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Overdriven- Calling you out (Mark content)


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Don't know of many bands I like that use Mark series amps, but I'm sure there's no good reason for that. Haven't had to the chance to try one of this amps out myself, they're too damn expensive here in Europe:(

I'm pretty sure Rob Crow from Pinback used to record and play live with somekind of Mark head though. Probably MarkI or II.

Sorry for interupting, continue the flame war.

PS, this thread blows:wave:

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Have you heard Gibson5413's clips? They sound incredible! Listen to this one for example:


You can see the rest here:


Check out all 3 pages. And here is one other clip of mine doing some Killswitch:


If you listen to those and don't dig em, then I guess the Mark IV just isn't your kind of amp. Let me know what you think of the clips though.

The lead sounds mighty fine but I just don't feel the high gain rhythm but the lead channel does sound good, very good. Who knows, I might like it in person.

You never replied in the other thread so I had to make a new one to get your attention. :cop:

Cheers. :thu:

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You should mean amp's as there are a lot of the mark series variation's...

I've heard plenty of good recorded/live tones of mark series amp's...

I don't think metallica have used them since the 90's though Jamez is now a fan of diezils and kirks using somewhat randalls and his old marshalls...

I havent heard of half of those bands though....

And the jcm 800 is not considered a high gain amp The high gain tones they could get were from being boosted with pedals and hi output pickups...

What a thread!!!

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Hey, I gig with 5 different bands, that means 5 more bands who use a Mark IV :idea:


I just love when sharing the stage with another band, when I do my sound check, and all these other guys with their Dual Recto/TSL/5150 have no clue what my amp is, and then I do a simple E5 power chord and their jaw drop and I have the biggest smile on my face :thu:


I have yet to share the stage with someone who can make me feel bad about my amp choice.

Well actually, the one guitarist who sometimes make me feel bad is the other guy in my band, using a DSL50 and a greenback loaded 4X12. His tone is just so rich! But it's not the same kind of tone... it's more AC/DC-ish.

And it's my old amp, I showed him how to tweak it and I retubed it and biased it myself :wave:

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