, I've got another folder set up like individual XX-4 pedal. One for modulation (like the MM-4), delay (DL-4), reverb (Verbzilla), distortions, filters... etc. So I can put the M9 where I want w/ my other FX. I've got another folder set up for use w/ my amps. In fact, I threw the M9 in the loop of my Mesa a few weeks ago w/ settings for boost, EQ, delay, modulation, filtering....... and had a blast.


Lots of possibilities. And I didn't even mention latch-scene mode.

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Tell you what, after doing some digging, I'm seriously considering replacing my whole back row with the M9. Back there right now, I'm using a flanger, 2 EQs, chorus, volume pedal, and delay. I've been thinking about replacing the flanger with a phaser, but the M9 could replace them all. Plus, since the M9 would immediately follow my dirt pedals, I could still use distortions should I so choose (even though the dirt models were what turned me off of the M13).



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I've had an M9 since they came out...... and while the lack of an effects loop may be a bit problematic for some, I haven't had that bad of a time with it at all. I'm runing a few FX out in front of it right now, but I can play with just the M9 if need be.

This is my main scene into a clean amp:

1A: Compressed cleans w/ expression control for volume

1B: Expression controlled low to mid-gain OD w/ a bass rolloff

2A: Choppy Opto Trem w/ 1/8th note tap speed control

2B: Analog Delay w/ lots of Modulation & 1/4 note tap speed control

3A: Plate reverb w/ expression control for mix/decay

3B: Tube comp for boost w/ expression control for volume

Typically I'm running a compressor in front of this.

I've got another scene in the same folder (there are 4 folders, with 6 different scenes) with expression controlled Whammy & Wah Probe-ish thing in 1A/B, a higher gain distortion and octave down fuzz in 2A/B and a tube delay & flanger in 3A/B.

Then, I've got another folder set up like individual XX-4 pedal. One for modulation (like the MM-4), delay (DL-4), reverb (Verbzilla), distortions, filters... etc. So I can put the M9 where I want w/ my other FX. I've got another folder set up for use w/ my amps. In fact, I threw the M9 in the loop of my Mesa a few weeks ago w/ settings for boost, EQ, delay, modulation, filtering....... and had a blast.

Lots of possibilities. And I didn't even mention latch-scene mode.



What do you prefer, the M9 or a bunch of your individual pedals? I kinda wanna try the M9 to see what all the fuss is about

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I like the M9, a lot. Question is, will I like another month or two from now? Likely, yes. But I don't want to ditch all of my pedals for it either. I like the combination of some good dirt pedals (I have also kept my Empress tremolo, Luna, and Diamond Vibrato pedal) before my M9, so I like the mix of both.

The M9 though is great for having a lot of other effects I don't use as often, like flange, but I've discovered has some nice tones in it for sure. It's also my only delay now, and reverb pedal, so it gets used a lot for that. Even some of the distortion settings I'm finding pretty good, but I'm still glad I have my regular pedals too. But my total board is only 9 pedals, and it all fits nicely on a PT2.

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I like the M9, a lot. Question is, will I like another month or two from now? Likely, yes. But I don't want to ditch all of my pedals for it either. I like the combination of some good dirt pedals (I have also kept my Empress tremolo, Luna, and Diamond Vibrato pedal) before my M9, so I like the mix of both.

The M9 though is great for having a lot of other effects I don't use as often, like flange, but I've discovered has some nice tones in it for sure. It's also my only delay now, and reverb pedal, so it gets used a lot for that. Even some of the distortion settings I'm finding pretty good, but I'm still glad I have my regular pedals too. But my total board is only 9 pedals, and it all fits nicely on a PT2.



I'm a lot like you, Ian. I like having the M9 around..... but not at the expense of my stomps. Could I get by with just that? Sure. Probably. Do I want to though? Nope.

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So when you sell your M9 Nick, is everyone else going to as well? Haha, I hope not.

You still see a ton of DL4s on people's boards. If you go to the Pedaltrain website and look at their examples, I think this may be the most popular pedal ever made. Or at least top 5, given it's cost and size. I can see the M9 replacing it for a lot of people though.

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lol nick, you sure like to squash your tone. Soon you'll learn you don't need dynamics to play third eye blind... err I mean you do... or don't you? Yay compressors!


Say what you want... I love what the Diamond does for my sound. The compression knob is barely ever past 10:00 and I still have a good amount of dynamic control. I love that thing. More good than harm'd.

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"Typically" being the operative word there.


I never really use 1A unless I'm just using the M9 w/out anything else.


And 3B is just a boost, really. Compression is dialed back, but that particular model adds some nice girth to the Tube Drive in 1B.

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"Typically" being the operative word there.

I never really use 1A unless I'm just using the M9 w/out anything else.

And 3B is just a boost, really. Compression is dialed back, but that particular model adds some nice girth to the Tube Drive in 1B.




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