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Boss Effects - Did you know?


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Do you own a relatively recent version of one or more of the pedals above? Did you know that you may not have fully unwrapped your Boss product?


A very thin, clear, plastic shield lies on top of each of the tree knobs positioned on these pedals. If you have ever purchased an iPod you may have noticed a protective piece of plastic covering the screen itself. Boss uses this same idea to cover the tops of these knobs. If you carefully peel this covering off you may be surprised just how shiny these knobs actually are!


Removing the plastic shield can easily be done using an X-Acto knife, razor blade, safety pin, or tweezers. Be careful not to press into the plastic, as it is extremely thin, and you wouldn't want to score the knob itself.


Some of you may have already discovered this, and some may not have. Leave the plastic on if you want a little extra protection, or take it off and get a little more shine out of your Boss pedal. I am unaware if the same is applicable for Boss twin pedal products and the larger multi-effects units.


Take care all.



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I've now got some plastic circles for people that have already removed and lost said circles for sale. Get your boss back to stock and get that resale value back. Now the secret is out and there's no turning back.

$20 + shipping. PM for info.



are they the MIJ ones?

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