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Which Amp To Use For 5000 people???

Alex Flouros

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Originally posted by Alex Flouros

not true...

well at least if you mean for clubs that'll take up to 50-100 people...

the road king and the JCM will not play if not cranked at least a bit...

i've tried that with the RK...it was a disaster....the sound guy was always telling em to low the master volume and in the end the RK sounded like a toaster....

on the other hand the DIezels and the rack will play at lower volumes because of their design..


You took that wrong. Start from the other end. I'd use an amp that sounds good in a normal sized club and use the same amp everywhere. My 45 watt Nomad head has seen crowds of several thousand a few different times. It works fine.

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I haven't ever played for more than say, 20 people, but I'll try my best :p

Marshall would be a safer choice, since it's what rockers' ears are probably most accustomed to. You might be right about the lack of distortion/compression but I'm sure at such a big event the sound man will make most anything sound awesome :)

On the other hand, you might feel more comfortable playing through your VH-4 if it really is your sig tone like Digital Jams suggested.

And a big congrats on getting the gig. I mean Helloween... wow :eek:

P.S... If only the exclusive line of Esteban amplifiers were available in Europe :(


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I voted VH4 mainly because, with it's channel switching options and loops etc, you could pair up Panther, Einstein (comp out into loop) or any combination of stuff with it and have a massive range of tones available.

Congrats on the gig Alex. Ask em to play Dr Stein for me :D:thu:

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