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OT: Dick Cheney-- a Genius


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Cheney is the man. Name one other politician in DC that's been heard telling a senator to 'go {censored} himself' with an open mic around. He's definitely got some stones, most others don't.



yeah, dooooood. he's a {censored}ing badass!!


so you respect him for shamless power-grabbing, pissing all over the constitution and the utter disregard for human life?


you must have REALLY loved Hitler and Stalin.



i hope you're no older than 13. otherwise you're the worst kind of American.

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Regarding my above post, I'll tell you right now it's divide and conquer. It's not about left and right, it's about up and down. It's about fighting for and maintaining power and money. Those with power find ways to perpetuate that power. It's only when they get too greedy and slip up that anyone notices.

The fact is that there are failsafes for that too. Notice how a few tried to infer it as a partisan issue and said "yeah but the other side does it too". And "libs this" and "cons that". You are being owned.

The sheer delusion of most people would be hilarious if it wasn't terrifying. Look at the downward plunge of public schools. Look at the standards drop. The average person in the US now has some college education. But the fact is that the average person with a university degree knows less now compared to the information available than they ever have.

Ignorance perpetuates the game of power. If you question it, you are defamed and your character is attacked. Not just by the lock-step, but by those who THINK they're above it. Look at the knee-jerk reactions by some any time someone criticizes that which deserves to be criticized in the government. Look at the anger and refusal when someone cites how pathetic our education, healthcare, and industrial sector economy is.

Mass media has completely saturated our lives, and most people actually believe it. We're constantly bombarded with great information, but the saturation of pop-culture and mass media makes it nearly impossible to detect. The majority of people beyond education are happy not to read anything more than the newspaper, for work, and he occasional magazine.

The race for control is on. People are going to be begging for implanted microchips soon, for "safety". Those in power will never force anything on the people, the ignorant and manipulated masses will ask for it. Look at the war on terror. They created an illusion of a threat in Iraq and moved into a quagmire that's now paying for Cheney's pleasure. Our government gives no bid contracts to his company, the same company that sold the nuclear infrastructure through an offshore subsidiary that we're about to use as the excuse to go to war with Iran.

At this point in time the fourth amendment is suspended for wiretapping. But if they can do this and people accept it and even advocate it, then what's next? Right now AMERICANS can be held by the American government without regard to habeus corpus. You don't get a phone call, you don't get charged, you don't get a lawyer, you just disappear. For what? Suspected terrorist activity. Doesn't anybody remember the Apartheid regime and their use of the word "terrorist"?

So do what you want. Bicker about left, right, republican, democrat, whatever. I know that I, for one, am not going to let arbitrary illusions of choice dictate my opinions. I know for damn sure we shouldn't be fighting for one side or the other but against them all. I can tell you this -- I know for damn sure that if I can't get my next US passport without an RFID, I'm revoking my citizenship.

Please, just go read a book. Read a bunch. Do something physical and empower yourself. We feel powerless to change anything, so we become apathetic and trudge on. Quit it. Do something to make a difference and see how easy it really is. Question things, and most of all protect your rights.

Now where's my tinfoil hat?



Well Said.


People should do a youtube search on "north america union"

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Actually, it really isn't surprising. When the Dems were in charge, there were lots of snafus, but nothing to compare to the current galactically botched conquest of Iraq.

That said, I'm not going to argue that "democrats are good" (actually I never argued that, to be honest). I will, one more time, point out that anyone who thinks the media are biased by ANYTHING other than ratings is too foolish for conversation (case in point: if the media are "liberally" biased, why did the Lewinsky scandal overwhelming prime time viewing hours for a couple YEARS? Certainly, a liberal press would have done all it its power to hush that up.

The more important point is the generic corruption that all these examples are mere symptoms of...

When the Democrats are in charge, there are a few small scandals, some sexual pecadillos, and a couple of their idiot relatives get too much face time on the national TV outlets. When the Republicans are in charge, they just back their trucks up to the Treasury and haul away the peoples money as fast as they can - all the while blaming social programs and the poor people for taking the missing money.

