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Dear Pedal Companies: Make this looper


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What I want is a looper with the following feature set:


6 Dedicated control buttons like the M9/M13 with the M9 feature set (rec/overdub so you can overdub IMMEDIATELY after recording a loop!)


Three independent loops, configurable in the way of the Boomerang III (Sync, "master loop", and Free) - select active loop with a top row of buttons. Independent undo/redo of last loop within each.


Expression pedal inputs for volume control of each loop.


1 hour of loop time (total, for the three loops)


48/24 recording quality or close to it.


Plays well with other MIDI clock devices.


So it'd be about the size of an M13.


Does a looper with this feature set exist? It seems like everything I see is lacking at least one key component. Basically I want the M13 looper with three loops and longer recording time. Is there even another looper that has immediate overdub on a recorded loop like the Line 6 loopers?

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have you checked out the line6 looper? i don't know if it meets these requirements btw.



You mean the JM4? Only one loop. It's basically the DL4 looper with more time and a bunch of effects that I wouldn't need. Also, no expression pedals. It's a glorified Boss RC-2.

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What about the Pigtronix looper that is coming out?



Only two loops. No expression pedal. Not sure about the usability of the functions yet, but with only three foot switches it seems hard to believe it would be easy to rec/overdub play/stop undo/redo half reverse or easily control the two loops. It's a very odd feature set for a looper really... Seems more designed to interact with hardware and DAWs and multiple inputs. Less of a performance live looper.

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Not the boomerang 3? I thought it was the cats ass.



You can't immediately overdub after recording the initial loop, can you? That is actually critical feature #1 for me. It looks like just doing regular overdubs is a pain in the ass. None of the demos I have watched of the 'Rang show anyone ever immediately going to overdub.


If it does, then maybe I have to change my opinion of the 'Rang III. Because it's damned close. I just wish the extra options weren't all buried in the two "bonus" foot switches. I want more independent and immediate control.

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Not the boomerang 3? I thought it was the cats ass.



no midi sync. should have had that from the beginning. IIRC; I read somewhere - probably here, that Boomerang is working on an add-on or something to allow for midi sync with the III

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Only two loops. No expression pedal. Not sure about the usability of the functions yet, but with only three foot switches it seems hard to believe it would be easy to rec/overdub play/stop undo/redo half reverse or easily control the two loops. It's a very odd feature set for a looper really... Seems more designed to interact with hardware and DAWs and multiple inputs. Less of a performance live looper.



Sorry, I should have read your spec's more closely.


Hmm, not sure I know of the right answer.

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Are you open to the idea of something like Ableton Live running on a laptop, with an external footswitch (FCB1010 or other) for control?



I know this is an option, and obviously this is the best looping solution out there. I really would hate to rely on a laptop. I don't own a laptop now (desktop user) so I would have to invest in:

Laptop: $1000

Interface: $500+ for anything of any quality

Ableton: $400? something like that maybe

Foot Controller: $300?


I'd rather deal with the limitations of a $500 RC-300 and not deal with the setup.

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You can't immediately overdub after recording the initial loop, can you? That is actually critical feature #1 for me. It looks like just doing regular overdubs is a pain in the ass. None of the demos I have watched of the 'Rang show anyone ever immediately going to overdub.

If it does, then maybe I have to change my opinion of the 'Rang III. Because it's damned close. I just wish the extra options weren't all buried in the two "bonus" foot switches. I want more independent and immediate control.



The Boomerang III can go immediately to overdub.

-Press a loop button to start recording

-While recording, press the overdub (stack) button

-Press the loop button again, and you're immediately overdubbing.


Sounds like the Boomerang III fits most of your conditions.

Aside from requirements that you probably won't need anyway, like 1 hour of recording time for live looping, and things that no manufacturer is ever going to build, like three expression pedal inputs, one for each loop...


The only real problem might be that it doesn't work with MIDI clock signals. But I believe that no hardware looper does that really well.

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What I didn't like about the rang III is mainly two things:


1. I didn't like the controls. I like dedicated knobs and buttons for functions and not having to assign functions to just a few. Took actually trying it to realize that, though.


2. No speed control for pitch/time warping.


Oh! And..... I think I'll drop this in here: ;)






sorry, it was too tempting!

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What I didn't like about the rang III is mainly two things:

1. I didn't like the controls. I like dedicated knobs and buttons for functions and not having to assign functions to just a few. Took actually trying it to realize that, though.

2. No speed control for pitch/time warping.

Oh! And..... I think I'll drop this in here:



sorry, it was too tempting!


how do I buy things from you?

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The Boomerang III can go immediately to overdub.

-Press a loop button to start recording

-While recording, press the overdub (stack) button

-Press the loop button again, and you're immediately overdubbing.

Sounds like the Boomerang III fits most of your conditions.

Aside from requirements that you probably won't need anyway, like 1 hour of recording time for live looping, and things that no manufacturer is ever going to build, like three expression pedal inputs, one for each loop...

The only real problem might be that it doesn't work with MIDI clock signals. But I believe that no hardware looper does that really well.



I know the expression pedal inputs is a stretch. But at least one to control the volume of the current loop, then when you switch loops the volume sticks would be nice. I really just don't like the 'Rang's primary interface. Not enough dedicated controls. My instrument makes it nearly impossible for me to bend down to turn a knob. Not like a guitar. Easy and accessible control from the feet is a must.


Actually, after reading the manual for the Boss RC-300, it sounds like that does Record > Overdub > Play as the default for each loop. So really the RC-300 is the closest to what I want on the market right now. Doesn't look like there's really easy undo/redo or any reverse/half speed manipulation from the feet though... hrm.

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What I didn't like about the rang III is mainly two things:

1. I didn't like the controls. I like dedicated knobs and buttons for functions and not having to assign functions to just a few. Took actually trying it to realize that, though.

2. No speed control for pitch/time warping.

Oh! And..... I think I'll drop this in here:



sorry, it was too tempting!


How do i give you all my money?

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What I didn't like about the rang III is mainly two things:

1. I didn't like the controls. I like dedicated knobs and buttons for functions and not having to assign functions to just a few. Took actually trying it to realize that, though.

2. No speed control for pitch/time warping.

Oh! And..... I think I'll drop this in here:



sorry, it was too tempting!


Where do I sign?

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I know the expression pedal inputs is a stretch. But at least one to control the volume of the current loop, then when you switch loops the volume sticks would be nice. I really just don't like the 'Rang's primary interface. Not enough dedicated controls. My instrument makes it nearly impossible for me to bend down to turn a knob. Not like a guitar. Easy and accessible control from the feet is a must.



I like how the rang III works with an expression pedal. It controls the "master loop level", even when switching loops. So you can for instance do a smooth fade out, and during that, switch loops. That's the functionality you're looking for right? I'm not sure how it works in sync/free mode though.


The lack of buttons is indeed one of the Boomerang's main problems. It has got so many functions, but just so few buttons to dedicate to them... I think it's better than not having all of these functions (like most other loopers), but slightly frustrating nonetheless.


But judging by your requirements and posts, it seems you don't mind having a large footprint, and spending a bit of money, so why not consider Boomerang III + Sidecar? That gives you all the control you'd ever want.


The Boomerang has some real downsides, like no loop storage/no built-in drum loops/no MIDI sync, but it looks like a good choice.

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