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What is the most painful thing you have ever felt?


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You don't want to know. Lets just say it happened in the last PLACES you would want it to on your body. I'm talkin complete horror if you saw it with your own eyes.There's very few things that could've been worse to go through.I'll leave it at that for your imagination. I'm pretty much ok now,but it took a long time to get where i'm at. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone. I'm lucky to still be here. :cool:

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Originally posted by azure and drkz

You don't want to know. Lets just say it happened in the last PLACES you would want it to on your body. I'm talkin complete horror if you saw it with your own eyes.There's very few things that could've been worse to go through.I'll leave it at that for your imagination. I'm pretty much ok now,but it took a long time to get where i'm at. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone. I'm lucky to still be here.

Eyes? Anus? Taint? Scrotum?

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ok,back in highschool i was in metal shop,probaly {censored} up ,just got back from lunch,i was cleaning a piece of metal on the wire wheel,this metal was really bad so i was leaning into it really hard.i slipped and ground down 2 knuckles to the {censored}ing bone,i can still feel it 25 years later!

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Wel, I had one hell of a break in high school playing basketball. I was going for a lay up and a fat guy fell on my leg(at the same time I was jumping up). I heard a big POP. It didn't hurt at that moment...looked down at my leg and my tib/fib was at a near 90 degree angle. After a few minutes though it was quite intense. Eventually, everyone helped me into a wheelchair brought to the courts from the nurses office.
Now, you might say so what...just a broken leg....but my leg was broken(doctors analogy here) like a piece of chalk that was twisted until it shattered.
The real pain was that this happened during school around lunchtime. My folks were at work so I had to wait till my mom could come get me...5 hours later:freak:
As if this wasn't bad enough...the nurses at school could give me as much as an aspirin and kept insisting it didn't look broken. Dumbest nurses ever...my leg was swollen like a {censored}in cantalope.
It hurt like a muther{censored}er and I had to be awake while they reset it.

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the obsolute worst pain i've ever felt?
ITs a toss up between my horendous stomach aches, or having a camera shoved up my ass while air is pumped into my stomach.

I've broken my ankle, sprained it plenty of times, borek my arm in two spots and did some tendon damage ( might need surgery :( )
but let me tell you. NOTHING will ever compare to the stomach aches i get from ulcerative colitis. EVER.

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worst pain was the accident that cause the inflamed tendon i have in my right knee now. was going really fast on a skateboard down a hill back in the high school days...i got horrible speed wobbles and got nervous and decided to ditch, worst idea dont ever do that. i jump off and now im running faster than my legs can handle. i finally stop and im fine!...for about 5 seconds. i double over in what is still the worst pain i could imagine. think of the worst migraine you've ever had in your life, multiply it by 50 and thats the throbbing pain i had in my leg. it was so bad i couldnt even move it. i was going to hop on one leg back to my house by the pain from hopping was so intense that i had to sit on my board and roll there very slowly.

whats worse than the accident itself is that now if i break into a full speed run, after about 30 seconds its the accident all over again. that ranks right up there with the very first time i had extreme stomach cramps and threw up because the pain was unbearable.

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I went out to get the paper one morning last year, and slipped on some wet leaves. I went down, and heard my ankle snap on the way. I was off work for almost three months after that. The doctor gave me a prescription for Percoset, and like a dummy, I never got it filled!

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I have Diverticulitis.My large intestine has developed tiny pockets that fill up with matter({censored}?)and inflame.
Okay ,now I was scheduled for an -camera- up- tha- ass- procedure.
They filled my guts up with gas,gave me a "powerful" painkiller and some light anesthesia.cool right?
I woke up mid procedure forgot what I was there fore and felt the weirdest most painfull(emotional as well) feeling in my life.It felt like a Snake was in me wirthing and biting my guts ,But in this grogy state I looked and saw a Black guy "working something"behind me,thus the emotional pain.He was my doctor, of course,

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Highsiding my ZRX1100 and landing on a metal guardrail. Even though I had full gear on and didnt break a bone crushing my kidney and spleen into oblivion hurt like f-ing hell! I passed out from pain and internal bleeding within minutes. Minutes away from death.

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My snowmobile accident. Chrismas Day 2000. Broke my back in 4 areas, 5 ribs some were broke 3 times putting a few holes in my lung, shoulder blade. I was riding by myself in rural South Dakota. 2 miles from home, so the most painful thing was getting myself up and get the snowmobile started to ride it home.

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