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UPS Tracking: Your Best Friend and Worst Enemy


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I'm sure someone will back me up on this. UPS tracking is a great tool, to protect against getting scammed, and to know when to expect your package, but it's a double edged sword.


I find myself checking the tracking number several times a day for no apparent reason. I have become it's slave :(

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Originally posted by Skr4ped

I'm sure someone will back me up on this. UPS tracking is a great tool, to protect against getting scammed, and to know when to expect your package, but it's a double edged sword.

I find myself checking the tracking number several times a day for no apparent reason. I have become it's slave

so i am not the only one guilty of this...;)

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Originally posted by crwnedblasphemy

It is a double edged sword...not cuz of that though....cuz after you see it in transit, then the paranoid demons start buzzing around in your head, thinking of every {censored}er chucking around your package and smashing it all to {censored}! UPS sucks!

Paranid demons!! Couldn't have put it into words better than that. :D

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Originally posted by surge

Whenever one of my packages is out for delivery, I always wait in the living room, and peak through the window at every car that passes. Stressful times...

Since I'm at college I don't even get the pleasure of being miserable while waiting for the package to be delivered. It could get here at 5 in the morning, I can't get it until around 7 at night :(

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Originally posted by cloudnine

Its better than USPS "tracking". My guitar was shipped from Portland to Megadeth7684 in PA - shipped on the 9th, didnt get on the site til late on the 10th, then no update from "Accepted at Location for Shipping" til "Delivered" today.


yeah ive got an engl 570 coming in (i hope) its been a week today still no sign of it and the us postal tracking thing still says its been accepted at the post office in america. nice to know a few grand of mine is floating around somewhere.

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I work at home three days a week, and I always try to ensure my gear arrives on those days. My office is down in my basement, and while I can always hear the doorbell, for some reason I'm always paranoid that this particular day is the one where it ceases to function. As such, I actually test the doorbell at the front and back several times during those days. I refuse to even shower until the delivery arrives for fear of missing it. Mania.

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Originally posted by Rayneman

I work at home three days a week, and I always try to ensure my gear arrives on those days. My office is down in my basement, and while I can always hear the doorbell, for some reason I'm always paranoid that this particular day is the one where it ceases to function. As such, I actually test the doorbell at the front and back several times during those days. I refuse to even shower until the delivery arrives for fear of missing it. Mania.


My UPS guy always used to leave stuff at the door if no answered (he has also left it in my sisters car, when it was snowing, haha). Despite this fact, whenever I was home on delivery day I always made sure that between 1:00 and 6:00 I had nothing to do.

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