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OT: Police Officers, Protectors or Glorified Meter Maids?


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Then don't break the {censored}ing law and you got nothing to worry about!
Or would you rather they weren't here? Cus I
that your life would be {censored}ed up on a daily basis without cops around.

No lol, I agree. I was just stating that cops can, and have abused their power, but I'm still very happy we have a police force.

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FYI: There is this thing called a deductible on car insurance. I had mine stolen and all it amounted to was $425 out of MY pocket.

When it comes to cops:

Noone likes them, they know this. There are crooked cops everywhere, who break the law from speeding without cause to taking bribes. There are also more honest ones than crooked ones. And they are ALL there to be one thing: a buffer between the citizens they serve and the illegal element in society that will always be there.

Noone wants to pay speeding fines, me especially (I've had more than my share). But if they weren't keeping speed "under control", then people would drive 100+mph and kill people much more frequently.

Just imagine what life would be like without law officers. Think the Wild Wild West on steroids. You think they do nothing toward "real" crime when you couldn't be more wrong. Cops do a LOT that the public never sees. Just like the CIA.

And they put their lives on the line EVERY day to protect YOU, for {censored}ty pay
. Each and every car they stop has the potential to be their last. Every single one. YOU deal with that and see how it makes you turn out.

So STFU about cops being meter maids. {censored} every one of you that diss's someone who is willing to die to protect them.

Then don't break the {censored}ing law and you got nothing to worry about!
Or would you rather they weren't here? Cus I
that your life would be {censored}ed up on a daily basis without cops around.

Three careers in this world that can never be overpaid:




Those 3 should be the highest earners in this world, because all they do is give to their fellow man, only to get {censored} upon with crappy pensions and a less than middle class lifestyle. You want to do away with dirty cops? Pay them more money like we should.

Next time you see a cop, THANK HIM/HER for putting his/her life between you and deadly crime. You owe them that much.

I totally agree in the fact that police 100% Need to be here to enforce the law, I'm not generalizing an entire profession, but on average police are 10% helping the public from distress/criminals and 90% revenue police for the government....

What pisses me off is that I am a university student and I will get a $250 ticket for making a U turn on an empty street.... I could see if what I was doing was dangerous but it wasn't..... I cannot afford that {censored}.

Now I live in the worst part of the city, so I see {censored} you would see on a night ride along with a cop daily. I am not exaggerating, I see prostitutes that are younger than 18 get picked up at the end of my street. Or guys literally selling women on the street.... picture a girl who looks like she does not want to be there, and there's a guy trying to flag down cars to sell her like she's a bag of {censored}ing dope.

Now I have had several incidents with criminals and the like, having my car stolen, skids coming to my house for no reason etc. etc. Now in EVERY case the police would not give my complaint an ounce of attention or effort. I am on the cop's side, but it seems they aren't on mine. When my car was stolen I called every day down at the station for 2 weeks to see if they found anything, each time they said no.... a MONTH later after paying my deductible I found out from someone I know who works at the station (not a cop) that they had found my car the day after it was stolen, it was involved in a high speed chase and the guy is in custody.... they just forgot to tell me.... Another time they completely ignored my complaints of prostitution and drug dealing.

Maybe I am just jaded, but it seems like the police are so eager to {censored} me over but couldn't be bothered to help me out when I need them.

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I have a bunch of close friends who are cops. They tell me stories... you know... real life accounts?

You'd be surprised,
for example
, what REAL people are capable of doing to their own offspring, in REAL LIFE... and these dudes are the only thing between defenseless children and a casket.

Use more brains, you ignorant neophyte.



You've established that you believe every word of your buddies' fish stories, but have you ever spent a single night in jail?

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Maybe I am just jaded, but it seems like the police are so eager to {censored} me over but couldn't be bothered to help me out when I need them.


Yeah, you're right.:rolleyes: The world centers around you, and cops everywhere are just WAITING to {censored} you over. I bet that they're down at the station now, saying "Man, I'm just so eager to {censored} over that douchebag HotKarl".


Don't be such an ass. :facepalm:

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When I was in Brussels, the cops walked the street with Uzis and riot dogs. I'd call that 'assertive'.

I dare anybody to go on a ridealong with a cop for one nightshift. See if that doesn't change your perspective.