You can't be a true conservative and run up ridiculous amounts of debt!:idea:

Still, Reagan ran up a $5-6 trillion deficit, "W" will top $9 trillion .:eek:

The way the Republicans work is that once the money starts to flow into their personal and corporate interests (How much did KRB and Haliburton make from Iraq???:confused:), they start what I call the "politics of misdirection." That is they start up some unsolvable moral debate like school prayer, abortion rights, same-sex marriage, family values....yada yada yada. All of which are designed to divert people's attention and stop them from asking the central question which is, "Dude, what did you do with all of that money."

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When the Democrats are in charge, there are a few small scandals, some sexual pecadillos, and a couple of their idiot relatives get too much face time on the national TV outlets. When the Republicans are in charge, they just back their trucks up to the Treasury and haul away the peoples money as fast as they can - all the while blaming social programs and the poor people for taking the missing money.

You can't be a true conservative and run up ridiculous amounts of debt!

Still, Reagan ran up a $5-6 trillion deficit, "W" will top $9 trillion .

The way the Republicans work is that once the money starts to flow into their personal and corporate interests (How much did KRB and Haliburton make from Iraq???
), they start what I call the "politics of misdirection." That is they start up some unsolvable moral debate like school prayer, abortion rights, same-sex marriage, family values....yada yada yada. All of which are designed to divert people's attention and stop them from asking the central question which is, "Dude, what did you do with all of that money."

TROOPH! :idea:

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I hate to educate/enlighten people but i have to do it!

You DONT take the deficit number as a whole, you take it as a % of the GDP! Its roughly in the 3% range of GDP which is roughly the ave of the past 80 years! The deficit projection number has been cut in half the past 2-3 years due to a increase in govt revenues! -- Now has GW/Reps spent to much $$? Could he reject a damn spending bill? HELL YEA on both accounts but lets be honest and look at the WHOLE PICTURE and measure it in historic terms.. PSssst something the media WONT EVER inform us about! :freak:

BTW the Reps took over congress in 1994 (1st time in 50 years) do they get ANY credit for econimic boom or is it just blame 24/7? :blah:

Just keeping the conversation honest peeps! :thu:


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I hate to educate/enlighten people but i have to do it!

You DONT take the deficit number as a whole, you take it as a % of the GDP! Its roughly in the 3% range of GDP which is roughly the ave of the past 80 years! The deficit projection number has been cut in half the past 2-3 years due to a increase in govt revenues! -- Now has GW/Reps spent to much $$? Could he reject a damn spending bill? HELL YEA on both accounts but lets be honest and look at the WHOLE PICTURE and measure it in historic terms.. PSssst something the media WONT EVER inform us about!

BTW the Reps took over congress in 1994 (1st time in 50 years) do they get ANY credit for econimic boom or is it just blame 24/7?

Just keeping the conversation honest peeps!


When Reagan took office, we were the biggest creditor nation on the planet; when he left, we were the biggest debtor. Dubya followed his lead -- to the letter.

Y'all do that Maph! :idea:

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When Reagan took office, we were the biggest creditor nation on the planet; when he left, we were the biggest debtor. Dubya followed his lead -- to the letter.

Y'all do that Maph!

Perhaps you forget that Jimmy Carter guy and his economy :freak:

you know, double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, gas line rationing, etc, etc --- Probably a good reason why he lost as incumbant 44-6. Should we have stayed on that economic TITANTIC? :freak:

Again Bush/Reps have spent 2 much $$, i AGREE!! but if you look at the big picture the deficit is ALOT less than originally projected!

Just keeping things in context!


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Perhaps you forget that Jimmy Carter guy and his economy

you know, double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, gas line rationing, etc, etc --- Probably a good reason why he lost as incumbant 44-6. Should we have stayed on that economic TITANTIC?

Again Bush/Reps have spent 2 much $$, i AGREE!! but if you look at the big picture the deficit is ALOT less than originally projected!

Just keeping things in context!


Um, when Clinton left office, there was a projected SURPLUS. ***Any*** deficit is therefore ALOT[sic] ***GREATER*** than projected. :thu:

But I gotta give you props for saying the Reagan/Bushes spent too much. Because if you're going to blame Carter, then you damn sure have to blame Reagan & both Bushes (not to mention giving credit to Clinton)... ;)

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***GREATER*** than projected.

