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Quote Originally Posted by guitardustin

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This is {censored}ing fantastic, thanks for posting. You know these guys or just a fan? Downloading like a mofo.


Friends of mine, yes. Benjamin has since passed, but I'm still friends with the rest of the band. They have a few associated bands that have a similar feel, but Benjamin was truly one-of-a-kind.
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Review from CD Baby:

"If Joy Division were a Folk group fronted by Tom Waits or Nick Cave, they might sound somewhere in the ballpark of Smoke. Instead of synths, they use coronet. Instead of bass, cello. Put in a dash of banjo, plus some stellar lead guitar & you have 1/2 the picture. The gruff, urgent rasp of frontman Benjamin's vocals are another thing that sets this band apart. He can't help but bring Joy Divison's Ian Curtis to mind. Or Tom Waits or Nick Cave. All of which sells him short. If he comes off sounding like a dying man, he was. Suffering from the effects of drug abuse & HIV, this guy armed himself with lyrics on par with any Hubert Selby novel. Toss in a little bit of Flannery O'Connor's Southern grotesqueness & this biscuit is done. Songs like, "Trust", "Friends" & "When It Rains" come off like water damaged snapshots of a sordid life. Lust is a main character, stabbing in the dark for some lasting sense of the big, XO. Desperation aids & abets on tunes like "Clean White Bed" & the moving "Train Song". That's not so say there aren't a fair share of rockers. "Shadow Box" should appease on that front. If Lou Reed's VU defined the cultural underground in the late 60's & early 70's, this band pretty much does the same for the late 90's & early 21st. In other words, they are way ahead of their time. Sordid, funny & modern, this is Gothic Americana at it's personal best."

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If Joy Division were a Folk group fronted by Tom Waits or Nick Cave





Haha this is exactly what I thought when I was watching the videos. Sounds like Nick Cave singing for Joy Division. Pretty awesome stuff, thanks for sharing.
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