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D.A.M. Meathead...alternatives?


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First of all, it doesn't have to be a straight clone or rip-off job, I was just wondering if there were any -non diy- peds out there that take the same approach to the si fuzzface, or at least do something similar?


There's got to be a more affordable fuzz out there that comes close enough...Right??



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Dunwich...Not exactly a brand you can find at every street corner:s

Sounds good though, but since I'm Europe importing a $200 pedal from the US would end up costing me more than if I'd buy a used meathead of ebay...:(


The dreamcrusher...Sounds great too, in it's own way. Not quite the same flavour of fuzz face though, at least to my ears...

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Dunwich...Not exactly a brand you can find at every street corner:s

Sounds good though, but since I'm Europe importing a $200 pedal from the US would end up costing me more than if I'd buy a used meathead of ebay...

The dreamcrusher...Sounds great too, in it's own way. Not quite the same flavour of fuzz face though, at least to my ears...


I could make u a cheaper, no frill no screen version for less. Custom job to keep the price down then gift it to you on the forms to avoid large custom import taxes

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Thanks all, including the doods who pm'd me with offers to build me a clone or sell me their clone...


But since I'm picky (maybe stinchy according to some), already drowning in underused pedals, not rich, and under the guard of my g/f who's so far doing a good job keeping us from going bankrupt dispite my crazy fuzz adiction...


I'm taking my time, looking at the zillions of options to make sure I get the best possible deal out there. So even though I'm normally not at all anti-boutique when it comes to dirt peds, there's no way I'm spending $100 or more here. At least when it comes to clone/diy effects that don't have the best resale value, something I'd also want try to take into account. And I guess I should explore the stuff I already have a little more to see how far that gets me.


My fuzz factory is after a modified (severely that is) Si fuzz face too, it just takes a little more tweaking to find the more meathead-ish settings. A big problem there (1st world problem, I know) is that my fuzz factory impo sounds the best with the gain not all the way, but stacked with another mild distortion/od, or with my amp's crunch...Really beefy/gnarly/nasty/heavy/etc. Which is just waaaay too noisy, in terms of excessive humm/hiss, even with humbuckers...

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