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Anybody have any experience with Victoria 20112s (or just Victorias)?


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Originally posted by DeathMonkey

I don't know anything about Victorias except to say that I think that they are somewhat overrated

WTF. Victoria's sound glorious. Pretty much the best Tweed clone Ive heard thus far.

Chris, try emailing them directly because obviously none of these {censored}s here can offer anything of relevance. :rolleyes::thu:

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Originally posted by telephant

WTF. Victoria's sound glorious. Pretty much the best Tweed clone Ive heard thus far.

Chris, try emailing them directly because obviously none of these {censored}s here can offer anything of relevance.

If no one knows the answer to his question, what do you expect us to do?

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Originally posted by telephant

WTF. Victoria's sound glorious. Pretty much the best Tweed clone Ive heard thus far.

Chris, try emailing them directly because obviously none of these {censored}s here can offer anything of relevance.

No one here has any {censored}ing class.

Especially MegaDouche.

:mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684


He's bitching about all the off topic {censored} but all he seems to do is follow me around and insult me constantly, make fun of everything about metal and metal fans, and start useless {censored}ing political threads. Then he starts a thread about an amp that not very many people own, or have even played, and he gets pissed. What a {censored}ing joke.

Mega, I've never followed you around. Don't think you're that important to anyone. The only time I have ever even addressed you aside from your replies to me or in my own threads is that one time when you tried to claim Dime was better than Hendrix. You're such a child, and obviously have no life.

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Originally posted by GYBE!

What point, exactly, were you trying to prove? The only thing that I have seen proven in here is that you have a serious hard-on for Mega and that you like to bitch...a lot. You know that HC is a different atmosphere than TGP, and yet you act like it is a surprise that you don`t get responses in regards to a low wattage tweed clone. Then, after acting surprised, you go on to bitch and make like it is some grand revelataion that a significant number of people on this board play heavier music! Are you next going to reveal that the earth is the third planet from trhe sun?

I don`t really understand your grand frustration with HC...Its really like going to CBGBs and being pissed that you aren`t hearing classical baroque. There may be a number of people in the crowd who enjoy classical baroque (i.e., I personally can appreciate a Tweed clone, I think there are some cool tones to be had), but they generally aren`t upset that it is not what they are currently hearing. And if they are, they go somewhere else.

It is a obvious fact, the demographics of this board and TGP are strikingly different. Nobody seems to find this a surprise but you. Like many other people on this board, I also post over at TGP but unlike you, I understand that there are differences. For example, with this thread I would have posted it here and cross posted it over at TGP. Now, I wouldn`t have expected much response here, but I still would have bumped it a few times. You did that, but you also got your panties all in a yeast laden knot in doing so. So I suppose the basic message of what I am trying to get across to you is to chill the {censored} out and stop being such a douche nozzle over something as insignificant as a message board.

You are correct, there should be a little more on topic banter here, but you can`t fault people for not replying to your thread when they have no experience with what you are talking about. This is not a difficult concept, and I believe once you realize this life will get a bit easier for you.



You're missing the whole point. When I post political threads, people go "TALK ABOUT AMPS OMFGWTFBBQ", but when I post about amps no one responds. It's a joke. The point I was making is that people here complain about being off-topic, but all they do is bump those OT threads. Then they ignore on topic threads.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Mega, I've never followed you around. Don't think you're that important to anyone. The only time I have ever even addressed you aside from your replies to me or in my own threads is that one time when you tried to claim Dime was better than Hendrix. You're such a child, and obviously have no life.



I'm done replying to you because you're a {censored}ing immature retard. I don't care about anything you have to say.

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

I'm done replying to you because you're a {censored}ing immature retard. I don't care about anything you have to say.

OMFG Mommy he's mean to me!!! I don't like him so I'll call him immature! Where's my noise gate?! I want to make sure none of that scary harmonic feedback stuff happens to my totally BREWTAL 5150 tone.


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Originally posted by telephant

WTF. Victoria's sound glorious. Pretty much the best Tweed clone Ive heard thus far.

Chris, try emailing them directly because obviously none of these {censored}s here can offer anything of relevance.

The entire sentence is "I don't know anything about Victorias except to say that I think that they are somewhat overrated as far as their competition goes."

I did not say they were overrated sonically, but in comparison - i.e. they are held as the "far and away" Gold Standard when there are amps of equal quality and sound out there. That the distance between Victorias and their competitors is not as far as people put on.

I thought that my inclusion of some of said competitors was very relevant. :confused: :confused:

rememberduane, you started a thread with a very specific question about a boutique amp. I have put my question about whether the GP3 mod can be done to a CL head in a forum FREQUENTED BY THE DESIGNER OF SAID AMP and have gotten no response.

Walk it off. Tons of threads sink like rocks regardless of relevance. If the people that feel like discussing that amp that day are not there, it's going to sink. Don't take it personal.

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I just got a Victoria Regal, tweed w/verb treb. Although they are a bit pricey they are gorgeous and built like a vault. They truly embrace the tweed vibe and Mark Beier is great. He answers e-mail quickly and stands behind the product hes personally signs off on. This amp will not leave my side.

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