Depends on the context. I've lived in Belgium for 23 years and I've never seen a policeman carry an Uzi. And yes, I go to Brussels now and then. And carrying an Uzi does not equal being assertive.

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What you think of the Police Officer is dependant on the situation you find yourself in.


Truth Incarnate. People like us (another generalization) that don't step all over the law every day get pissed off at the cop when we get a traffic ticket, even though it's OUR fault that we got it. We think "doesn't he have better things to do" instead of "I shouldn't have been speeding".


Yet, when a cop blows away some punk that is robbing the mini-mart that you're being held hostage in, somehow people see that same person in a different light! :idea:


FYI: I don't like cops either. They can be brash, pushy and in general give off a bad feeling of helplessness (when you're the one getting the ticket). But I respect them and thank them for doing our community a service. If I were doing their job and had to deal with people lying, cheating, stealing and killing all day, I'd get an attitude too.

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No, sorry, you're not. This thread alone and the disrespect you're showing cops here shows that you are certainly not on their side. You're accusing them of intentionally {censored}ing you over with your car, being slackers that don't do {censored} and spend 90% of their time raising money.

I'd HARDLY call that on their side.



This is why rushfan is a troll. He is not really a troll but, he thinks somehow he is omniscient, and then speaks from position of authority, casting down all the sinners and neerdowell to the pit of his rancor. This is a message board, it is for people to discuss opinions. Yeah we all know that.


How can you possible know what is in this guys head? Yet you can tell 100% what he is thinking and feeling? Really? Or are you assuming? :poke:


Everyone gets to feeling down in the dumps or abused, it is ok. It is ok to talk about, hell it is healthy. It is how people learn. Many people, I thinks maybe Rush fan is one, demand immediate respect, thinking this gives a person or institution legitimacy. It doesn't. The type of respect that is earned in time is worth far more.


I will not convince anyone of anything. My opinion is only mine, it has no guaranteed value to anyone. I share it because I wish to. If I scream and yell and shake my fist i am just an angry old man.


Why you so angry.


(* this missive contains no caloric value, and though consumed by a troll it is not food.)

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But it doesn't really help does it?



No it doesn't, but are we forgetting thing happen, cops are people.


Hell that cops dad could have died that day. His wife could have left him. His neighbor could have kicked his dog. We don't know, and as an isolated, anecdotal statement it is not a very good place to make a decision about that cop in general or police.


but then again, that cop could be a big giant asshole, who really knows, still it is not a base for extrapolation.

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You've established that you believe every word of your buddies' fish stories, but have you ever spent a single night in jail?



They're some of my best friends... the kind that you go through real-life {censored} with... that you trust an have no reason to question?


Why am I even defending this to you... the board doesn't need another dense troll; go away.

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You asked, so I'll answer.

This is a message board, it is for people to discuss opinions. Yeah we all know that.

That's right. And I've now posted my opinion. And you degrade me for it. :facepalm: How do you know what's going on in MY head? Hmm? What gives you the right to call me a troll and assume you know what I'm thinking?

See what I did there? That's right. You THINK you know those things because of what I wrote. I ALSO THINK I know what he's thinking because of what he wrote. How else are we supposed to form opinions of someone's thoughts on a forum???

Unfortunately, I suffer from a double standard on these boards because I don't hold back and am aggressive in my opinions. And I'm ok with that. Mainly because I couldn't give less of a {censored} about 95% of the people here.

So it's ok for you to berate me, but not ok for me to berate him?? I didn't even call him names in my post, yet you did that to me. Why? Why is stating MY opinions trolling, and the OP bashing cops isn't??

It's ok for you to say that you KNOW I think I'm omniscient, but not ok for me to post my own opinions? LOL.

Wow, the irony here is so think you can cut it with a knife. If you can't see what your mistake is here, well I don't know what to tell you. :facepalm:

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Noone wants to pay speeding fines, me especially (I've had more than my share). But if they weren't keeping speed "under control", then people would drive 100+mph and kill people much more frequently.

This doesn't necessarily have to be true. Look at Germany where there is no speed limit on some freeways and it works. Also, rich people who can afford fast and expensive cars don't mind paying a speed ticket now and then, so the effect of fines isn't the same for all people.

