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OT: So David Beckham is moving to LA Galaxy - will he make you guys embrace "soccer"?

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Yeah, this is what I meant. Now in Europe there is this whole rivalry, like one club being from this or that part of town, or even politically orientated, anyway, something that people identify themselves with. Probably the same as you say about Yankees in USA... But that has to be built with time and generations.

It's the same way here to a certain degree (not for soccer/football). For some teams there's no rivalry...Baltimore o's vs the san fran giants for example. They play each other one 3-game series every 3 years and they are 3,000 miles apart. Obviously proximity has a lot to do with it too...older teams in the same division HATE each other and you will get a lot of the visiting team's fans in the park. If a team in London is hosting a team from Uzbekestan there won't be many visiting fans and there won't be much of a rivalry until they play each other over and over. Unless, of course, someone takes a cheap shot at your favorite player.:D

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LOL, goalie, WTF? Yeah you're right for calling me up on that man but it was because I was actually thinking about Chilavert whilst I was writing that.
Damn South Americans! Valderrama is the man though. I must admit my brain is already in party mode this avo and it's affecting my communication processes.

What peehoo and thriftyshirt said was spot on.

Chilavert! With his home made goalkeeper shirt, and free kicks. What a legend.

Valderrama had the enormous hair, Colombian captain in the 90s.

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I'd watch soccer if the swedish bikini team played against a team of playboy centerfolds...........and they were all nude. :thu:

But other than that....soccer sucks.

Hold on....let me go check how my fantasy soccer team is doing......NOT !!!

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I'd watch soccer if the swedish bikini team played against a team of playboy centerfolds...........and they were all nude.

But other than that....soccer sucks.

Hold on....let me go check how my fantasy soccer team is doing......NOT !!!

It truly does baffle me how the rest of the world adores FOOTBALL, but the US just doesn't get it.

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It truly does baffle me how the rest of the world adores FOOTBALL, but the US just doesn't get it.



There are people in the US that play soccer.

I pass by park that has a dozen kids soccer games going on at once.

Hundreds of kids playing soccer and dozens of soccer moms and mini vans.

Usually the kids that suck at basketball, baseball and football play soccer. LOL!



For me personally....I'd rather watch an NHL game than soccer. The object of the game is similar to soccer....but the NHL is a faster and more violent and way more entertaining.


The biggest news in soccer that I remember seeing was when that one guy head butted the other guy at the last big tournament. Of course the wuss that got head butted fell to the ground, grabbed his ankle and acted like his foot had just been severed off. Seems like every time they get fouled they fall to the ground and act like their liver just hemorrhage out their eye socket. I cant ever remember seeing any soccer "highlites" on the news. It would only last two seconds when they showed the 1 point total scored hightlite.



Americans arent into soccer so soccer doesnt have Network television contracts and big corporate sponsors.



Womens NCAA and WNBA are bigger than soccer here in the USA.

Womens LPGA Golf is bigger than soccer in the USA.

Yep....we dont like soccer...thats fo shizzle.

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He's gonna be the highest paid team sportsman in the world. $1m per week, a quarter of a billion dollars over the next 5 years.

If he really thinks he's going to help football in the USA become as big as the other 3 huge sports, then he's having a laugh.

IMO, he has made an enormous footballing mistake - the MLS is a joke - but in a business sense, what a deal.



No, hes just gonna piss me the {censored} off even worse.

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lol, basketball more exciting? "Soccer" uncomplex? You sir, are on crack.

Btw, no I didn't see the other thread, sorry.



Basketball is a faced paced sport with final scores in the 100's.


Its infinately more exciting them watching guys kick a ball back and forth across a massive field only to have the other team cut infront of someone and take it away..repeating the same process until someone finally makes a goal.


Soccer is very uncomplex. Maybe the actually plays they draw up are complex but watching it and it as a sport isn't. You kick a ball around and into a net.


Meanwhile a sport like football has 1000 different ways to score. Baseball is not even something you can really compare to soccer because its so different but Its still better then soccer which is boring as heck.

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He's gonna be the highest paid team sportsman in the world. $1m per week, a quarter of a billion dollars over the next 5 years.

If he really thinks he's going to help football in the USA become as big as the other 3 huge sports, then he's having a laugh.

IMO, he has made an enormous footballing mistake - the MLS is a joke - but in a business sense, what a deal.

David who? :confused:

The 3 huge sports, (American) football, wet T-shirt contests, and Mixed Martial Arts and going to be pretty hard to overcome. :o

If they can convince him to chew tobacco and drive in Nascar, he might have a chance with a certain demographic, anyway. :D

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This time next year your daughter/sister/anyone you know 15 and younger will have a David Beckham poster above the bed.

That's not going to help the fact that Football is already perceived as a 'girls game' over here :D

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He's gonna be the highest paid team sportsman in the world. $1m per week, a quarter of a billion dollars over the next 5 years.

If he really thinks he's going to help football in the USA become as big as the other 3 huge sports, then he's having a laugh.

IMO, he has made an enormous footballing mistake - the MLS is a joke - but in a business sense, what a deal.



Supposedly, MLS pulled a similar stunt with Pele a long time ago and it actually worked to radically increase soccer's popularity ... for a few years.

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Supposedly, MLS pulled a similar stunt with Pele a long time ago and it actually worked to radically increase soccer's popularity ... for a few years.

I remember in the late '70s/early '80s when Pele was very popular in the U.S.; my brother had a Pele poster, played soccer, and wanted to be the next Pele. My father even made me play soccer for a couple years around that time (I was a pre-teen), but I wanted to be the next Evel Knievel, Fonzie, or Bruce Lee. ;)

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Basketball is a faced paced sport with final scores in the 100's.

Its infinately more exciting them watching guys kick a ball back and forth across a massive field only to have the other team cut infront of someone and take it away..repeating the same process until someone finally makes a goal.

Soccer is very uncomplex. Maybe the actually plays they draw up are complex but watching it and it as a sport isn't. You kick a ball around and into a net.

Meanwhile a sport like football has 1000 different ways to score. Baseball is not even something you can really compare to soccer because its so different but Its still better then soccer which is boring as heck.

As an American, even I know this guy is {censored}ing retarded. :thu:

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I find it a boring sport to watch, not a very fun game to play either. there are never any really tense moments or exciting plays to keep it interesting. even womans basketball with the lesbian annoucers i can handle before soccer

I used to think corner kicks were cool, but that was about it.

With all that $ he'll be getting, if soccer doesn't blow up big here, maybe he could pull a Fonz like this to make up for it all:

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I love watching football (World Cup, Baclays Premier, etc) but I ony seen a local Whitecaps games twice in the past 20 years...friendly against Brazil and Man U.. I am sure nothing will change in my viewing habits; locally we get Premier Sat morning only.


The people saying it is a boring sport really don't get it....good teams are very exciting to watch; bad teams are boring as all hell.

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Bringing in an almost washed up, never was that good player? What do you think?


It may get some of the hollywood types to some games, but I've only been one Galaxy game and Becks isn't going to be me to another


The MLS is just far far behind any Euro and most South American to ever be as successful.

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