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OT: Holy crap, the real video is even funnier


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Wow. For the first 2 seconds or so I thought it might actually be halfway decent, but it downhill real quick. I think their parents need to limit them to one can of soda per day, way too much sugar.... They probably got to the green room and said, "You mean we can have ALL the mountain dew we want???"

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And I thought the White Stripe video was as bad as it gets....


WTF is happening to music....

Man does it suck....


I'm going to have to get a few more 8 year old students and promote their music...

Sure to go multi-platinum....

:freak: :freak: :freak: :freak:

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Originally posted by tommythelurker

Wow. For the first 2 seconds or so I thought it might actually be halfway decent, but it downhill real quick. I think their parents need to limit them to one can of soda per day, way too much sugar.... They probably got to the green room and said, "You mean we can have ALL the mountain dew we want???"


I totally agree. Those guys are twitching like they just got a beehive rammed into their asses.


The lyrics still don't make any sense to me and the black-shirted guitarist has propably practiced those spins for hours in front of a mirror. ;)

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Originally posted by typedeaF

I thought the cartoon thing was funny. LOL. The guitar wankers looks like he just did an 8 ball and the wardrobe design is courtesy of Fags 'R Us's close out sell on all items from the 1994 clothing line. Damn, who likes this {censored} and how can they sleep at night knowing they do?



Wow,....they have a lot of,..um,...energy. :freak:


Everyone on this board really dogs these guys out. While it's not something I really dig or would get into, I've heard stuff I think is a lot worse. It's teenie-bopper pop-rock, and honestly, for that sub-genre it's not that bad.

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Originally posted by code_blue

Its not really as bad/funny as you are all making it out to be.



I guess it is all relative to the venue. If they were a bar playing it would mildly amusing but as it is they are on national TV. If this performance is any indication of the band's quality, they belong don't there. However, they could do a few things to make themselves national TV worthy. First, the guitar player should fall and bust his ass durring one of his "Crack Pipe Spins" secondly the bass player should smash the drum set with the neck of the bass when he does those "power dips". Finally, the drummer should jump off the drum riser and deck the bass player for whacking his drums. Any lost teeth would get them an encore.

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Stage presence is find n dandy, I'm just talking about the band/music. That lead singer is brutal on the ears and the song just/band just overtly sucks, IMO. Of course I guess this is still just opinion, I just can't see how anyone would be into these types of bands enough to the point where they can pull of large tours....amazing :eek:

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