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Ugh! Why is gear such a black art full of disinformation?


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Originally posted by Shask

Is this the same idiot that says all those stupid things? And plays like a Metal Zone through the clean channel of a Recto or something?



No that was a different idiot.


Says things like "That amp is a good amp, but it's a Marshall, it has feedback problems"


"Yeah stomp boxes just have a better, rawer sound."


"Yeah I have a real distortion amp, the know says "Distortion", yours just says gain, this thing was MADE for distortion"


The thing was some stupid Yamaha POS SS amp that barely had as much gain as the 5150 on clean with teh crunch off and the pre on 5. And I play a 5150, WTF? Dude was an idiot...


ANd he for some godforsaken reason thought Stratovarius, blind Guardian, and Sonata Arctica were "black metal"... I got a laugh out of that.


And I was the only one who knew any better in my whole circle of friends. Just makes you lose faith in humanity sometimes...




This guy that thinks Marshalls are 1000 watts is equally a bit ridiculous, but not as many interesting nuggets.


But I'm SURROUNDED by idiots.


My new bass player has an old POS 5150, and he was like "this is a 5150, but it's an original one, from the 80's"



And I'm like ... dude, 5150s came out in 93 man...

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two things are involved which will make gear and discussions of it constantly filled to the brim with bull{censored}:

money and masculinity.

Z0mG!! my g3ar iz b3tt0r th4n y000rz!! 1 4m so c000000L!!!!!!

that's why you have people saying {censored} like 1000 watt stacks. they think it's cool. same reason why someone would ever buy a 600 watt guitar amp... they think it's cool to say their amp pushes 600 watts. meanwhile, i'll stick with my 50 watt tube amp that is built into an old PA head and looks like ass, but destroys the {censored}ing Fender Metalhead and was probably cheaper.

and as long as one brand can sell their product by saying it's better than another product. they will.

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Originally posted by blargh

Because guitarists are the dumbest people alive. There's no way to quantify good tone unlike hi-fi audio, and guitarists rarely know how their gear works, hence, all the mysticism and tonal voodoo.



Although there are less totally oblivious idiots, the world of high-fi audio (and video) has a lot more snobery. IMO my cables should not cost more than tv, but I've heard things like, "unless you use gold plated Monster cables you're not getting full HD."


Also, I had a very long debate over the course of a week with someone claiming various things about his tokai. First it was, "Fender was originally in Japan, so this is a real strat." Then I told him the company was started by an american named Leo fender. Then he said it was american and that tokai was the original name for fender, which makes it real. I pointed out that the mans name was Leo FENDER again. Finally it was, "this is a 1967 jap strat, and its worth $5,000 even though its not made by fender." There was a computer in the room which I plugged the serial number into which revealed that he was off by a few decades.

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Originally posted by Phishmonkey

Although there are less totally oblivious idiots, the world of high-fi audio (and video) has a lot more snobery. IMO my cables should not cost more than tv, but I've heard things like, "unless you use gold plated Monster cables you're not getting full HD."

Also, I had a very long debate over the course of a week with someone claiming various things about his tokai. First it was, "Fender was originally in Japan, so this is a real strat." Then I told him the company was started by an american named Leo fender. Then he said it was american and that tokai was the original name for fender, which makes it real. I pointed out that the mans name was Leo FENDER again. Finally it was, "this is a 1967 jap strat, and its worth $5,000 even though its not made by fender." There was a computer in the room which I plugged the serial number into which revealed that he was off by a few decades.




LMFAO....yeah i know a dip{censored} like that. Makes big claims that are so fantasy based you can barely contain the laughter. The same guy used to try and pass off signed baseball cards with signatures like Frank Thomas or Ken Griffey Jr. He also tried to pass off one of those replica cards as a Mickey Mantle rookie card that was signed. His grandpa knew him and had him sign it. Well dip{censored}, I guess I didn't see you just sign 3 cards your {censored}ing self with a damn sharpie....haha.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

No that was a different idiot.

Says things like "That amp is a good amp, but it's a Marshall, it has feedback problems"

"Yeah stomp boxes just have a better, rawer sound."

"Yeah I have a real distortion amp, the know says "Distortion", yours just says gain, this thing was MADE for distortion"

The thing was some stupid Yamaha POS SS amp that barely had as much gain as the 5150 on clean with teh crunch off and the pre on 5. And I play a 5150, WTF? Dude was an idiot...

ANd he for some godforsaken reason thought Stratovarius, blind Guardian, and Sonata Arctica were "black metal"... I got a laugh out of that.

And I was the only one who knew any better in my whole circle of friends. Just makes you lose faith in humanity sometimes...

This guy that thinks Marshalls are 1000 watts is equally a bit ridiculous, but not as many interesting nuggets.

But I'm SURROUNDED by idiots.

My new bass player has an old POS 5150, and he was like "this is a 5150, but it's an original one, from the 80's"

And I'm like ... dude, 5150s came out in 93 man...




