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See Maynard's buttcrack. Bonus: Maynard's voice cracks.


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Originally posted by nvcreations

well yeah, I mean you never know if maynard is gonna make out with you, or choke you... but seriously, do you have a vid of that??!?!

I saw them a few years ago with tomohawk. While tomohawk litterally got booed off stage, Tool with pitch perfect on every part.



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hahaha. i like Maynard and all, but i'm not sure how i'd react to being mounted by him...for an extended period of time no less. thrown to the ground? ok. mounted? ehhhhh. prolly not alot of TOOL fans can say that they were mounted by Maynard though.:D

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Originally posted by bullhead

if you're asking me (shrug). whatever happened, it was backstage.
Danny's been performing for almost 40 years
, i'd imagine he probably yelled a lot.



I don't believe Danny has been performing for 40 years, unless he started while in the womb.

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Originally posted by nvcreations

1) they were not playing 7 nights a week solid, gauranteed

2) hes not "jacked", kinda big sure, but maynard "trained" with the gracie family... no fear involved on his part



Danny could totally destroy maynard, as could the bassist. i {censored} jones would probably tap out of a stranglehold though. trust me, maynard my have studieid some grapple martial arts but pretty much most people on a random street could beat his ass.

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Originally posted by bullhead

if you're asking me (shrug). whatever happened, it was backstage. Danny's been performing for almost 40 years, i'd imagine he probably yelled a lot.



Ehhh...no. Danny is 45 and started playing drums at 13. Also, Maynard is a twat for walking off like that. I had a singer do that {censored} in one of my bands because his voice was {censored}ing up. That was the last time he would ever do that because immediately after the gig he no longer had a band to sing for.



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Originally posted by danyeo

It looks to me like the typical singer copout when they can't sing and they blame it on the monitors and soundman.



Nah, I think he was just pissed that he {censored}ed up. I've done that too in practice sometimes. But that's what rehearsals are for... {censored}ing up and learning from it.

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Originally posted by OverDriven

Ehhh...no. Danny is 45 and started playing drums at 13. Also, Maynard is a twat for walking off like that. I had a singer do that {censored} in one of my bands because his voice was {censored}ing up. That was the last time he would ever do that because immediately after the gig he no longer had a band to sing for.




Soooo, you'd have fired MJK from Tool?


That'll learn 'im.

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Originally posted by nvcreations

1) they were not playing 7 nights a week solid, gauranteed

2) hes not "jacked", kinda big sure, but maynard "trained" with the gracie family... no fear involved on his part

I've spoken with Danny face to face after a show. I'm 6'1" and weigh around 200. He makes me look like a horse jockey. I can vouch for his jacked-ness. He's a {censored}ing ape.

And I don't care who Maynard trained with, he's a shrimp. Not that there was going to be any threat of physical violence between them as that's all speculation anyway. :rolleyes:

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Wow, these videos are awesome!

I like Maynard and think he is one of the best male rock singers out there. I kinda feel his pain there. I get pissed when I {censored} up either singing or guitar and used to throw a little spaz fit. Now I kinda laugh but I am also not dealing with the stress of a full scale tour either.

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I would think guitarists who don't sing wouldn't likely understand. Using your body as an instrument is very different than playing an instrument. It can also be very frustrating when your instrument (your body) doesn't always comply. I oughtta know, I suck at singing (though I am getting better). It takes a lot of work to get your body there and I am sure if you abuse your body like national touring does your instrument will pay.

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Originally posted by ColorsoundKid

I would think guitarists who don't sing wouldn't likely understand. Using your body as an instrument is very different than playing an instrument. It can also be very frustrating when your instrument (your body) doesn't always comply. I oughtta know, I suck at singing (though I am getting better). It takes a lot of work to get your body there and I am sure if you abuse your body like national touring does your instrument will pay.



I did choir for over 5 years and did a bunch of recitals, one where my voice was totally shot. So I did what I could and toughed through it - wasnt my best performance but much better than kicking the piano, yelling {censored} THIS! and storming off.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

I did choir for over 5 years and did a bunch of recitals, one where my voice was totally shot. So I did what I could and toughed through it - wasnt my best performance but much better than kicking the piano, yelling {censored} THIS! and storming off.

Yeah but your not a premadonna wearing just your underwear and sporting a shaved head. Thats makes it a whole new ball game :D

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