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Anybody have any experience with Victoria 20112s (or just Victorias)?


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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Seriously, why don't you post on The Gear Page instead? More people over there are into the kind of amps and music you like.



I do. I love how you have to go to TGP to discuss tone rather than OMFGWTFBBQ BREWTALITY.


I love how you guys bitch, but then I make an amp thread, and boom, it plummets. I guess this really is the forum of the pimple-faced metalhead.

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Seriously, why don't you post on The Gear Page instead? More people over there are into the kind of amps and music you like.



Why not post on a forum that gets more traffic and responses where he is an established member?


Better question, why not post on both?

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Originally posted by rememberduane

I do. I love how you have to go to TGP to discuss tone rather than OMFGWTFBBQ BREWTALITY.

I love how you guys bitch, but then I make an amp thread, and boom, it plummets. I guess this really is the forum of the pimple-faced metalhead.



Well the fact that you're a total douche doesn't help, and also there are more metalheads here than blues guys.

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I dont think hardly anyone here has ever played one or they would have chimed in. Ive never played one and only seen one once and the $$$
for it were Crazy. You Cant be pissed that non owners arent chiming in are you?

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Originally posted by Big Hair

I don't think I have ever seen a Victoria in the UK


I don't know anything about Victorias except to say that I think that they are somewhat overrated as far as their competition goes. I appreciate that they were on the forfront o fthe Vintage craze of the Nineties, but check out Carr and Louis electric, both of whom make more versatile amps for around the same price range (or less). Used Top Hats are also a good alternative.

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Originally posted by DeathMonkey


I don't know anything about Victorias except to say that I think that they are somewhat overrated as far as their competition goes. I appreciate that they were on the forfront o fthe Vintage craze of the Nineties, but check out Carr and Louis electric, both of whom make more versatile amps for around the same price range (or less). Used Top Hats are also a good alternative.

Not if you want tweed tone. :idea: I don't WANT versatility, nor do I want a master volume. I want pure, unadultered, tweed tone. Guitar -> amp with fingers, pickups, and volume/tone controls being my "versatility". I've {censored}ed around with enough amps to know that the more knobs something has, the less I like it. :eek:

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Then check out Louis Electric - he has made signature amps for such tweed snobs as Keith Richard, Duke Robillard, and Danny Gatton.


I heard a couple at NAMM a few years ago, and I was absolutely floored. I have heard Victorias (I did live in Nashville), and while they are certainly great amps, I have just never been that impressed, for the money.

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Originally posted by DeathMonkey

Then check out Louis Electric - he has made signature amps for such tweed snobs as Keith Richard, Duke Robillard, and Danny Gatton.


I heard a couple at NAMM a few years ago, and I was absolutely floored. I have heard Victorias (I did live in Nashville), and while they are certainly great amps, I have just never been that impressed, for the money.

Wow... wow.

These look and SOUND {censored}ing awesome. :eek:

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Originally posted by DeathMonkey

Then check out Louis Electric - he has made signature amps for such tweed snobs as Keith Richard, Duke Robillard, and Danny Gatton.


I heard a couple at NAMM a few years ago, and I was absolutely floored. I have heard Victorias (I did live in Nashville), and while they are certainly great amps, I have just never been that impressed, for the money.

They look beautiful (and give me gas), but I'm looking for a Tweed Deluxe. I have been very impressed with Victoria, specifically the 1x12 champ and Deluxe. I started this thread more to prove a point than anything. I looooove Vicky amps. :thu:

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Seriously, why don't you post on The Gear Page instead? More people over there are into the kind of amps and music you like.

Not really, it's just that the metal players are kids who sit in there rooms and post useless nonsense on forums. Victorias are great amps, much better than that POS 5150 you proudly display in your sig...

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Originally posted by rememberduane

They look beautiful (and give me gas), but I'm looking for a Tweed Deluxe. I have been very impressed with Victoria, specifically the 1x12 champ and Deluxe. I started this thread more to prove a point than anything. I looooove Vicky amps.

What point, exactly, were you trying to prove? The only thing that I have seen proven in here is that you have a serious hard-on for Mega and that you like to bitch...a lot. You know that HC is a different atmosphere than TGP, and yet you act like it is a surprise that you don`t get responses in regards to a low wattage tweed clone. Then, after acting surprised, you go on to bitch and make like it is some grand revelataion that a significant number of people on this board play heavier music! Are you next going to reveal that the earth is the third planet from trhe sun?

I don`t really understand your grand frustration with HC...Its really like going to CBGBs and being pissed that you aren`t hearing classical baroque. There may be a number of people in the crowd who enjoy classical baroque (i.e., I personally can appreciate a Tweed clone, I think there are some cool tones to be had), but they generally aren`t upset that it is not what they are currently hearing. And if they are, they go somewhere else.

It is a obvious fact, the demographics of this board and TGP are strikingly different. Nobody seems to find this a surprise but you. Like many other people on this board, I also post over at TGP but unlike you, I understand that there are differences. For example, with this thread I would have posted it here and cross posted it over at TGP. Now, I wouldn`t have expected much response here, but I still would have bumped it a few times. You did that, but you also got your panties all in a yeast laden knot in doing so. So I suppose the basic message of what I am trying to get across to you is to chill the {censored} out and stop being such a douche nozzle over something as insignificant as a message board.

You are correct, there should be a little more on topic banter here, but you can`t fault people for not replying to your thread when they have no experience with what you are talking about. This is not a difficult concept, and I believe once you realize this life will get a bit easier for you.

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Originally posted by Kelly

Not really, it's just that the metal players are kids who sit in there rooms and post useless nonsense on forums. Victorias are great amps, much better than that POS 5150 you proudly display in your sig...



Different strokes dumbass. A Victoria would not be able to do high gain metal tones, so it's {censored}ing useless to me.

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Originally posted by GYBE!

What point, exactly, were you trying to prove? The only thing that I have seen proven in here is that you have a serious hard-on for Mega and that you like to bitch...a lot. You know that HC is a different atmosphere than TGP, and yet you act like it is a surprise that you don`t get responses in regards to a low wattage tweed clone. Then, after acting surprised, you go on to bitch and make like it is some grand revelataion that a significant number of people on this board play heavier music! Are you next going to reveal that the earth is the third planet from trhe sun?

I don`t really understand your grand frustration with HC...Its really like going to CBGBs and being pissed that you aren`t hearing classical baroque. There may be a number of people in the crowd who enjoy classical baroque (i.e., I personally can appreciate a Tweed clone, I think there are some cool tones to be had), but they generally aren`t upset that it is not what they are currently hearing. And if they are, they go somewhere else.

It is a obvious fact, the demographics of this board and TGP are strikingly different. Nobody seems to find this a surprise but you. Like many other people on this board, I also post over at TGP but unlike you, I understand that there are differences. For example, with this thread I would have posted it here and cross posted it over at TGP. Now, I wouldn`t have expected much response here, but I still would have bumped it a few times. You did that, but you also got your panties all in a yeast laden knot in doing so. So I suppose the basic message of what I am trying to get across to you is to chill the {censored} out and stop being such a douche nozzle over something as insignificant as a message board.

You are correct, there should be a little more on topic banter here, but you can`t fault people for not replying to your thread when they have no experience with what you are talking about. This is not a difficult concept, and I believe once you realize this life will get a bit easier for you.


He's bitching about all the off topic {censored} but all he seems to do is follow me around and insult me constantly, make fun of everything about metal and metal fans, and start useless {censored}ing political threads. Then he starts a thread about an amp that not very many people own, or have even played, and he gets pissed. What a {censored}ing joke. :rolleyes:

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