You're going to live a long, miserable life if you getting this worked up over petty things like this!

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some of my favorite gear related sayings that don't make any sense are:

from a sweat pant wearing wash up, "Do you have a guitar doctor here? I need some more juice." I really don't know what was up with that guy.

"Should i get a Behringer cab to replace my (other completely awful cab." This was of the logic that since it is new than it sounds good.

"I don't want a tube amp since they do not take abuse well. Solid state is so much more reliable." When I stated, "Well do you know how to fix any components in a solid state amp if anything breaks........" the conversation just trailed off.

The common themes:

People calling Indonesian or Chinese made guitars "Jap crap" when in reality Japanese made guitars are typically nice.

Squire and Epiphones are Fenders and Gibsons since they say in small letters by Fender and Gibson

Equating watts to how good the amp sounds

The metal zone brigade trumpeting the trOO black metal tone.

The worst part is people that believe these things then attempt bash your gear in terms of sound, quality, unrealistic wattage rating etc.

DirtyBird, I have found that it is actually best to never talk guitar or guitar tone prety much with any of those people (which is from what I have seen the majority of guitar players). Since often times they want to parade there usually awful gear around while being ignorant about it whilealso being persistent that they are in the know because some dude at GC said so.

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Originally posted by Roccaforte Amps

Originally posted by Doctor

I own a Mexican strat I paid 200.00 for at GC, with the exception of a re-fret so it would play right, its the best sounding strat I ever played.

haha! I love the way you set up and then smoothly transitioned into the re-fret thing.


Whats a little refret on an otherwise kick ass new guitar, especially if it makes it play right?:D :D

Thanks for the smile Doug, I loled.

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Originally posted by therabbit

You're going to live a long, miserable life if you getting this worked up over petty things like this!

You're right, it's more that you can't correct people without everyone getting all uppity and questioning your intelligence/knowledge...

And how do you prove a Marshall isnt 1000 watts if they dont think the company website is accurate? :confused:

my first experience with that nonsense was in high school where pretty much ALL of my musician/gear buddies thought I was some kind of moron for disbeleving that Marshalls were 1000 watts. They thought I was some idiot, and I had only been playing a couple of years at the time. And then people thought I was an idiot for claiming that Sonata Arctica etc are not black metal.

It just frustrates me when you know you're right, and most people know you're right, but everyone around you is so misinformed and ignorant they go around thinking YOU are the idiot.

And at one point I just let it go and I never talk about gear with these people at all. Ever. Or music.

But my friend just brought up the 1000 watts thing the other day and it just made me want to shoot somebody. Jesus christ he and my asshole friends gave me a hard time over that. :mad:

I guess they couldn't get over the fact taht the relative newb to guitar just knows more about the equipment than they do. And so I developed a sort of complex about it and I just refuse to discuss gear with people now. :o

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Its because in general guitarists have little to no education. Sorry to put it bluntly but thats the truth. Most of the people around here do not have college educations. If they did they would be able to quickly understand that 4x25w tubes = 100w...

Oh I forgot to add, when you use a full range tube in a midrage instrument like a guitar amp AND overdrive the {censored} out of them you can easily get into the 250-300w range of actual measured output.

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I have to admit, I have been guilty of doing a van-halenism!

My tone comes from my amps, guitars and fingers! Its just fun to throw some bull{censored} out like "Oh yea, I got some resistors before the output jack on my guitar so it retains more of the high mids" and "Ah yea, all my amps and effects are modded! In fact, so am I: Mylar muscles, terminator style fingers and hands and a steel dick!"

But seriously, I've heard some {censored}. I heard one guy at a gig saying floyds were {censored} because of a big conspiracy with all floyd manufacturers selling you "cheap knives" and that you couldn't by new "knives" to put them somehow on your tremolo for when the knife edges wear out. I laughed so much, I barely had time to kick him in the neck!


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Gotta share this one!

Back in uni, I was using a marshall 6100LM.

A mate of mine was learning guitar and was in awe of how great this marshall sounded... he was right, it did sound great.

Anyway, he wanted something cheap ish, small and good distortion and I was pedalling the small SS practise amp and dirt box.

We made the trip and found an excellent setup of a laney tubefusion and a metalzone. Not cork-sniffer gear, but great anyways.

Then he ends up getting the valve laney... wondering why he can't get the same level of gain and saturation out of it... first shakey head.

Then he becomes an overnight engineer and yanks out all the tubes, think that will make it solid state...

So a whole set of dud power tubes and one broken tube socket repair later, he tried desperately to sell it for higher than the new price, not realising nobody was going to pay for it!

I just left him to it! Typical!

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Rock stars tend to lie a lot in their interviews. Read them as a musician and you can usually tell that they're bored, or taking the piss.

On the other hand, an uneducated reader might take something from a Motley Crue interview as the honest truth. Not a good idea!

If I was in that position, having loads of interviews to deal with, I'd make up all sorts of crap just to laugh at what gets printed...

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