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Your favorite high-gain pedal, money no object


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I've been using my Diamond Fireburst for years now. It works great and sounds awesome, but I want some more flavours. So far I've tried the Emma Pissdinyourhoweveryouspellit and it sounded awesome but pretty one dimensional IMO. Waiting to try the SLOstortion. I'm a big wampler fan and I think I will end up buying one. Also curios about the Rivera Metal Shaman just because it could be interesting. Also tried the triple wreck and liked it, but wasnt sold enough on it to put down the cash.

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Another amp vote. Aren't high gain pedals invented for guys who can't afford a mesa/bogner/etc?

Which is why I don't get those $300 high gain pedals that are supposed to gimmick amps like the Peavey 5051, which (used) don't even cost THAT much more, especially considering they sound a zillion times better than any silly little solid state pedal.


Anyway, if you're after something for teh brootz, forget fuzz peds or rat type of distortion. Suhr riot isn't exactly the right choice for modern chugga chugga type of tones either. Just based on the clips/vids, if you insist on blowing good money...I'd check out: Triple wreck, Pisdiyauwot, Okko Dominator,...

Bang for the buck -whise the Barber Dirty Bomb or Mi Audio Tube Zone might be good contestants too. And a lot of people swear by their modded Boss MT2's too, though I never really gave that one a try myself.


But really, some type of modeler (damage control maybe even?) would probably come closest to the sound of a real high gain amp impo.

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