But I gotta give you props for saying the Reagan/Bushes spent too much. Because if you're going to blame Carter, then you damn sure have to blame Reagan & both Bushes (not to mention giving credit to Clinton)...

I usually try to have a good/honest discussion, ill criticize ANYONE when its deserved imo, im dont think im a partison type, yea "i lean right" but i agree with the left on alot of issues also..

Sadly some people think that only one party has ALL the solutions/answers to the countries and worlds problems..:eek:


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I usually try to have a good/honest discussion, ill criticize ANYONE when its deserved imo, im dont think im a partison type, yea "i lean right" but i agree with the left on alot of issues also..

Sadly some people think that only one party has ALL the solutions/answers to the countries and worlds problems..


For the record, I hope you're not lumping me in that last category ... I'm so furious at the Dems these days I can't see straight ... :mad:

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Please, just go read a book. Read a bunch. Do something physical and empower yourself.



I'd be impressed, if you (or anyone) could name a book, or any published material, that was pure information, and not serving someone's agenda.

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I'd be impressed, if you (or anyone) could name a book, or any published material, that was pure information, and not serving someone's agenda.



You do realize that the whole, "bunch" part is there because reading just one book will only get you biased {censored}.


You also do realize that academia strives for objectivity knowing it's impossible and that's why there are frequently response papers/books/arguments put forth by the academic community to counteract any written materials. Often this happens from a position of respect since most academics provide at least a certain, minimal level of proof and well thought-out argumentation before publishing work and, therefore, while there are often differences of opinions/interpretation/conclusions/data, etc, typically all the conclusions presented are just as ambiguously closely related to the truth as any other.


Regardless, none of the bias that can be found in any type of media (including books) can be ignored, but they're also no excuse for simply not reading/watching/listening/learning anyway. It just so happens that the easy form of media to identify credentials and validity is print media right now.

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I hate to educate/enlighten people but i have to do it!

You DONT take the deficit number as a whole, you take it as a % of the GDP! Its roughly in the 3% range of GDP which is roughly the ave of the past 80 years! The deficit projection number has been cut in half the past 2-3 years due to a increase in govt revenues! -- Now has GW/Reps spent to much $$? Could he reject a damn spending bill? HELL YEA on both accounts but lets be honest and look at the WHOLE PICTURE and measure it in historic terms.. PSssst something the media WONT EVER inform us about!

BTW the Reps took over congress in 1994 (1st time in 50 years) do they get ANY credit for econimic boom or is it just blame 24/7?

Just keeping the conversation honest peeps!


Ah!!! The old "percent of the GDP argument!"

Thanks for the clarification. I never took an economics class. My problem is that I took too much science and I have been schooled in the whole "conservation of energy" thing. So while I lack your advanced knowledge of world economics, I have to resort to my feelings. Here is what I feel:

I feel that the government, largely under the control of the Republicans in the executive branch, have enriched themselves and their at the expense of the national debt and then given themselves huge tax breaks. By lowering the rates in the highest brackets, they have essentially enriched themselves on the borrowed money and foisted the debt off on the lower income sectors of the population. The amazing thing is that many Americans gladly let them do this because they believe that they some day will also be super rich.
Oh, by the way, the Democrats are pretty much useless, because they have typically let the Republicans do whatever they wanted. They are indisputably stupid. I just don't think they are as evil.

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You do realize that the whole, "bunch" part is there because reading just one book will only get you biased {censored}.

You also do realize that academia strives for objectivity knowing it's impossible and that's why there are frequently response papers/books/arguments put forth by the academic community to counteract any written materials. Often this happens from a position of respect since most academics provide at least a certain, minimal level of proof and well thought-out argumentation before publishing work and, therefore, while there are often differences of opinions/interpretation/conclusions/data, etc, typically all the conclusions presented are just as ambiguously closely related to the truth as any other.

Regardless, none of the bias that can be found in any type of media (including books) can be ignored, but they're also no excuse for simply not reading/watching/listening/learning anyway. It just so happens that the easy form of media to identify credentials and validity is print media right now.



Quoted for truth.

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