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Need specific advice on pedal order

Tone Meister

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I'm adding in a few effects on my small board, some that I haven't used in many years (fuzz for one) and a couple I have never used. I am not confident on where they should be placed and am eliciting advice here on HC . I fully realize that my tastes and ears will determine the final order, but I've seen a bit of conflicting information I'd like to sort out.


One of the first things I'd like to sort out is where to place the fuzz? I've seen a number of comments from some reliable people who recommend placing it first in the chain. However, I have a Cornish LD-1 buffer/line driver that I have always placed first in the chain so that the guitar "sees" the correct impedance. After many years of gigging and trying other arrangements, my pedal boards sound best with the LD-1 first in the chain. So, what would you suggest here?


Here are the pedals (in no particular order) that will live on this board. Help me with a good starting order with solid info as to why certain configurations are preferred or why others may be less desirable or problematic.


Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD

Phase 90


Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Malekko e600B


Thanks in advance guys. Have at it.



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I'm adding in a few effects on my small board, some that I haven't used in many years (fuzz for one) and a couple I have never used. I am not confident on where they should be placed and am eliciting advice here on HC . I fully realize that my tastes and ears will determine the final order, but I've seen a bit of conflicting information I'd like to sort out.

One of the first things I'd like to sort out is where to place the fuzz? I've seen a number of comments from some reliable people who recommend placing it first in the chain. However, I have a Cornish LD-1 buffer/line driver that I have always placed first in the chain so that the guitar "sees" the correct impedance. After many years of gigging and trying other arrangements, my pedal boards sound best with the LD-1 first in the chain. So, what would you suggest here?

Here are the pedals (in no particular order) that will live on this board. Help me with a good starting order with solid info as to why certain configurations are preferred or why others may be less desirable or problematic.

Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD

Phase 90


Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Malekko e600B

Thanks in advance guys. Have at it.





Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Phase 90

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD


Malekko Vibrato

Malekko e600B

Empress Trem



Some fuzzes are happy anywhere, but others (like the Fuzz Factory) are usually best connected first in line to your guitar. Fwiw, the Octafuzz may be OK later in the chain (e.g. after the wah).


I always prefer phasers before overdrive/distortion; I always think it sounds thicker this way - running a phaser after OD/dist usually results in a more extreme effect (more swoosh) but with a thinner overal tone.


It kind of depends upon how you use the delay (and of course, whether or not you use tremolo and delay together), but I generally put tremolo last in my chains...

it sounds neater that way... tremolo -> delay can easily end up sounding messy unless you have them perfectly tempo-matched... although I do like tremolo -> slapback echo.


Hope that helps. :thu:

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Try to think about how you are going to use the pedals in conjunction with one another when you are designing your rig. Just remember that in use each pedal effects the sound of what comes before it.


Placing the LD-1 at the beginning of your pedal chain allows it to effectively drive the signal through the pedals and cable to the amp when the pedals are off. When a pedal is turned on after the LD-1, it drives the signal up to that pedal, while the pedal itself drives the signal to the amp.


As others have said, some fuzz pedals were designed around a low input impedance. They only use a portion of the guitar signal to achieve their effect. If you place a buffer before one of these low input impedance devices, more of your guitar signal than is expected is sent into the effect which can drastically change the way it sounds.


Will you be stacking your fuzz and overdrive pedals? If so, you'll want to think about or listen to the way the voicings effect one another. Do you use your TS-9 as a boost or for not-so-dirty-dirt? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.


Anyway, here is the order I would use. I like my phasers after my tremolo because I sometimes run the both together in that configuration.



Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD

Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Phase 90


Malekko e600B


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Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD

Phase 90


Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Malekko e600B


The order you have them listed in will sound fine. Depends on what you're going to have on simultaneously. Fuzz Factories tend to be picky about placement, but a lot of people don't start their chain off with a quality buffer/line driver, so you might find it works great in different places.


What you have already suggested is a great starting point, it just depends on what you want...like you said.

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Would it make any difference the other way around?

Surely it's not going to sound much/any different.


Yes, it does sound different. Think about it. A tremolo pedal provides a cyclical modulation in amplitude or volume, while a phaser provides a cyclical peak/notch filter sweep across a frequency.


