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John Frusciante guitar solo on...


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Give it away. can anybody find the clip on youtube of john frusciante's guitar solo in give it away or suck my kiss(not sure) where he takes the chord out and makes weird feedback noises from the guitars input jack??? (i think thats how he did it). i think it was around 91 or 92 before he quit the band

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:confused: anything john frusciante is good in my book :thu:


whats he up to now anyways? havent heard anything from him since the empyrean, and as far as i know nothing from Speed Dealer Moms was ever released...then he finally officially quit RCHP, and now nothing :(

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2:30 - 2:50

God they sound {censored}



haha yeah they don't sound too good, but no thats not it, you can actually see him take out the chord and he does this weird thing with the guitar input, i stumbled on it awhile ago and can't find it again. i remember in the comments they were comparing him to tom morello as making sounds with the guitar

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anything john frusciante is good in my book

whats he up to now anyways? havent heard anything from him since the empyrean, and as far as i know
nothing from Speed Dealer Moms was ever released
...then he finally officially quit RCHP, and now nothing


2 tracks bro.





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One of the worst RHCP performances with Froosh is the SNL one from 1992 where they do Under the Bridge. He {censored}s up the whole thing so bad it's a complete embarrassment. In fact, forget him quitting, he wouldn't have had a chance to quit as I would have fired him on the spot if I was one of the other band members.

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One of the worst RHCP performances with Froosh is the SNL one from 1992 where they do Under the Bridge. He {censored}s up the whole thing so bad it's a complete embarrassment. In fact, forget him quitting, he wouldn't have had a chance to quit as I would have fired him on the spot if I was one of the other band members.


:confused: He did it on purpose so that they would fire him

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thanks for coming back to post it :) for anyone who cares its starts around 2:25.


and god keidis looks horrible with his long ass hair :facepalm:



and heres the clip of frusciante on snl 1992




^personally i dont think he {censored}ed up at all, sounded like a nice kind of variation on under the bridge :idk: i liked it


and wtf is flea wearing on his head?? :confused:

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