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OT: Dick Cheney-- a Genius


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Certain stories are simply too big to cover up.

Do some newspaper content analyses or spend some time in newsrooms like I have and tell me you don't pick up on a liberal slant.

Part of the problem here is that the word "liberal" has been so distorted, redefined, and outright MISdefined by the public (and especially by the conservative right) that we must really nail down what we mean by "liberal" before we can evaluate the possible existence of the kind of bias you're talking about.

I'm not blowing smoke, here -- I'm very serious.

I can honestly say to you that I do not see any liberal bias in the media. In fact, in the early years of Dubya's administration, I saw quite a lot of pro-Bush and what I'd call conservative bias.

But let me as you -- what do *you* mean by the word "liberal"? Then we can decide whether or not we want to talk about possible biases. :thu:

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It is so weird to me that you work in the porn industry and yet lean to the right. Nothing wrong with it at all, its just unexpected.

"That's the hand to use ... well, nevermind."

--Paul Simon, "A Simple Desultory Philipic, or How I Was Robert McNamara'd Into Submission"

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Now you know why those of us with conservative leanings react the same way to quotes and clips of Gore, Kerry et al advocating the removal of Saddam Hussein because of WMDs.

They're all the same. The sooner we quit bickering among ourselves and send all these monther{censored}ers to the bottom of the Potomac, the better off we'll all be.

There are NO honest politicians or inspiring leaders anymore. This failure is on us, the voting public.





rock on Playboy:thu:



yep, the conservative AM radio boys got clip after clip of all the favorite Dems that were in favor of invading Iraq.



Divide and Concour is the name of the game, politicians are parasites plain and simple. let the people fight amoungst themselves while they line thier pockets.


basically by voting, we're just picking what we percieve as the lesser of 2 evils, or maybe hoping for a reach around while the goverment's ass raping us.

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PS - CNN + MSNBC ran this over and over yesterday but i have NEVER seen the democrats "called" on there mistakes/double talk by the mainstream media. Not 2 big a surprise though

PSS - Cheney is a evil genuis type jackass


I think a part of hte issue is your comparing Dems at a time when Suddam was not letting in the inspectors to see the nukes we thought they may have and strong words of threat to do something about it (and we did bomb Baghdad, but people were too caught up in Monicagate to remember that) versus a Republican leadership that went in, on the grow, full force, guns blazing, while we were already engaged in a war elsewhere in the region for different motivations.

I don't think the Dems are any better than Republicans on the whole, but I also don't think that the two things are as easily compared as say, not attacking Baghdad with a ground force after Desert Storm versus attacking Baghdad with a ground force now.

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Do some newspaper content analyses or spend some time in newsrooms like I have and tell me you don't pick up on a liberal slant.



So long as the media are controlled by large, national and multinational corporations, there will never be a 'Liberal slant' in the media.

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Part of the problem here is that the word "liberal" has been so distorted, redefined, and outright MISdefined by the public (and especially by the conservative right) that we must really nail down what we mean by "liberal" before we can evaluate the possible existence of the kind of bias you're talking about.

I'm not blowing smoke, here -- I'm very serious.

I can honestly say to you that I do not see any liberal bias in the media. In fact, in the early years of Dubya's administration, I saw quite a lot of pro-Bush and what I'd call conservative bias.





dead on

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Part of the problem here is that the word "liberal" has been so distorted, redefined, and outright MISdefined by the public (and especially by the conservative right) that we must really nail down what we mean by "liberal" before we can evaluate the possible existence of the kind of bias you're talking about.

I'm not blowing smoke, here -- I'm very serious.

I can honestly say to you that I do not see any liberal bias in the media. In fact, in the early years of Dubya's administration, I saw quite a lot of pro-Bush and what I'd call conservative bias.

But let me as you -- what do *you* mean by the word "liberal"? Then we can decide whether or not we want to talk about possible biases.


Exactly. Except I'd have to say you're just as far off on "conservative" -- don't confuse that term with neoconservatism.


In any case, the fact is that the news media, even those controlled by evil empires, are controlled by no bias other than "big business" and "big ratings". I think people are just more attuned to the things that irk them and blame it on the other side.


Oh, and how are you Chris? Long time no talk.




By the way, I sent this video to Jason, and I find it hilarious that 17 Tubes comes in here and goes "BUT TEH OTHER SIDE, THEY DO IT TOOO". Yeah.. all politicians lie, and they're all pieces of {censored} for it, but if you can show me where a democrat sent us to war specifically to line his and his company's pockets, I'll suck your dick.


I'll take blundering idiocy over calculated evil any day, but the fact is that we as an electorate are just bending over and taking it from both sides. We're so busy arguing among ourselves like fools that we don't realize that both sides are the same and just give the illusion of change. Your rights are being taken away, your children are being brainwashed and you're paying them for it, all the while asking for more.

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Regarding my above post, I'll tell you right now it's divide and conquer. It's not about left and right, it's about up and down. It's about fighting for and maintaining power and money. Those with power find ways to perpetuate that power. It's only when they get too greedy and slip up that anyone notices.


The fact is that there are failsafes for that too. Notice how a few tried to infer it as a partisan issue and said "yeah but the other side does it too". And "libs this" and "cons that". You are being owned.


The sheer delusion of most people would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying. Look at the downward plunge of public schools. Look at the standards drop. The average person in the US now has some college education. But the fact is that the average person with a university degree knows less now compared to the information available than they ever have.


