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Amp choice help

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So I play and a doom band and my Blues Jr isn't cutting it, I wanna louder amp to run my pharaoh through for distortions. I do however use alot of clean tone so something that could clean up would be nice. I would like the amp to be below $400. I am currently between a Peavey Windsor, and a Bugera 1960. I have heard both to be good for doom, but need help choosing. Open to other ideas as well.

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sovtek mig50/60/100


Another good idea I think, but I'm not sure if the complete package for that would fall under $400 unless there are combo versions or you get a really cheap cab. Seems like the heads alone were going for around $400 when I was looking, but maybe that's changed.

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oh yeah, forgot about a cab

I'd keep saving, you get what you pay for in the end


Yeah, big +1 there. There are a lot of good amps in that price range that I'm sure you'd be happy with but with a little more you could get something pretty sexy like the 4x10 '59 Reissue Bassman :love:

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