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OT: Pickles

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A very kind fellow sent me some of his fancy pickles. I wouldn't call myself a pickle professional, but they are phenomenal. The habenero pickles were by far the best ive ever had in my life. Just had to share my experience.


Anyone else love pickles!!?


Blind Doc Jones' Pickles....Cures What Ails Ya'. Damn right it does!


Thanks Randy!

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I'm in NE Florida. We only get the big brands. Sucks. I figure if I were further south there might be some good Nothern transplants that would have brought some of that good NE 'deli' culture down with them. Used to do trips to Philly as a kid to visit my grandparents, had some of the best pickles ever there (not to mention soft pretzels).

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i had a pickled okra on saturday. had never even heard of it before. blew my mind, so awesome.


We pickle okra too.

It's tough to get a good supply of ultra-fresh, but once in a while a find a big box of buds up here. We've tried to grow okra too, but only with limited success. It must be the lack of continuous, sweltering, muggy, humid days...Kinda odd, cuz we grow killer habanero peppers, monsterous cayenne, and terrific Thai peppers.


I'll just stick with spiced-up cukes, green beans and beets...and the sauerkraut...home-crocked and fermented cunny.gif

And one of these years, I'll remember to make enough of my Kosher-style Dills to share...that's a whole new realm of spice/savory/zing.

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We pickle okra too.

It's tough to get a good supply of ultra-fresh, but once in a while a find a big box of buds up here. We've tried to grow okra too, but only with limited success. It must be the lack of continuous, sweltering, muggy, humid days...



Maybe you can get a heated greenhouse and keep the humidity level high?

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