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Delay pedals


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(yes, I know this isn't the effects forum... I trust you guys though. Okay, on with the thread)


I'm looking for a delay pedal, and I think I've found a good one. The Line 6 DL4 looks just about perfect for what I need. It's got good tone, the price is right, and it's also got pretty much the best feature set of any delay pedal I know of. Something is bugging me though...


I've heard the reliability of these pedals ain't exactly all that great. Does anybody here own one? How do you like it and how well has it held up since you've had it?


Also, are there any other delay pedals in a similar price and feature range that can compete with the DL4?

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For me it came down to flexibility. The DL4, IMO, can do just about anything, and if you take the time to get to know the controls for each delay model, you can really taylor it to what your needs and tastes are. of course I need something that i can use on the fly at shows. Reliability wise, mine has been rock solid, but i have heard about the switchs going out. But it seems to be an easy fix.
Hope this helps.

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The volume drop is caused when you hook up the input L then output L. It's got to go input L, output R...sounds funny, I know, but it's how you go without the volume drop.

The reliability is crap on the DL4s. Just read the reviews. Hell, you can have mine if you want, but it crapped out too!

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What are you looking for in a delay? Do you need a bunch of options or are you just gonna stick with one sound. I can only comment on the delays I've owned so here goes.

DL4 - Good pedal, never had a problem with it (alot of Line6 bashing on these forums). Looper is good, sounds are good but not great. Very versatile.

DD-20 - King of digital, built like a frakin tank, sounds good better than the DL4 in many ways, but the analog sim is way better on the DL4. Looper is subpar. Another extremely versatile pedal.

EHX DMM - This is my pedal, as I only really use the one sound, warm and very hard to replicate digitally, only get up to 550ms of delay, but I don't need more than that. Modulate your delay with chorus or tremolo. If you want one great analog delay this is the one.

Echo Park - I prefer this one to the DL4 just found it easier to get what i wanted out of it. Sounds the same as the DL4, but no looper.

I only have kept the DD-20, and trying to get back a DMM (traded it away and regretted it ever since). If you want looping, get a looper pedal, you will be much more content with that. As for delays, go try some out, but I'm sure if you try the DMM you will want it within 30sec. of playing. I would put the DD-20 at the top of the digital list. Here's a hint for ya, if you throw a badmonkey after a digital delay using it as a boost, you can really warm up your delay.

Probably didn't help ya much, but hope you find whatever your after.

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The volume drop is caused when you hook up the input L then output L. It's got to go input L, output R...sounds funny, I know, but it's how you go without the volume drop.

The reliability is crap on the DL4s. Just read the reviews. Hell, you can have mine if you want, but it crapped out too!



I've tried it every way and the volume still drops. The mix knob broke on one of mine after 2 weeks....

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ive had both the Line6 DL4 and Boss DD20.
Had no reliability issues with the DL4 over hte 2 years of heavy use.
i also prefer its layout over the DD20. mushc easier to use with everything layed out. you just have to remember what tweak and tweez does for each delay model.
only reason i traded it for hte DD20 was so that i could run all my pedals off one power adaptor (the Line6 is 12AC draws something like 1200-1400mA)

Soundwise i was happy with both.
The boss unit does have more setup options thou. (eg Pedal signal or line level...something to keep in mind if you have a picky fx loop in your amp) stereo wet/dry

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