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What are some of the best sounding keyboards that emulate rhodes,wurlitzer, hammonds?

Skin flute

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The nord has great Rhodes sounds no doubt - the B3 is great too - the immediacy of the controls are important too - I love how easy it is to tweak - the Motif XS has some killer Rhodes sounds to be sure - so does the Kurzweil - Lounge Lizard is pretty neat too - thing is that a weighed or semi weighed keybed are needed to get most out of them.

For B3 sounds you need a waterfall keyboard. I have a Nord Compact and a Korg CX3 - both have waterfall keybeds and once you get used to it there's no going back. I picked up the Organiamtion sounds for the Motif and they are really really good - but it's just not the same on the XS keybed.

The Nord Stage 88 is a nice board - your opinion may differ but I fall into the hate the piano sound camp but for Rhodes Wurlies and B3's it's fantastic - I think the overdrive could be a little better - the new version of the percussion made a big improvement. so if you get a Nord Stage get one of the Studiologic 61 note waterfall controllers and midi into the stage.

I got a Stage Compact - which is like an electro 3 with synth sounds - and again maybe it's me but the synth sounds are nothing special - the Motif XS sounds better.

anyway glad to hear someone is thinking of buying gear I figured with the economy the way it is no one would be buying anything.

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any ideas on the pricing for the electro 3 . What model rhodes are preset on the Electro 2. Can you upload other models into the electro like a Mark V if its not already in there?



Umm...I'm gonna have to ask you to use Google and read the manuals and specs on Nord's website for these basic questions. Thanks!

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thats what these forums are for, to answer my basic questions. so i can skip the searching.

Nope, these forums are not your search monkeys. :cop:
Do basic research and then focus your questions on things that are not so easily found via google.

Thanks and welcome to the internets.

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wait, If I want to ask why the sky is blue and someone wants to answer my question then why does that concern you? Im really busy and wanted to make my decision soon in order to take advantage of Black Friday. Im writing this on my iphone, and havent given myself proper time to research. Its cool, just dont answer if its to tedious for you. I do appreciate your help.

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wait, If I want to ask why the sky is blue and someone wants to answer my question then why does that concern you? Im really busy and wanted to make my decision soon in order to take advantage of Black Friday. Im writing this on my iphone, and havent given myself proper time to research. Its cool, just dont answer if its to tedious for you. I do appreciate your help.



I do think, Mr. 34 Posts, that if someone politely suggests you peruse the PDF then perhaps you should do so? You want our help. Fair's fair.

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It has nothing to do with being fair. It has to do with my needs for making this thread. The only internet access I will have for the next couple days is my iPhone, its a pain to really have to do some digging on this phone. Im 95% sure Ill be getting the Nord Electro 2, I just need a few question answered. If you dont want to answer just move on the next thread. thats all its simple. Most of these threads are nonsense anyway, Im sure a couple of my questions wont hurt anyone.

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It has nothing to do with being fair. It has to do with my needs for making this thread. The only internet access I will have for the next couple days is my iPhone, its a pain to really have to do some digging on this phone. Im 95% sure Ill be getting the Nord Electro 2, I just need a few question answered. If you dont want to answer just move on the next thread. thats all its simple. Most of these threads are nonsense anyway, Im sure a couple of my questions wont hurt anyone.



Ok Mr. Skin Flute, I hope you buy your new board on Friday. Here is a thread that will answer any and all questions about the Electro 3.


Very Recent Electro 3 Thread


Here is the page on Nord's site that will answer all questions about the Electro 2: Electro 2


If you are using this forum as your sole decision-maker, I'm surprised you did not see the first thread. Also, out of curiosity, I thought the iPhone was supposed to be a good internet device, but you say it's a pain to use it for research? I'd think it is a lot easier to simply Google some basic stuff and read vs. typing in the paragraphs you've posted here?

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You know what this thread needs?





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































IPOD pwning.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla lorem erat, tincidunt quis, fringilla in, porta in, nisl. Etiam ullamcorper gravida ipsum. Quisque nisi. Sed justo. Cras felis lectus, feugiat sed, vestibulum bibendum, facilisis et, mauris. Aliquam ultricies lobortis metus. Vivamus dapibus, pede vel ultricies dapibus, diam massa accumsan augue, nec accumsan libero odio at metus. Sed laoreet rutrum est. Pellentesque congue fringilla sapien. Ut placerat egestas nisl. Donec blandit mollis metus. Vestibulum egestas auctor nisi. Aenean a urna eu magna placerat molestie. Aenean quis mi. Integer sapien elit, bibendum malesuada, lacinia vitae, adipiscing quis, nulla. Donec erat nisl, luctus porta, dignissim non, consectetuer eu, elit. Vestibulum velit. Quisque accumsan dictum nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ac enim a erat hendrerit condimentum.

