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someone NAILING "No woman, no cry" on organ


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Sure that would be great and if I get to Chicago ( my parents lived there) we could look at your Hammond collection! As far as the above video, he has the right idea but his execution is a little weak. I liked his hand placements and he had the right idea about what registration to stay in. You have to work that out sometimes, especially if you have a singer that changes keys. Remember bubbling makes the music sound faster than it

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Bands like Sublime are not even considered Reggae,



i really like The Long Beach Dub All-Stars but quite frankly Sublime and Rancid can go suck a ****.


as you said, the real fans don't really like them but trust me the entitled trustafarians eat that trash up. they shove that shake in their cargo pants along with their hydro weed and their hemp necklaces.

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No but the biggest thing is you have to feel it. Like I said. People get or they don't really. The guy in the video has some good points. It all depends on what people listen to or who taught them. If people would just play the music the way it was supposed to be played it would be fine. The guy in the video was ok, but again I can tell his touch by his execution. If you get good like anything else you will be able to tell what people listened to if you hear them play onstage. That same band I mentioned in my other post needed a keyboard player and decided to audition me. They said they needed a Clav player. I said why? It counts for about 20% of the keyboard parts you need and even then it

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