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Spend my money


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I'm at a bit of an impasse and could use some advice. Right now I'm writing and writing and writing and getting ready to start gigging. I just sold a guitar to pay for a DSI Tetra. Zero remorse, maximum satisfaction. I'm not even playing guitar anymore. I seriously have not written anything on guitar pretty much ever. Don't really think that I gel with them at all and that I am a piano player at heart, despite dedicating so much time to the guitar.


Anyways, I've got a 1971 Fender Pro Reverb. It sounds so {censored}ing good but I haven't plugged it in in FOREVER. What makes more sense; to keep it for {censored}s and giggles or sell it and buy {censored} that I really need? I'm not even sure of what I need at this point other than a keyboard amp (which I'm looking at a really great deal on). I'm still gonna hold on to a couple of guitars but I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to use guitar in any of the songs I'm writing, at all, and on top of that my bass player has an AC30 he never uses and keeps in our little rehearsal space.

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i wouldn't sell it but if you REALLY don't see yourself using guitar again (in any meaningful way), then selling it probably makes sense



Well the thing is, I guess, that there are so many legitimate, cheap options for guitar this point that my needs don't really match having a Pro Reverb. I would be completely happy playing out of a much cheaper amp like a used AC30 if it meant that all my other needs were met. I've got a line on a very clean Roland KC-550 keyboard amp for like $300 which seems to be a {censored}ing great solution, even for guitar.

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