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OT: IT'S TIME... Who are you voting for ... ???


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Congrats to President Obama! The dems have added to their senate and house majorities as well...


Finally, real prospects for a return to actual freedom and democracy!


(Not to mention real prospects for a long overdue end to the republicans' horrid fiscal mismanagement, outrageous "war" spending and the violation of civil liberties and freedoms that has occurred over the last 8 years.)



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wow, and thats coming from a non american.


True. But after living in downtown Manhattan for 4 years, beginning from August 2001, and still visiting NYC frequently, I continue to feel a deep connection to events that take place in the US. It's true many people joke about moving to Canada - and Canada's great too, but I feel one really cannot deny the significance of America on the global stage. And with that in mind, look at the profound, 'chance for change' that the US has reached tonight! Wouldn't that warrant a gigantic, YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH?



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A very wise friend of mine (kind of a spiritual advisor) would probably say to me "Well, we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens"


So I will.


If I try to tell him that this will happen, and that will happen, and both combined will cause something else, eventually leading to a crisis, he'd say "You don't know that..."


And I don't.

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BTW G-Bus- Don Solaris is editing your posts. It's pretty obvious you're not the same person, because Don is much more intelligent than you.


Im not falling for that trick again :facepalm:


"fool me once... shame on.... shame on you..... a fool me can't get fooled again"

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Too right I am. My country just perished.


Unbelievable. 100/1 if a white candidate with exactly the same policies were elected he'd be cranky, but not with the psychosis. There is nothing, of course, to indicate any of his ravings about Obama are the slightest bit true, so you gotta wonder where this is really coming from.

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oh no

hammer please dont hurt em.

he's black and that scares neo-conservatives.

thems pesky negroes be going to run amok and rape our white women.


Actually, it's kind of fun to be on his ignore list. You can post anything you want about him without being attacked by baby talk. I can stand being insulted, or argued with, but baby talk gives me ebola.

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Actually, it's kind of fun to be on his ignore list. You can post anything you want about him without being attacked by baby talk. I can stand being insulted, or argued with, but baby talk gives me ebola.


A few too many gulps of the konservative kool-aid reduces one to baby-banter.

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Congratulations with your new president!

May the nay-sayers be proven wrong in every single way


they won't. Obama is smart, but only in his temperament, and the fact that he's a facile learner of corporate/militaristic capitalism. I doubt that he'll have an epiphany while in office, but one can presume that his presidency won't be as vile as the preceding one. I only hope that the 'rumors' of his socialist tendencies are true, but there is no evidence of that.

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Makes me think that maybe I'm underestimating Obama.


:lol: I kinda' thought Piggle's response was way over the top too...even for him.


I still don't think there was much difference between the two choices other than a few labels that won't affect certain actions, hence my Azathoth vs. Cthulhu comment. Still, I'm glad we got Azathoth.


I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

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Congrats to President Obama! The dems have added to their senate and house majorities as well...

Finally, real prospects for a return to
freedom and democracy!

(Not to mention real prospects for a long overdue end to the republicans' horrid fiscal mismanagement, outrageous "war" spending and the violation of civil liberties and freedoms that has occurred over the last 8 years.)



Before you get too excited, you might remember that Obama voted for the Patriot Act, for letting telecommunication companies off the hook for spying on Americans, etc, etc, etc. It's back to business as usual, with a slightly kinder face.

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Thank God I don't have to see the silly McCain supporter jumping up and down on the over pass that goes over the interstate while I go into work each morning.


We don't talk too much or get too involved at work talking politics. That's what's great about work. Respect for others ideas, by not spitting your own and putting others down.


Well, I'm freakin ecstatic about the results. I never even wished anything bad against McCain the whole campaign, I just believed in my man and his ability. And I believe not spitting {censored} at people goes a long way. Too many people have egos (including myself). So instead of talking {censored} about McCain now that I know it can't bite me in the ass, it's time to move on from this campaign and look forward to something new with our new pres. Time to build America back up (lucky we didn't break) and GET BUSH THE HELL OUT OF THERE!

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Right on cue, Israel and Hamas exchange blows. Jesus, this is going to be tough.

I have to say, frankly, neither McCain or Obama are ideal leaders for this country right now. I mean I know you guys are happy with the positive message and all, and the election of a black dude to the Presidency is indeed significant, but neither person really has shown me that they are (potentially) capable of handling the delicate times ahead. We're not out of the woods by a long shot on many fronts: the economy; the real puppet masters to the east, Russia and China are acting like the cold war never ended (which it didn't, so I guess I can't blame them); some seriously {censored}ed up domestic matters. On the latter, especially, I don't trust Obama at all.

For foreign relations, I hope, at least, O is as conniving and ruthless as he was during his campaign. Sort of a Putin-west.

In my view more government is the antithesis of what we need now, and O has promised heaps more instead. Ugh.

I wish the country good luck, and I mean that.



What ever cynic, leave the country then if you are not willing to unite to rebuild it, I do not recall hearing you complain while Bush and Cheney ran the bus in the ditch.......... don't trust Obama if you do not want to, so will never learn even when the answer stairs them in the face, you are definitely dyslexic...


Obama was the only ideal candidate for the country running this cycle, people like yourself are will cry and moan and do nothing to help resolve the issues. :facepalm: :facepalm:

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