So, imagine playing a guitar while doing rhythmic volume swells with the guitar's volume control. Add a phaser to that and that is the effect you get with the phaser after the tremolo. Now, imagine playing a guitar into a phaser while doing rhythmic volume swells with the amp's volume control. That is the effect you get with the tremolo after the phaser. In other words, with the phaser after the tremolo, you hear the phaser sweep effecting the change in amplitude, but with the tremolo after the phaser you only hear the parts of the phaser sweep that the tremolo allows.

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Yes, it does sound different. Think about it. A tremolo pedal provides a cyclical modulation in amplitude or volume, while a phaser provides a cyclical peak/notch filter sweep across a frequency.

So, imagine playing a guitar while doing rhythmic volume swells with the guitar's volume control. Add a phaser to that and that is the effect you get with the phaser after the tremolo. Now, imagine playing a guitar into a phaser while doing rhythmic volume swells with the amp's volume control. That is the effect you get with the tremolo after the phaser. In other words, with the phaser after the tremolo, you hear the phaser sweep effecting the change in amplitude, but with the tremolo after the phaser you only hear the parts of the phaser sweep that the tremolo allows.




but as the tremolo is just making the volume go up and down and not changing the tone/sound in any other way, I still don't see how it will make that much difference...




you mean having the phaser last, you'll still hear the constant sweep of the phaser's self-noise... :idk:

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Me thinks:

Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Phase 90

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD


Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Malekko e600B


This is the order I initially had in mind, possibly switching the Fuzz and LD-1. Since my original post, I have decided to use the Octafuzz for its simplicity and save the Fuzz Factory for another day. Some great thought-provoking replies thus far for which I am grateful. Really all I'm trying to do here is get the buffer(s) and Fuzz playing nice together then find a home for the vibrato pedal.


Thanks for all the replies and especially for providing reasons for your suggested effects chain. The reasons are what inspires ideas that I may not have had otherwise. :idea:

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Cornish LD-1 - line driver/buffer

Budda wah - with Foxrox buffer

Fuzz (Octafuzz or Fuzz Factory)

Keeley TS-9 - OD

H&K Tube Factor - OD

Phase 90


Malekko Vibrato

Empress Trem

Malekko e600B

The order you have them listed in will sound fine. Depends on what you're going to have on simultaneously. Fuzz Factories tend to be picky about placement, but a lot of people don't start their chain off with a quality buffer/line driver, so you might find it works great in different places.

What you have already suggested is a great starting point, it just depends on what you want...like you said.



I like this. Try it out!

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Was able to spend just a little time with the board and this is the setup I will gig with tonight:



Keeley comp


Phase 90







Just can't give up the great cleans with tonight's gig, which is as a fill in with a 60's retro group. I definitely am gonna try the Fuzz and wah out front of the buffer next time out though. The thing is, the Budda wah has the Foxrox buffer installed, which is supposedly designed to go before the fuzz in the signal chain, which is part of the conflicting information I eluded to before. Everything sounds great, but the fuzz does sound better with the guitar plugged into its input. Still, there are tradeoffs ... idn_smilie.gif


I'll let you know how it goes.

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This stuff makes your head spin.....


In my mind, the use of a line driver / buffer is to drive the signal when everything else is off. Plus, it converts high impedance guitar signal to a low impedance signal in order to make long cable runs more hospitable to the signal.


I have the Fuzz Factory and have never placed it first in the chain. I think I'm gonna try it with the Line Driver after it. The FF is true bypass so the signal to the buffer shouldn't be affected when the FF is off. When the FF is on, the buffer still sends the low impedance signal through the rest of the chain. Damn Germanium....why's it gotta sound so good??


I took Bob Bradshaw's advice, being that the wah is a filter.... I put it towards the end of the chain, before modulation and delays. This way it filters an already nice sound and doesn't affect the input processing of your drive pedals.


Remember all Boss, Visual Sound, and Cornish pedals also have a buffer that converts high to low impedance....they just have to be first in the chain to do it properly.


Check this out if you haven't seen it:



There's also a part two to this interview which goes more in depth about buffers.

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I'm trying to watch that video, but that backing track is super distracting.

Learn to volume.



Yea whoever put it together is a real dip{censored}.....here's the other one:



There's no argument that this guy knows his {censored}.....despite that these vids are basically commercials....but there is some useful info.

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