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Where is the Korg Kronos being built? Do I have to fear this location?

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i can't imagine any of the parts being manufactured in japan. if anything, it's assembled in japan.



When I was a wee little boy, many people here in the States thought that stuff made in Japan was crap.


In a few years, everybody realized that stuff made in Japan was solid, reliable, and dependable...more so than stuff made in the USA.


At precisely that moment, stuff from Japan became too expensive, so they started making stuff in China. Many people think that everything made in China is crap.


I dunno. Is it?


Point being, stuff still made in Japan is cool.

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Everyone - Perhaps it is in poor taste to make jokes on this subject, don't you think?

This is a real natural disaster, which killed many people.



Hmm, legit question or troll? You might want to consider that most products you buy aren't tested for radiation levels. So you probably shouldn't buy anything until you get a geiger counter so you can check stuff before you buy it.



Of course, the average citizen may not be able to use / interpret a Geiger counter if they have one.

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You were born into this world with a certain DNA.

How are you doing right now? OK? Planning a family?


If so, maybe you want to have it checked for radiation.

Guitar Center or Sweetwater have trained sales staff who can help.


If you're not planning a family - go for it. What's the harm?

The risk/benefit analysis is pretty clear. You get 9 synth engines!


But to be really safe, you might want to consider some kind of surgery before buying. Health insurance will sometimes cover that. I expect this year, there will be a KORG KRONOS clause written into most major health care plans.


You have your own life. But what about the lives you create & leave behind here on Planet Earth?


Yeah, it's 9 different synth engines. How much are you willing to pay? How much can the world afford? Do you really want to saddle Planet Earth with generations of mutants just for a couple of extra synth engines?

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You were born into this world with a certain DNA.

How are you doing right now? OK? Planning a family?

If so, maybe you want to have it checked for radiation.

Guitar Center or Sweetwater have trained sales staff who can help.

If you're not planning a family - go for it. What's the harm?

The risk/benefit analysis is pretty clear. You get 9 synth engines!

But to be really safe, you might want to consider some kind of surgery before buying. Health insurance will sometimes cover that. I expect this year, there will be a KORG KRONOS clause written into most major health care plans.

You have your own life. But what about the lives you create & leave behind here on Planet Earth?

Yeah, it's 9 different synth engines. How much are you willing to pay? How much can the world afford? Do you really want to saddle Planet Earth with generations of mutants just for a couple of extra synth engines?



This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read.

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If you are really worried about radiation, I suggest you purchase a Geiger-counter. They cost about the same as a cheap synth. I'll warn you though.... if this stuff keeps you up at night, what you discover with the Geiger-counter will send you over the edge.

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Actually they couldn;t get any Yugoslavians so they're using Green Orion Slave Girls instead.


Unless they run out, in which case it'll have to be Chechen pole dancers.


That's kinda HOT!

I think I'm green with envy.:badump:

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Most probably you have no reason to worry about radiation.


Japanese people have suffered a lot yet, I hope they will become in better times soon.


And I hope the japanese girls keep so beautifull too ;) I have a dream to become someday some famous in Japan so I can visit that nice land and play between the mountains have a cup of tea with the monks. Well, I

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there's no single clinical proof those complications are caused by the drywalls. radiation, on the other hand, is known to cause cancer, and there are already laws/controls regarding the import/movement of radioactive materials. those two things are totally unrelated

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Synthbot, I am sorry you lost both of your parents to cancer. I can see why you have a higher than average fear. When you receive your Kronos, set up an appointment with a local school science lab and see if it is emmiting high levels of radiation. Universities do things like this all the time for a nominal fee (if they charge anything at all). Be prepared though. Everything emits a little radiation.

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Honestly, Synthbot, I doubt anyone else here is nearly as concerned about this as you. How do you feel about Roland's gear? What about Toyota? And etc, etc.


And just for an extra level of warm fuzzies, take a Geiger counter to the grocery store and aim it at the bananas.

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Well, I guess japanese citizen are more worried about that.

For sure, people around the world are concerning about people at Japan and their hard fight, but also wandering if this situations may move to another places in the world.


About testing radioactivity, you can try an old method.

Take a non exposed film (Kodak, for example), cover part of it with plumb or just some coins, covering both sides to have a protected area.

Expose the film to the object you want to test for some time then send the film to process.

If there was radioactivity, the movie will become impressed with the coins marks,


(sorry bad english)

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I read somewhere it was being assembled in Russia by Yugoslovian slave girls.



This is true. Myself and evildragon can attest. Also, its made from 100% irradiated parts straight from Fukushima. One day you are just a regular Yugoslavian slave girl, working 23 hours a day, minding your own business and then after several sessions assembling the damn things you wake up as a hairy dude who likes Rush. Korg stole our girlhood and we didnt even get a damn T shirt :(



I miss Nike.

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