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does ANY1 know what amps and guitars were used to record 1st SOAD record?


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sounds like a dual recto to me. i know he's used those, specifically around the toxicity era. i've heard he only used the carvin cause it was like, his first amp or something and it has sentimental value. i think it's just for some of the clean tones anyways.

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I heard it was Rivera amps in a room full of acoustic guitars hangin on the walls and recorded by aiming microphones to the soundholes of the acoustic guitars.

BTW this is no joke. But he who said it before me could have joked I don't know? :confused::thu:

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Originally posted by Rock_Borg

I heard it was Rivera amps in a room full of acoustic guitars hangin on the walls and recorded by aiming microphones to the soundholes of the acoustic guitars.

BTW this is no joke. But he who said it before me could have joked I don't know?

thats the new one

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the acoustic guitar thing is true - but not on the first record, he did that for mezmerize/hypnotize - it's in GW a few months ago.

I seem to remember it was mostly recto but I do remember the sentimental Carvin thing too

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Originally posted by DrKorey

the acoustic guitar thing is true - but not on the first record, he did that for mezmerize/hypnotize - it's in GW a few months ago.

I seem to remember it was mostly recto but I do remember the sentimental Carvin thing too


You can see them setting up the room where they did it on the DVD that comes with mezmerize also.

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Originally posted by (hed)sound

sounds like Marshall, i can never find out any information on this cd about what they used or whatever cuz it was a long time ago.....anyways if any1 has info please let me know



I distinctly remember seeing him recording with a marshall. I dont remember where I saw it. It might have been in the booklet of one of their CD's or it might have been some picture on the net but I remember seeing a picture of the studio and distinctly seeing a Marshall.

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Originally posted by Rock_Borg

I heard it was Rivera amps in a room full of acoustic guitars hangin on the walls and recorded by aiming microphones to the soundholes of the acoustic guitars.

BTW this is no joke. But he who said it before me could have joked I don't know?

That was used on the mezermize/hypnotize discs.

I thought the first disc was a dual or triple recto. Not sure though.

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The first two discs were Rectos and his Ibanez Iceman. His father actualy painted the mural on it as well as the art for Hypnotize/Mesmerize. These two discs were recorded with the acoustic guitar trick, a JCM800 and a Gibson SG...'61 Reissue I believe. I saw an unterview in Guitar One a while back.

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when soad's first cd came out, guitar world interviewed the guitar player and he said he used a mesa boogie dual rectifier and a fender fat strat. i've seen pic's of that tour of him using the recto/strat set-up live.

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1st album was a carvin and he used Fender Big Apple Strats. When they did snow core Fear factories bus was stolen with all their gear and it was than he started playing a 2 channel Triple Rectifier with Marshall cabs loaded with 75's because he didn't realize Mesa had traditional ones and thought the Standard ones were muddy. he used Duncan customs or custom custom in the Ibanez's and I believe his SG's he's in now are stock.

After he had enough of having to pay for amps he switched over and had that Mode4 endorsement but they were on stage and he was using a Bad Cat behind it. After that he discovered Divided by 12 amps which he feels give him close to if not exactly the sound on the new albums and he's currently using 2 of their 2x12 combos and running them into his 4x12 cabs.:thu:

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Originally posted by juby

Its not a true SG either

Its an LP with a double cutaway....i beleive they were made before they officially launched the SG series

Anyway, its an LP for sure, just looks like an SG



just means it's an old SG, '64 to '69 i believe. they were called Les Pauls for awhile.

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