Quisque non enim. Curabitur gravida pulvinar mauris. Fusce lobortis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin interdum, velit eu elementum mattis, orci erat auctor lorem, sed euismod dolor justo sed metus. Proin ullamcorper volutpat nunc. Nam quis nisl eget lectus posuere dictum. Maecenas odio purus, accumsan eget, convallis et, egestas ac, libero. Mauris leo turpis, ultricies id, mattis id, tincidunt eu, orci. Duis ac mauris. Praesent quam. Fusce tellus tortor, feugiat in, pellentesque at, semper eget, risus. Aenean urna sapien, ullamcorper imperdiet, varius at, tincidunt id, erat. In risus mi, eleifend a, interdum vel, egestas non, orci. Suspendisse potenti.

Fusce tristique. Vivamus sapien. Vestibulum adipiscing nulla id ante. Nullam nec purus. Ut non libero. Aenean tempor porttitor mauris. Sed at nisl vitae felis venenatis congue. Maecenas leo sapien, malesuada non, rhoncus sit amet, viverra eu, pede. Aliquam ut diam a elit ultrices condimentum. Praesent ac quam. Nullam elit neque, dignissim in, cursus eu, laoreet sed, elit. Aenean risus quam, porta in, venenatis ac, pulvinar ac, velit. Aenean felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nam vitae augue. Ut tempus viverra leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In a est. Duis mollis. Nam molestie elit vel nisi. Sed est sem, venenatis non, varius in, dignissim in, nibh. Nullam risus quam, faucibus sit amet, consequat eu, blandit nec, dui. Vivamus volutpat, magna ut pharetra imperdiet, massa neque auctor pede, ultrices pellentesque ligula erat vel justo. Aliquam vitae nibh.

Nam sit amet dolor. Vivamus ante augue, porttitor ac, blandit in, dictum sed, purus. In dignissim scelerisque elit. Fusce adipiscing molestie orci. Praesent non neque. Nullam vitae nunc. Sed aliquam. Aenean pulvinar diam venenatis mi. Suspendisse dictum blandit nibh. Morbi velit enim, condimentum quis, blandit non, auctor nec, nunc. Duis pretium. Aenean interdum vestibulum augue. Suspendisse accumsan vestibulum quam. Pellentesque euismod. Fusce a orci.

Etiam varius, ante vitae tincidunt fringilla, felis massa auctor risus, sed blandit magna sapien id nisl. Aliquam magna. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce nisi libero, ultrices ut, feugiat id, bibendum eu, nisl. Ut mauris massa, laoreet at, condimentum vel, aliquet id, dolor. Praesent adipiscing semper nibh. Aenean scelerisque mattis elit. Quisque eleifend volutpat justo. Nunc cursus.

Duis ligula massa, lobortis id, malesuada tincidunt, feugiat sit amet, sapien. Praesent ipsum ante, suscipit ac, mollis ut, luctus pharetra, tortor. Donec eu augue. Sed lorem est, tincidunt ac, malesuada sit amet, viverra posuere, nunc. Integer tempor lectus eget nulla. Sed non risus sit amet lorem ultrices ultricies. Nam nisl nulla, vehicula sed, fermentum id, ultrices vitae, sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ut nulla. In eu nisl.

Vivamus interdum, libero ut commodo consequat, turpis justo vehicula sapien, eget interdum ipsum sapien porttitor nisi. Pellentesque a ante. Donec sit amet enim at magna facilisis placerat. Integer mauris enim, rhoncus quis, posuere ac, auctor non, orci. Pellentesque accumsan, eros eu rhoncus faucibus, leo sapien suscipit nibh, nec imperdiet odio tortor nec lacus. Etiam at urna eget leo auctor dictum. Mauris congue. Praesent porttitor, arcu id iaculis bibendum, purus sapien commodo dolor, eget ultricies eros diam et dui. Nulla auctor lacus at elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Integer malesuada, eros eu dignissim facilisis, ante massa viverra augue, adipiscing aliquet lorem erat vel dui. Nam ac nulla. Vestibulum placerat, diam ac convallis posuere, ipsum nulla tincidunt pede, in suscipit erat felis vulputate tortor. Cras feugiat. Ut ligula. Sed eu purus. Sed ante. Vestibulum quam risus, interdum at, molestie non, ullamcorper id, mauris. Aliquam id nulla. Proin ipsum. Donec volutpat. Nunc commodo.

Etiam egestas libero et nunc ultrices tempus. Vivamus interdum convallis tellus. Nunc id libero id arcu mollis tincidunt. Morbi commodo purus malesuada nibh. Morbi hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque massa. Duis gravida sodales sapien. Aliquam odio dolor, elementum et, porttitor non, aliquam a, tortor. Curabitur diam tellus, semper et, auctor id, accumsan eget, eros. Donec a felis ac enim viverra dignissim. Nulla tortor risus, pulvinar vel, iaculis eget, gravida at, nisi. Mauris tortor. Aliquam vulputate. Donec euismod gravida sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec id elit. Curabitur nec tortor ut libero sollicitudin dignissim. Aenean quis dui id dolor auctor molestie.