Just imagine what life would be like without law officers. Think the Wild Wild West on steroids. You think they do nothing toward "real" crime when you couldn't be more wrong. Cops do a LOT that the public never sees. Just like the CIA.

I think that it's pretty obvious that most people here aren't against a police force. It seems to me that this discussion isn't about the existence of a police force, but about their behavior. I believe that the police force in the USA can be a lot better than what I've experienced, so that's what I'm complaining about. Oh and please, CIA? I'm sure they've done some legit stuff, but come on, they've done things that are inexcusable.

And they put their lives on the line EVERY day to protect YOU, for {censored}ty pay. Each and every car they stop has the potential to be their last. Every single one. YOU deal with that and see how it makes you turn out.

So STFU about cops being meter maids. {censored} every one of you that diss's someone who is willing to die to protect them.

You really like cops don't you? I personally don't think that any cop is willing to die for me. I agree about the {censored}ty pay and that it should be better, but do you really think that all the people joining the police force do it because they want to make this world a better place? Bull{censored}. They do it for the paycheck, even though it's a {censored}ty one. They do it for the thrill and the taste of power (which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, but usually is).

Then don't break the {censored}ing law and you got nothing to worry about! :thu: Or would you rather they weren't here? Cus I guarantee that your life would be {censored}ed up on a daily basis without cops around.

Who are you man? Have you never broken a rule or a law? Jesus, that sounds pretty dull honestly. Sometimes it feels good to do something you're not supposed to. Of course I'm not talking about any crazy stuff here, but a lot of people like to smoke some pot now and then, you're saying that all those people deserve to be arrested or fined for illegal activities? Because that is a whole lot of people right there.

Three careers in this world that can never be overpaid:


Those 3 should be the highest earners in this world, because all they do is give to their fellow man, only to get {censored} upon with crappy pensions and a less than middle class lifestyle. You want to do away with dirty cops? Pay them more money like we should.

Should be the highest earners in this world? I think you're having problems distinguishing important jobs and tough jobs. These are important jobs. You need them in a society like ours. There are no substitutes or other options in general. They can get pretty tough, but even though they require some amount of education, you don't need to be all that intelligent to be good at the job. People who are intelligent enough to become an engineer, doctor,... on the other hand are pretty rare. Rare = valuable. Valuable = expensive to hire.

Next time you see a cop, THANK HIM/HER for putting his/her life between you and deadly crime. You owe them that much.

If it ever comes to that, I surely will. But I seriously doubt it's going to happen.

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You asked, so I'll answer.

That's right. And I've now posted my opinion. And you degrade me for it.

It's ok for you to say that you KNOW I think I'm omniscient, but not ok for me to post my own opinions? LOL.

Wow, the irony here is so think you can cut it with a knife. If you can't see what your mistake is here, well I don't know what to tell you.

teehee you are hilarious. hooks lines and sinkers. would play again. Enjoy.

Irony is your friend. :)

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They're some of my best friends... the kind that you go through real-life {censored} with... that you trust an have no reason to question?

Why am I even defending this to you... the board doesn't need another dense troll; go away.



That's a pretty elaborate way of saying "No, I've only vicariously experienced one side of the cops' stories."


I'm not even saying all cops are bad, but the whole "Fraternal Brotherhood" business that most of them adhere to make most of them complicit with the real assholes, which is just as bad.


Hopefully, you'll never know a damn thing more about what you're talking about than you do right now.

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Everyone in this thread is ignorant. Even Ben with his cop friends(still love you though, not sure why...).

You can't seriously comment either way on this issue unless you see for yourself first hand what being an officer of the law is.

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Everyone in this thread is ignorant. Even Ben with his cop friends(still love you though, not sure why...).

You can't seriously comment either way on this issue unless you see for yourself first hand what being an officer of the law is.



I spent 10 years in Sing Sing, but I was a lieutenant for 5 years I know everything.


I'm also a Space Cowboy.

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I spent 10 years in Sing Sing, but I was a lieutenant for 5 years I know everything.

I'm also a Space Cowboy.

You totally beat me :( 1 night in county and 3 years patrol, 2 years prison....

And I never could afford that there space flight.

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