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Soldering output jack HALP


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My strat, which has active pickups, had been humming or cutting out for a couple weeks. It seemed to be the output connection, as when I wiggled the cord it would be fine for a minute. Tried tightening the connection inside, but that didn't fix it. Bought a new output jack. Soldered it several times. The best I could do was get it to work, but the sound has mild (but unpleasant) distortion. Is this due to a bad soldering job? Or might it be that I reversed the black wires (it's a stereo output, so 3 wires are soldered)?

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did you take a pic of the jack prior to installing the new one? - to remember which wire goes where? What colors are the wires you have to work with. If you'e dealing with active pickups - how is the battery in there now in terms of life?

Are the solder joints shinny? if they're not shinny and look dull then there is a good chance the joints are cold/bad.

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I remembered that the red wire went first, followed by the black wire that had less wire showing, then the black wire with more wire showing. On this last time soldering, the connections look fairly shiny. It does seem to be a jack issue as the problem of the hum and it cutting out is no longer present, as it was initially. But the unclear sound is still there.

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... But the unclear sound is still there.

No troll, but have you tried a fresh battery? A dying battery in an active guitar/bass has those exact symptoms.


Hey, I've done it too...I was SURE the farty distortion from my Yamaha active bass was really a problem with my bass amp. It wasn't...the preamp battery was dying. :facepalm:


The stereo jack is there because the jack is used to connect the (-) terminal on the battery to ground when you plug your cord in, just like on a stompbox.

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