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What has happened to the US ??


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Originally posted by boogienights

I understand that perfectly, but I still think that act should be illegal. That act really should be an exeption, I don't care if you call George Bush an asshole on CNN or write a book about how much you love sucking other guys penisis or whatever, but I feel flag burning should be an exeption, and if I see someone doing it in my presence, I will make sure they regret it.

Well then....

I guess we'll never see eye to eye since we place different amounts of importance on the personal freedoms given to us.

Although like I said, I'm all for vigilante justice, just like I'm all for crazy nutcase religious cults (ie southern baptists). They can do whatever they want as long as the government doesn't condone it.

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Originally posted by Jarick

I'm pretty sure flag burning is a hell of a lot more popular in Islamic states.

Sure, how is banning it here going to prevent that?

It makes no difference. Banning it under US law will do nothing but strip of us of our freedom of speech rights, the most important right we have.

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Banning it under US law will do nothing but strip of us of our freedom of speech rights, the most important right we have

It's not possable to strip all of our freedom of speech rights by makeing flag burning illegal, that makes no sense to me. The only thing it strips you of is the right to burn U.S. flags.

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Originally posted by boogienights

Don't confuse my team with the Government, I'm talking about people that put on uniforms to defend YOU! It seems you just comprehend what you want and spew anti-government statements as fast as you can don't you, you are eager to spread your' beliefs, go ahead and pick apart/twist what I say and use it for your' own purpose,what you say doesn't matter and nobody cares.

In the end boys still have a penis and girls still have a vagina.


The people in uniforms are NOT defending me, they're off on some vague imperialist mission that does not benefit me in the slightest. Get back to me when the military is actually doing something worth any respect.

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

A) Wrong Forum: Try Open Jam or Political Party

B) That's a scary post

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Originally posted by blargh

The people in uniforms are NOT defending me, they're off on some vague imperialist mission that does not benefit me in the slightest. Get back to me when the military is actually doing something worth any respect.

Dude.......you are a complete douche for writing that. I'm actually embarassed for you.

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Originally posted by boogienights

Prove it.

Well our right to freedom of speech is limited in one way. What's to say they will not start thinking of other ways? Next thing you know we will not be allowed to dissent wit the president during war times. Then we wont be alloed to dissent wit hteh president ever. Then we wont allowed to dissent PERIOD.

I'm libertarian, I'm against this on principle.

you may disagree, but that's my point of view - removing our "right" to burn flags is another step in the direction of fascism and jingoism, obviously not good for a supposedly "democratic" society.

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they're off on some vague imperialist mission that does not benefit me in the slightest. Get back to me when the military is actually doing something worth any respect.

ON to the topic of your' personal life based off of what you just said -Attention anyone who believes this guy is there friend, he only respects you when you do things that benefit him, don't bother him until you can do something for him-

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Originally posted by rgf

Re-read your statement.....it really makes no sense.....'you are fighting for americans, not a symbol'.....very next sentence....'the flag represents liberty gained by revolution against oppressive government'....Question - If the flag 'represents' something, wouldn't that make it a symbol?

Now go sit on your avatar!

yes, you moron, that does make it a symbol. that's what flags are, and that's all that they are. it is ONLY a symbol. symbols are not what anyone with half a brain fights for. what part of that confuses you?

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Originally posted by boogienights

It's not possable to strip all of our freedom of speech rights by makeing flag burning illegal, that makes no sense to me. The only thing it strips you of is the right to burn U.S. flags.

He didn't say all. But it is a step in the direction of restricting the right to peacefully protest. Keep in mind you have the right to peacefully protest and burn any flag you wish, including Iraqi flags. But then again you know how this makes most people look anyway.

Originally posted by boogienights
In the end boys still have a penis and girls still have a vagina.

We also have mouths and assholes, what's your point? Are you against all forms of non-reproductive sex?

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Originally posted by boogienights

ON to the topic of your' personal life based off of what you just said -Attention anyone who believes this guy is there friend, he only respects you when you do things that benefit him, don't bother him until you can do something for him-

Ugh, don't start with the psychoanalysis, it's even more annoying than your subtle physical threats. While I'm sure the thuggish "where do you live" posturing works when you're roughing up gays, it's not quite as effective on a message board.
Anyway, I'm done for tonight, I can only take so many bigoted mouth-breathing almost-comical "patriots" before I start to get sleepy.


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Originally posted by blargh

The people in uniforms are NOT defending me, they're off on some vague imperialist mission that does not benefit me in the slightest. Get back to me when the military is actually doing something worth any respect.

+1 :thu:

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Originally posted by boogienights

I'm talking about people that put on uniforms to defend YOU! It seems you just comprehend what you want

I can see why you wouldnt want to see a US flag burned. But dont forget that you fight for the freedom of all Americans. Not just the ones you like or the ones you agree with. It also saddens me that you currently agree on the gay issue with the very people we are fighting against in the middle east. And dont forget that a good number of men and women who are in the armed forces, who fight along side you, are gay and serve their country.

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????

Wow, what an original set of personal convictions. I can tell you've worked hard at expanding your own insight on life, you can definitely view things from multiple perspectives.

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Originally posted by rememberduane


I'm glad the constitution is less important than ridiculous bigoted/pseudochristian principles.

Just ask most of the tools at Fox News, they'll be sure to tell you that (with a side of "Be afraid of terrorists, let the government do whatever they want to "protect" you!").

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Originally posted by favata5

I apologise to all here Ive offended! Really my heart is sad,this country is lost and getting more lost as the days go on,We used to be proud people that loved God and country,but its gone now,you people have become sheep and have gotten yellow spines and want things brought to you without the swaet and sacrifice..no.no way I can believe this!! cmon,theres gotta be someone out there that would love to change the ways things are and would refuse yo adapt? anyone??


Hey genious, according to your bible, your people take pride in being sheep..

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