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Use individual pedals or a multi-effects? I was looking at the TC Electronics Nova System or just to purchase a Chorus, Delay, and possibly a Reverb (though there is one in the amp). So I have a Mesa Boogie Lonestar Special, and I have a Fulltone Fulldrive 2 Mosfet going to the front end. I was thinking that it would be smart to put the effects in the loop. Money-wise, it's about the same, but there's more built into the Nova System. That said, there's distortion and such in the multi that I don't need, and that kind of says, "Put me in front of the amp." Aaaaaargh! Any guitar guys help me out?

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I like individual effects because it allows you to pick and choose your favorites for each effect type. Nothing against TC - they make some great stuff - but maybe I prefer the sound of a different company's delay, but want to use a TC Electronics reverb... individual pedals allows me to do that, and also allows me to replace one or two pedals with something else later without having to scrap the whole rig.


Depending on the amp and the effects loop and its level / controls, you should be able to use either option in the effects loop. If you are going to use the TC for just modulation effects (chorus, flange, etc.), delay and reverb, then the loop would be a very good place to put it... but if you wanted to use the overdrives, I'd recommend putting it in "front" of the amp.

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Thanks, Phil. Actually, I like the sound of the Nova Delay, and yes, first hand. I've been playing a long time, and like many people, I've switched from multi-effects back to single back to multi... you get the picture. Since I like the way the amp breaks up, pushes and overdrives just with the Fulltone and the two channels, I don't need another overdrive, boost, or other such pedal. I just want to color the sound with reverb, delay, and maybe chorus. I've found that most multi-effects take away from string attack and thin out sound. All that said, I laid down $$ on a used Nova Delay (http://www.tcelectronic.com/novadelay.asp), so now to find the Nova Reverb (http://www.tcelectronic.com/novareverb.asp).

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Stick with pedals. I find with multi effects I spent more time tweaking and programing but never really got there. Plus with most it is not as easy as pedals to adjust on the fly in the middle of a song. If I was going for an all-in-wonder I think those TC's look pretty good. If you are not getting an Axe Fx Ultra 2.

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Multi-effects are a lot cheaper obviously and I would imagine that's the biggest selling point but when it comes to making music I want to sound as good as I possibly can and I've never heard a multi-effects unit that sounded as good as high quality individual effects. I've owned a Boss multi-effects unit and several Line 6 units in the past and I would probably never purchase one again.


The Nova is only 350 bucks, if you've tried it and like it then go for it. Individual pedals can get really expensive, I have a delay pedal that's more than the Nova cost. It matters to me, the better my rig sounds the better I play, but the audience probably doesn't give a {censored} either way.

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Thanks, everybody, I think the individual effect tract is the one I will be taking. Cyprusg, the Nova line is TC's way of saying, "We've got new pedals", and the Nova Delay is the one that I purchased, not the Nova System. (Confusing? Yes) I'm thinking that I will get a reverb, but more importantly, a Chorus. Visual Sound makes an interesting chorus pedal I've had my eye on for a while: (http://www.visualsound.net/index.php/products/guitar_effects_pedals/v2_liquid_chorus/).

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