Mauris sagittis tempor lorem. Vestibulum in pede. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus volutpat laoreet orci. In a odio. In sem. Vivamus at odio ac lacus porta auctor. Aliquam bibendum. Fusce cursus leo at enim. Morbi eros nisl, adipiscing sed, pharetra ac, semper sed, elit. Aenean volutpat tempus lorem.

Nunc justo metus, fermentum a, lacinia nec, laoreet ut, lorem. Sed turpis orci, sagittis quis, rhoncus ut, porttitor vel, mi. Nam sit amet eros. Mauris elit ante, cursus vitae, malesuada sed, elementum luctus, augue. Integer iaculis elementum orci. Vestibulum euismod sollicitudin lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis adipiscing leo in turpis. Vestibulum lectus. Cras sapien. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed ullamcorper accumsan magna. Morbi pellentesque diam ut magna.

Nam diam velit, laoreet vitae, sagittis id, adipiscing quis, nulla. Nulla nulla sapien, interdum adipiscing, dapibus ac, elementum in, leo. Praesent ornare feugiat elit. Vivamus dolor lacus, ultrices a, tincidunt quis, hendrerit at, dui. Donec turpis odio, rhoncus sed, iaculis id, malesuada ac, mi. Nunc viverra neque in leo. Ut ac urna ut diam aliquam egestas. Nunc quam. Morbi quis nisl eu justo molestie blandit. Suspendisse id metus. Cras vel lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc volutpat. Mauris feugiat. Mauris pharetra ullamcorper enim. Nulla facilisi.

Vivamus lacinia, erat in ullamcorper consequat, urna sapien semper orci, vel tempus nibh lorem luctus urna. Donec commodo pharetra justo. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam ultricies. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla sollicitudin risus non est. Aenean massa metus, ornare viverra, commodo sed, sodales cursus, enim. Maecenas interdum convallis lacus. Nam dictum elit ut tellus. Nam ultricies feugiat leo. Aenean leo nisl, placerat in, sagittis vitae, venenatis sit amet, turpis. Phasellus et turpis. Vivamus rhoncus quam eget est. Aenean pellentesque, pede sit amet consectetuer sagittis, pede turpis hendrerit lacus, pretium ultricies sem neque in libero. Sed tincidunt lacus eu libero. Vivamus consequat tellus eu lacus pellentesque auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Donec orci. Etiam congue ligula eget elit. Suspendisse placerat, enim ac tristique placerat, nunc leo pretium nibh, ut lobortis est nibh vitae nunc. Pellentesque in velit. Nulla quam urna, pellentesque vel, interdum id, vulputate convallis, libero. Quisque posuere suscipit dui. Donec hendrerit leo sit amet dui. Duis lacinia faucibus odio. Fusce interdum mi nec risus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur vestibulum mi eu augue. Mauris feugiat nibh eget est. Pellentesque arcu nisl, mollis ut, ultricies ut, consectetuer eu, libero. Cras sapien turpis, condimentum sed, malesuada vel, commodo eget, leo. Cras pellentesque dictum enim. In a augue at orci dictum adipiscing. Duis tempor convallis enim.

Sed vitae quam vitae mi porta rhoncus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed luctus. Maecenas convallis. Proin non erat. Quisque consectetuer, massa a dapibus convallis, lorem felis rhoncus velit, eu volutpat tortor nibh at pede. Praesent rutrum, nisi et malesuada interdum, metus augue lacinia sem, id mattis elit lacus quis arcu. Sed congue. Mauris aliquam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam rutrum ligula eget arcu. Cras eu risus sit amet nunc tempor bibendum. Proin ac justo ut leo vehicula eleifend.

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thanks eric, the iphones okay but why not get some questions answered here. That is the point Im trying to make. I can post a question and check back later with a possible answer. with out having to be on my iphone for to long. I find it funny that DualLowpass and others with way to much time on their hands can post stupid {censored}. and I get a complaint for asking a couple of questions. Now this thread is off topic and all F 'ed up. I hope we can end this pointless discussion and get back to keyoards. Eric youve been alot of of help and I appreciate it.

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The moral of this story: get the Electro and be happy like countless others. If you don't like it you can always just sell it and get the new flavor of the month, like DLP. But if you're actually a gigging musician, I have feeling you'll be satisfied.


PS - the Electro2 is awesome, I own one. It's versatile, light, attractive and not too too expensive (considering it is a classic pro board). So go out on black friday and play it. If it's a fit then talk them down to 1150. Just my $.02

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Well after talking to a friend, Ive decided to hold out for a little while for the electro 3. I hope its not too much more than the electro 2.



Get ready to wait several months and probably pay at least $600 more. Nothing wrong with that if getting a new board is not urgent for you. Apparently you can wait, so more power to you if it is not something you need to make the gigs happen.


The Electro 3 will be priced between the 2 and the Stage, so expect the least expensive one to be at least $2k. You can get a used 2 for a grand or less.

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