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OT. HAHA Michael Moore is getting sued for 85 million.


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If it were to go to court the punitive damages would be the big kicker.

He could argue it damaged his reputation but would have to demonstrate a loss to be awarded damages for loss of income or whatever. Even if he can't a judge could still hit Moore (more likely the studio) with a punitive judgement and "pain and suffering."

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Originally posted by dcooper830

However....... I think if Micheal Moore had any decency he would own up to the fact that what he did was wrong. To quote someone out of context like that in a movie that made millions of dollars....

Micheal Moore should come out and say that what he did was wrong and compensate the injured veteran an appropriate amount.

This is my point , MM made an Assload of $$$ on the movie and the Vet feels like it was done at his expense. sure, 85 million sounds extreme as does 10 million for pain in suffering but its all relative. When you twist and spin {censored} to suit and promote your own agenda, you should be prepared to pay when you get called on it. The guy will be lucky if he gets a million or 2 out of it and with his Blood sucking lawyers taking a third or more, its not going to amount to much, he deserves better..

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Originally posted by dcooper830

However....... I think if Micheal Moore had any decency he would own up to the fact that what he did was wrong. To quote someone out of context like that in a movie that made millions of dollars....

All of Michael Moore's bull{censored} movies are taking and quoting out of context. Very little of it is factually based.

It's a propaganda film, not a documentary.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

First off, ALL suits ask for ridiculously high amounts and no one ever gets what they ask for. My point is that This guys suit over a tarnished reputation has merit , The old lady who spilled coffe on herself never did, I dont care how hot the coffee was, its supposed to be friggin hot!!!! McDonalds shouldnt be held accountable for someone spilling hot coffee on themselves anymore than they should be to blame for people becoming fat because they eat Big Macs everyday.... its Stupid

The problem with the McDonald's suit wasn't that the coffee was "hot", it was dangerously "hot". Sure, coffee is supposed to be "hot", but not so "hot" that it would cause burns requiring hospitalization and disfigurement (which is what happened in that case). The evidence showed that McDonald's had been warned that the coffee was too hot and had caused serious injury to people. McDonald's chose to ignore those warnings and continue to sell the coffee because they believed they would lose sales if the coffee temperature was cooled. Under those facts, the jury concluded (rightfully in my opinion) that McDonald's put its profit-motive ahead of safety.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

Michael Moore can be a misrepresenting prick, but this is ridiculous. How many years has it been since the movie? Why is the guy cashing in now?

It really hasn't been that long and maybe they were working with laywers for a while now. Look how long it took Muddy Waters to sue Led Zeppelin!

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Originally posted by BOOGIE666

fry Michael Moore fry, you fat bastard who made millions off of lies and mis leading information.

Speaking of (Bush administration) misleading (Bush administration) information.

And how many BILLION did Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton make off of no-bid contracts in Iraq?

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Originally posted by Mesaholic

The problem with the McDonald's suit wasn't that the coffee was "hot", it was dangerously "hot". Sure, coffee is supposed to be "hot", but not so "hot" that it would cause burns requiring hospitalization and disfigurement (which is what happened in that case). The evidence showed that McDonald's had been warned that the coffee was too hot and had caused serious injury to people. McDonald's chose to ignore those warnings and continue to sell the coffee because they believed they would lose sales if the coffee temperature was cooled. Under those facts, the jury concluded (rightfully in my opinion) that McDonald's put its profit-motive ahead of safety.

So i guess Mcdonalds should put warning signs on thier coffee cups if they already don't! WARNING, HOT COFFEE IS HOT AND IT CAN BURN.

I wonder if i can sue Friedrich air conditioners for making the ZQ-10a10 model 80lbs? I {censored}ed my back up last week picking it up. Maybe i can sue the surviving family members of whoever discovered gravity, I'm naming them in my lawsuit.

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Originally posted by macmax

the problem with this country nowadays is Hipocrisy.

I think people should stop suing and start dealing with their own reality.

If i was a judge i would find a good ring and let i would make the mother{censored}ers figt inside it until one cries out loud .

Man , i am so tired of hearing people complaining, why didn't he come forward at that time and did something about it.

This is {censored}.

Looking fr a fast way out and for a way to become rich, just sue anyone for anything, who the f cares anymore.

Some other thing i have found out lately is that you can't disagree, hehehhe, or you are weird.

and north americans can't stand it when people shove a bit of truth in our faces. AND THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH M MOORE, it is just a thought and i didn't want to open another thread for that.

People from out of America laugh at us stupid Americans.

Come on, really. There are signs everywhere warning people of the most obvious things.

"Caution, metal will be hot when under sunlight"

"Sunlight is warm!"

"The Sky is blue."

Some folks need to get real, and the courts need to get real with the people and tell them F off with their lame ass schemes to get a free ride by acting like idiots.:)

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For all of you people claiming about the amount sought for damages, here's what is going on. I was unable to find the plaintiff's petition online, but I feel comfortable that the following is true.

In cases of this nature you have "actual" damages and "punitive" damages. Actual damages compensate you for your actual loss, i.e. medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish (and in this case his damages for loss of reputation will be included as actual damages). "Punitive" are additional damages designed to punish the offender for his/her conduct. Those damages usually require a finding that the offender committed the act with gross negligence, willful fraud, or with malice. In that case, the measure of punitive damages can be any amount which is calculated to send a message to the offender that society will not tolerate this conduct. After all, an amount which would cripple you and I would be insignificant to someone like Bill Gates. For rich defendants, like corporations or wealthy individuals, the amount is usually figured as a % of profits or net wealth. So, depending upon the movie's profits or Moore's wealth, $85 million may not be an unreasonable number.

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Originally posted by danyeo

So i guess Mcdonalds should put warning signs on thier coffee cups if they already don't! WARNING, HOT COFFEE IS HOT AND IT CAN BURN.

I wonder if i can sue Friedrich air conditioners for making the ZQ-10a10 model 80lbs? I {censored}ed my back up last week picking it up. Maybe i can sue the surviving family members of whoever discovered gravity, I'm naming them in my lawsuit.

Nice mischaracterization. Try again, Dan.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

I smoked Cigs for 30 years and now I have Brain and Lung Cancer, time to sue....

Don't be such a baby. I'm suing the goverment because their warnings made me quit smoking. Now I am unhappy for the rest of my life and too scared to smoke! :mad:

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I guess I don't see how the clip of that guy talking about painkillers right after a guy saying how veterans are being left behind equates to this guy being against the war.

I'm sure he'll gave a great reputation now though for trying to get $85 million because his feelings were hurt.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

First off, ALL suits ask for ridiculously high amounts and no one ever gets what they ask for. My point is that This guys suit over a tarnished reputation has merit , The old lady who spilled coffe on herself never did, I dont care how hot the coffee was, its supposed to be friggin hot!!!! McDonalds shouldnt be held accountable for someone spilling hot coffee on themselves anymore than they should be to blame for people becoming fat because they eat Big Macs everyday.... its Stupid

the facts of the case showed that McDonalds routinely exceeded its own maximum servable temperature for hot coffee, by a large margin as well. the company knew about the problem far in advance, had problems involving customers before, and yet it's stores did nothing about the problem.

so what you've got amounts to a restaurant serving an old lady a cup full of boiling water after failing to properly put the lid on. so she spills it all over herself, sustaining injuries that would not have occurred had the coffee been at McDonald's own temperature spec's and/or had the employee bothered to properly put the lid on.

not exactly frivolous.

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