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I don't wana blog, but I need advice I just completely failed at an open mic night. It's been 6 months since I've played in front of anyone, and I just got so nervous that I couldn't play my whole 2 minute song.


Has anyone experienced this paralysis and come back fighting strong? Is it that I just need to get acclimated to playing in front of people? It certainly wasn't a practice thing, I had been practicing for a week on this 2 minute song, JUST to get it right.


So, tell me about your gig/show fail and what you did afterwards!

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The most nerve-wracking thing that I ever did was play my first show, after I had completely stopped drinking.

Packed house, with a line out the door, halfway down the block. My hands were shaking so bad that I couldn't fret chords for the first song.

The second song was better...and the third song was the way it should have been.

It gets easier when you learn to manage the adrenaline...and you will. Just continue to do it.

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Thanks Mojo and Bob for the advice.

I only played one song. Maybe I should have had a few: saved the best one for last and maybe then I'd be safe and a little more comfortable!

That's a great idea, I'm gonna throw that down. Also taking a shot... or two of jameson.

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playing more than one song gets you more confident the longer you play.

on the other hand it can get worse, if some things not working, like breaking a string, the monitor sucks and you can't hear yourself aso...


the only thing what really makes you more confident, is more playing in front of other people. the more open mics or shows you do, the less nervous you will get


you will make mistakes, things will go wrong, but for every bad show you had, there will come a better show than the best you did ever before.

just stand up and keep on going and learn from your mistakes and things which went wrong

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Yeah, I froze once. Was cajoled into doing a charity gig but didn't have a band at the time. First song I cut out the 3rd verse and chorus cos I had no confidence in myself. Crowd yelling "get off". But I kept going, suddenly got a "{censored} you, I'm gonna play for ME" attitude and did 3 more songs and got, if not a standing ovation, a few cheers at the end.

Just play for you...and it's like flying, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

Good luck.

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I'm doing it. I'm going to an open mic night tomorrow night. I'm gonna practice from the moment I get outa class till I have to sign up. I'm doing this damnit!


If anyone is in Chicago, bad dog tavern across from Old Town School of Folk Music.


thanks for the support guys!

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