Ignorance perpetuates the game of power. If you question it, you are defamed and your character is attacked. Not just by the lock-step, but by those who THINK they're above it. Look at the knee-jerk reactions by some any time someone criticizes that which deserves to be criticized in the government. Look at the anger and refusal when someone cites how pathetic our education, healthcare, and industrial sector economy is.


Mass media has completely saturated our lives, and most people actually believe it. We're constantly bombarded with great information, but the saturation of pop-culture and mass media makes it nearly impossible to detect. The majority of people beyond education are happy not to read anything more than the newspaper, for work, and he occasional magazine.


The race for control is on. People are going to be begging for implanted microchips soon, for "safety". Those in power will never force anything on the people, the ignorant and manipulated masses will ask for it. Look at the war on terror. They created an illusion of a threat in Iraq and moved into a quagmire that's now paying for Cheney's pleasure. Our government gives no bid contracts to his company, the same company that sold the nuclear infrastructure through an offshore subsidiary that we're about to use as the excuse to go to war with Iran.


At this point in time the fourth amendment is suspended for wiretapping. But if they can do this and people accept it and even advocate it, then what's next? Right now AMERICANS can be held by the American government without regard to habeus corpus. You don't get a phone call, you don't get charged, you don't get a lawyer, you just disappear. For what? Suspected terrorist activity. Doesn't anybody remember the Apartheid regime and their use of the word "terrorist"?


So do what you want. Bicker about left, right, republican, democrat, whatever. I know that I, for one, am not going to let arbitrary illusions of choice dictate my opinions. I know for damn sure we shouldn't be fighting for one side or the other but against them all. I can tell you this -- I know for damn sure that if I can't get my next US passport without an RFID, I'm revoking my citizenship.


Please, just go read a book. Read a bunch. Do something physical and empower yourself. We feel powerless to change anything, so we become apathetic and trudge on. Quit it. Do something to make a difference and see how easy it really is. Question things, and most of all protect your rights.


Now where's my tinfoil hat?

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Regarding my above post, I'll tell you right now it's divide and conquer. It's not about left and right, it's about up and down. It's about fighting for and maintaining power and money. Those with power find ways to perpetuate that power. It's only when they get too greedy and slip up that anyone notices.

The fact is that there are failsafes for that too. Notice how a few tried to infer it as a partisan issue and said "yeah but the other side does it too". And "libs this" and "cons that". You are being owned.

The sheer delusion of most people would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying. Look at the downward plunge of public schools. Look at the standards drop. The average person in the US now has some college education. But the fact is that the average person with a university degree knows less now compared to the information available than they ever have.

Ignorance perpetuates the game of power. If you question it, you are defamed and your character is attacked. Not just by the lock-step, but by those who THINK they're above it. Look at the knee-jerk reactions by some any time someone criticizes that which deserves to be criticized in the government. Look at the anger and refusal when someone cites how pathetic our education, healthcare, and industrial sector economy is.

Mass media has completely saturated our lives, and most people actually believe it. We're constantly bombarded with great information, but the saturation of pop-culture and mass media makes it nearly impossible to detect. The majority of people beyond education are happy not to read anything more than the newspaper, for work, and he occasional magazine.

The race for control is on. People are going to be begging for implanted microchips soon, for "safety". Those in power will never force anything on the people, the ignorant and manipulated masses will ask for it. Look at the war on terror. They created an illusion of a threat in Iraq and moved into a quagmire that's now paying for Cheney's pleasure. Our government gives no bid contracts to his company, the same company that sold the nuclear infrastructure through an offshore subsidiary that we're about to use as the excuse to go to war with Iran.

At this point in time the fourth amendment is suspended for wiretapping. But if they can do this and people accept it and even advocate it, then what's next? Right now AMERICANS can be held by the American government without regard to habeus corpus. You don't get a phone call, you don't get charged, you don't get a lawyer, you just disappear. For what? Suspected terrorist activity. Doesn't anybody remember the Apartheid regime and their use of the word "terrorist"?

So do what you want. Bicker about left, right, republican, democrat, whatever. I know that I, for one, am not going to let arbitrary illusions of choice dictate my opinions. I know for damn sure we shouldn't be fighting for one side or the other but against them all. I can tell you this -- I know for damn sure that if I can't get my next US passport without an RFID, I'm revoking my citizenship.

Please, just go read a book. Read a bunch. Do something physical and empower yourself. We feel powerless to change anything, so we become apathetic and trudge on. Quit it. Do something to make a difference and see how easy it really is. Question things, and most of all protect your rights.

Now where's my tinfoil hat?




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Hi, Chris. Doing well. I got married in May!
So far, so good.
How 'bout yourself?

Congrats man! Glad to hear things are going so well. I hope you had a great wedding and honeymoon, and I wish you all the best. :thu:

Things are going well for me too -- I'm healthy again and I'm sitting my exams now. Trying to get back in shape and all. The festival's on here in Edinburgh, so I'm a happy guy.

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Congrats man! Glad to hear things are going so well. I hope you had a great wedding and honeymoon, and I wish you all the best.

Things are going well for me too -- I'm healthy again and I'm sitting my exams now. Trying to get back in shape and all. The festival's on here in Edinburgh, so I'm a happy guy.

Thanks. Mojo sent for your exams! :p

Festival? I'm trying to picture what a South American "Carnivale" would look like, Scot-style..... :freak::lol:

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Thanks. Mojo sent for your exams!

Festival? I'm trying to picture what a South American "Carnivale" would look like, Scot-style.....

Haha! :D

No, it's the biggest performing arts festival in the world, along with a jazz/blues festival, the largest non-competitive film festival in the world, and a few other things. Look up the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. :thu:

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