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OT: Guys I need your help regarding ADD and ADHD


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As someone who suffers from adult ADD (don't use meds, but am really thinking about it once I start grad school), it is more than just "being bored" - it's being forgetful because your mind goes in 8 directions at once, it's the inability to finish what you start, it's the inability to start in the first place. I used to simply write it off as being such a perfectionist that I didn't want to finish what wouldn't be perfect, but after having been screened for ADD, they told me that that was a byproduct of it.



im that way at times but its called being an adult and having too much on your plate at the same time. i call it being scatterbrained. and yes i am a perfectionist too. why do something if you aren't going to do it right and give it your all? but that is the way we work. there are plenty of people that will just half ass it and go on.

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im that way at times but its called being an adult and having too much on your plate at the same time. i call it being scatterbrained. and yes i am a perfectionist too. why do something if you aren't going to do it right and give it your all? but that is the way we work. there are plenty of people that will just half ass it and go on.



There's a difference between having a lot going on and not being able to focus on anything to get it done.


ADD is a legitimate medical condition, and they have shown that in studies. It is definitely overdiagnosed IMO, but there are times when people need meds to function as a truly productive member of society.

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Exercise helps me. I found that Ritalin hampered my musical creativeness. I couldnt "hear" the songs in my head anymore. Anyone else on ADD meds notice this?

Also In college A voice recorder helps tons! Bring it to class..record..then play it back in 10-20 minute intervals.


Last thing I can recommend is find your sweet for sleep. How many hours and stick too it. ADD+Sleepy = 0 attention span.

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Last thing I can recommend is find your sweet for sleep. How many hours and stick too it. ADD+Sleepy = 0 attention span.



I've actually found that sleeping less is the key for me. My GF needs 8 hours or she's exhausted the next day. I need 6 1/2 - 7 hours, or I'm too groggy to function before noon.

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Actually my wife has AADD and refuses to take medication for it and i have tried everything and anything i can think of to help her learn to focus on the menial tasks that she has trouble completing and nothing seems to work. In the mean time we BOTH suffer. Its very frustrating for both of us.

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I have ADD, and was diagnosed as a teenager. I was put on Ritalin and quit taking it in college. Believe if or not, a few years ago I went on Atkins to lose some weight and cut out all the simple carbs and sugar in my diet, and for the first time in my life my head was clear and I could focus. It was like a miracle.

Now, I eat mostly lean meat, complex carbs and fiber, and just steer clear of anything that contains high fructose corn syrup or excessive amounts of sugar, and my head stays clear. Any wheat product I eat, whether it's bread or pasta, has to be whole grain, otherwise my blood sugar spikes and my head quits working. I'd seriously advise a low carb diet and see if it doesn't help your concentration. It was night and day for me. BTW, low sugar diets used to be what they advised for hyper kids before the drug companies started pushing Ritalin and Adderall. My nephew was a hellion if he had any sugar at all as a kid, but was fine while he was on the low sugar diet.



Man, no one said anything about the low sugar/carb thing, but everyone wants this guy in pills or to stay the hell away from them. I was serious though, a low carb diet did more for my ADD than any of the drugs I was prescribed as a kid. Oh, and doctors in the UK just released a study documenting certain food additives as causing hyperactivity in children.

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I dont feel as creative on the Ritalin, but at the same time my practice is much more structured. In the past I would practice scales about 15 minutes then just wank for 3 hours making weedly weedly noises.

Now I can actually practice scales and whatnot and stay focused. Im happy for that at least.

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Actually my wife has AADD and refuses to take medication for it and i have tried everything and anything i can think of to help her learn to focus on the menial tasks that she has trouble completing and nothing seems to work. In the mean time we BOTH suffer. Its very frustrating for both of us.




Is that your wife in the avatar?

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im that way at times but its called being an adult and having too much on your plate at the same time. i call it being scatterbrained. and yes i am a perfectionist too. why do something if you aren't going to do it right and give it your all? but that is the way we work. there are plenty of people that will just half ass it and go on.


Dude....I love you!

There are some people at work who call me...ME! a perfctionist or nitpicker. HAH! They don't know the meaning of it and I am FAR from a nitpciker.

What I DO is take my job fairly serious. I am there to work...not gossip or stand around. I have actually been cursed for doing my job and LOOSELY following procedures.

I suffer from everything everyone has mentioned here. It's mostly my fault. Laziness...scatter brain. LAck ofr focus...I got it all.

But I'm not taking any pharm meds. I'm gonna do the best I can. I'm going to be human.

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Anyone that honestly believes that ADD/ADHD isn't real, are just people that refuse to believe that there could be something wrong with them that they can't fix themselves. Many people I know CLEARLY suffer from ADD/ADHD but refuse to admit to it, simply for the fact that they dont want to be dependent on a drug to help them. I've been diagnosed for 14 years with ADD. There is still a difference between ADD/ADHD, even tho many people will say there is not. But I sit here as a living example of ADD. I've been through every phase of the disorder. I've been on meds, and off of meds. I've had side effects of both. And to be completely frank, the side effects on the meds are the easiest to deal with. ADD/ADHD is not a form of weakness(even though nobody said it was) All in all bro if you truly believe there is a possibility that you have it, just make a phone call and go see a doctor. You'll thank yourself in the long run no matter what the outcome

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Anyone that honestly believes that ADD/ADHD isn't real, are just people that refuse to believe that there could be something wrong with them that they can't fix themselves. Many people I know CLEARLY suffer from ADD/ADHD but refuse to admit to it, simply for the fact that they dont want to be dependent on a drug to help them. I've been diagnosed for 14 years with ADD. There is still a difference between ADD/ADHD, even tho many people will say there is not. But I sit here as a living example of ADD. I've been through every phase of the disorder. I've been on meds, and off of meds. I've had side effects of both. And to be completely frank, the side effects on the meds are the easiest to deal with. ADD/ADHD is not a form of weakness(even though nobody said it was) All in all bro if you truly believe there is a possibility that you have it, just make a phone call and go see a doctor. You'll thank yourself in the long run no matter what the outcome

Well put bro!:thu:

And you're absolutely right, there is a clear difference between ADD and ADHD but the lazy medical community wants to lump them all together to make it easy for "them".
Pretty soon it all disorders will be lumped together and called ADHDOCDMSMDXYZ:mad:

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Saying that ADD or ADHD doesn't exist is just like saying that bipolar disorder or schizophrenia doesn't exist. ADD/ADHD may be overdiagnosed, it may be getting more common, etc, but it is definitely a legitimate psychological disorder, and should be treated as such. People who write it off as being laziness/perfectionism/scatterbrained really don't understand the depth of it.

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Saying that ADD or ADHD doesn't exist is just like saying that bipolar disorder or schizophrenia doesn't exist. ADD/ADHD may be overdiagnosed, it may be getting more common, etc, but it is definitely a legitimate psychological disorder, and should be treated as such. People who write it off as being laziness/perfectionism/scatterbrained really don't understand the depth of it.

:thu: You sir get the point.

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